What kind of "junk" have you had lately....



  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Let's see....frozen yogurt, sugar cookies (gluten free so they don't count...ha,ha), pecan turtles, a hoagie, a guacamole burger and french fries, half a piece of cheesecake and blueberry muffins.

    Oh...and sugar free chocolate covered pretzels. They are my guilty pleasure.
  • Keebler1976
    Keebler1976 Posts: 70 Member
    A small Mc Donald's Strawberry-Banana Smoothie... but I did have it after running 5K that's how I justify it O_o
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    hmmm lemme pull my diary up for the past week. oh boy...

    today's been good, the junkiest food i had was fire roasted tomato & olive oil triscuits
    yesterday - 100 cal pack of lorna doone cookies, 3 samoas and processed american cheese slice
    thursday - bean burrito from taco bell, baja blast soda and potato chips
    wednesday - birthday cake and mayo and processed cheese slice on a sammich
    tuesday - birthday cake, mayo and processed cheese slice on a sammich
    monday - small bag of cheetos, macaroni salad, samoas and ice cream
    sunday - rosemary and olive oil triscuits, sprite and melon liqeuer and butter popcorn
    satruday - veggie lovers from pizza hut (2 slices)

    bad bad foods
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    none today but last night i ate 2 hot dogs and 3 or 4 jumbo marshmallows (roasted over an open fire) and a hand ful of cheesey poofs. Seemed like a good idea at the time but then i felt gross all night long LOL
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I bought a multi pack of Curly Wurly choc bars... 5 in a pack @115 cals each... They were all gone in 2 days.
    You are so lucky!!! They are hard to find in Canada:)
  • chelsi323
    chelsi323 Posts: 4 Member
    ive been sick all week so i havent been able to workout and ive been turning to comfort foods like ice cream and waffles... ugh so fat :(
  • vickidiane13
    vickidiane13 Posts: 22 Member
    I just ate puffed Cheetos, exactly 13. I realize one serving isn't so bad, however it is bad that I justify it by skipping lunch to make it easily fit into my calorie goals today.
  • Snapper1985
    Snapper1985 Posts: 124 Member
    Had a medium order of fries from McD's yesterday. Probably the worst thing in a while. Greasy and totally not filling.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Had oatmeal raisin and M & M cookies with ice cream and will have a few beers later. Did 5 hours of landscaping aroung the house today so I burned it all off:drinker:
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I haven't eaten it yet, but my husband, son, and I are going to split a bag of candy while watching Doctor Who tonight. I have over 500 calories in reserve for it but I probably won't use more than 300 at most, so I may have to have a beer with dinner to make goal today. Poor me!
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    I've been sick all week, so I haven't been able to workout and I've been turning to comfort foods like ice cream and waffles... ugh so fat :(

    I wanted ice cream last night after seeing a family member with a Drumstick cone. And since I was battling congestion last night, ice cream was the LAST thing I needed.

    Other food of choice of late: pasta (we had spaghetti, but some angel-hair pasta was inadvertently tossed in. I've been munching on leftover angel-hair pasta when I'm not eating ramen noodles (no seasoning)).
  • sveta24
    sveta24 Posts: 6
    It was my son's birthday today and I bought him a flake chocolate cake, which I then cut across and filled with home made chocolate butter cream. God, it was so nice, I had 3 pieces today...and 1 pint of ale as well. Shame on me! :drinker: :angry:
  • durshley
    durshley Posts: 73 Member
    I eat a 'fun-size' bag of maltesers like...every day. But i don't go over my calories so... /care. I need chocolate or I feel incomplete.
  • karyta
    karyta Posts: 22 Member
    I ate a ramen, couldn't resist, so yummy.
  • JumpingDog
    JumpingDog Posts: 125 Member
    Eugh. Today, I have had two pieces of gnocchi and a caramel hard candy. But at some point in the last 7 days I ate a slice of freezer pizza because I hadn't eaten all day. I almost threw it up immediately after eating it.

    And I ate a bowl of "chili" made from ground beef and chili starter + 1/2 cup of sugar. It didn't come racing back up my throat but I wished it had. I followed the next days with salads and fruits. :/ The chili concoction was made by my mother.
  • luckyshilling
    Red wine....oh wait, that's not junk, that's vital to life.:drinker:
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Pizookie. Thank you roomies!
  • Livadialilacs
    Last night, I had a lot of pizza and ice cream, I mean, A LOT. Never again, lol.
  • enkennon
    enkennon Posts: 161 Member
    Today I had two servings of chips and 3 mini danish wedding cookies ( 4 in 1 serving though :-P )

    Great to see I'm not alone!!!

    The other day I had mini mars bar candies
  • BeckyAnne4
    BeckyAnne4 Posts: 143 Member
    There were three croissants sitting in the kitchen that looked at me funny. Long story short, I stabbed all three and filled them up with Nutella.

    Never trust a croissant that looks at you funny. You did what had to be done. I would have done the same.