Looking for weight loss buddies who are 300+ lbs?

I think this might be a strange request but I am looking for people who are (or were at one time) in my position... Over 300 lbs and just starting to make a change. It makes me feel better to know there are people who I can relate to, who have similar obstacles to overcome. Hopefully we will be able to motivate each other to lose more!

Everyone has been super supportive already and I love and appreciate the help!


  • CBell223
    CBell223 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm 20 lbs down, on what will hopefully be a 210 lb journey. Feel free to friend me. I've noticed that I don't seem to be a very good "cheerleader" type friend (meaning, giving you daily "yeahs" for every time you record your food), but I will read all your posts, and reply / be there for you any time you need me.
  • Hi,

    THEN (some time ago): There once was a time when I got on the scale and it read 298. I flipped out - I was almost 300lbs. Back then I got into gear and lost weight (plateaued at 260lb)

    THEN (not so long ago): Stopped logging my weight, my food--I was just going on with life (what I call a robotic stage). Didn't take time truly looking at myself in the mirror, I really think I was avoiding my reflection. Well, one day I stepped on the scale and boy o boy - it read 314. I didn't have the same reaction as I did at 298, I felt more down and depressed. What am I doing to my body. So

    NOW (not today but lets say for the past couple of months): I attempt to be conscious of what I'm putting in my body as well as how much (portion control is more serious than . I said I was going to work out but well haven't put that in action. The days of me going to yoga, bellydancing, water aerobics seem so long ago.

    Now (present): What is my motivation? I want a before and after picture. (I am a visual) I've been seeing people post their results and I too want to be among that group. It comes to a point where you have to stop knowing what you have to do and actually DO IT. (oh, carry around this much weight doesn't feel good nor do I like what I see when I do catch my reflection in the mirror. and the worse going thru half your closet changing clothes because they're not fitting properly - and I refuse to buy bigger clothes :)

    My pledge - My name is Shane, I am not looking to diet but to become the healthiest possible me I can be. I choose to not use an excuse but redirect my reason into an action. No more I am tired, I will do it tomorrow. I pledge to log my food and move my body. I will, I can, I am.

    @EvilFairies, CBell223 (and those that follow) - Let's do this!!!! Here's to a healthy us!!!
  • starryvagabond
    starryvagabond Posts: 60 Member
    Hi, I used to be 370 pounds. I am now 340 pounds and I'm still losing. I'd love support and to give it... I'll add you :)
  • sherri85
    sherri85 Posts: 148 Member
    Wow your story sounds just like mine!! Lets be motivation friends!! :flowerforyou:
  • I started at 312 at the beginning of the year. I've lost just shy of 37 pounds (the tracker rounds up) by tracking all my meals on here and going to the gym about twice a week.
  • I am currently @ 319 lbs and I started at 340. Still going strong, and have really realized this is a life style change. Been dieting on and off for about 7 years since I gained about 170 lbs. Initially I had gained about 80, lost 30, gained some back, lost some, and ended up at the heaviest of my life. I am all about support! I get everyone at work to help me and support me and if you need some feel free to contact me!! good luck!
  • megancooper210
    megancooper210 Posts: 3 Member
    I've been working at this for 5 weeks now and I am down 22 pounds so far. I topped out at 305 and finally realized I just can't do this anymore. I'd love to be buddies!
  • I have 142 lbs to lose. I started at 322.4 last Tuesday and have loss 5 lbs as of today. This is a journey..I know it will hard. I would love to be apart of a group who is going through the same challenges.
  • Started a group for us: named it ---> 300lb+ Starting Weight Support Group. All are welcome to join.
  • 4mefab50
    4mefab50 Posts: 2
    Got on the scale this morning, something I don't do very often and it was over 300lbs. Last time I dared look at it I was 292. I am stuck, lost, depressed, checked out (for the most part) of my life. Sleep way too much and have just let things go. Things are BAD! So I am going to be 50 in 6 months and it is time to hit the brakes on this lifestyle and get back into living. Living to be a healthier me. And so, the journey begins.
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey kindred spirit. I found your MFP blog, then read your profile, and now I am here posting on your thread. Wow... I'm officially a creepy MFP stalker girl. Ewww. :)

    I started at 315 pounds in September of last year. This morning I was 218. It seems we have bunches in common, so feel free to add me. I'm in it for the long haul (as in, the rest of my natural freakin life) so I'm looking forward to lots of awesome progress updates from you, Miss Thang.

    If you want to know more about my journey so far, you can read all the good, bad, and ugly (I have pictures) details at http://fatgirldiariesonline.blog.com.

    I wish you the best!
  • DaisyDi65
    DaisyDi65 Posts: 70 Member
    I started at 310 and am at 280. It is a lifestyle change. I have stalled but have introduced strength training so hopefully I am adding muscle. Went shopping last night and bought a size 20 pant! I have squeezed into 24s for years!. Feel free to add me!
  • Hi. I am starting at 330lb please introduce yourself and add me if you wish
  • Darrell916
    Darrell916 Posts: 110 Member
    I started at 416 and down to 391 so I know how you feel plenty of road blocks. You can add me as a friend
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started at 360 in June 2012, and I just reached 300 today.
  • jonathanmhobson
    jonathanmhobson Posts: 44 Member
    Hi i was 317 and started the Insanity workouts along with a calorie controlled diet. I have lost 20lbs in 3 weeks. Any of you guys feel free to add me for support and motivation.
  • Carol_Magee
    Carol_Magee Posts: 69 Member
    My highest was 341 1/4 in January 2012 and I'm down to 297 1/4.
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 343 Member
    Hi! As of last Tuesday, when I got weighed, (going to WW) I was 307 lbs. My highest ever was about 345 lbs. I have been playing the "lose it - gain it back" game for months now and I am getting rather tired of it. I joined WW because I did have success in the past following their plan ( I lost 80 lbs - 2X) . Of course I gained it back! Now it's only a couple of years before I hit the big 5-0, and I NEED to get in shape! Looking good is great, but I have to do it for my HEALTH!
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 343 Member
    Started a group for us: named it ---> 300lb+ Starting Weight Support Group. All are welcome to join.

    I would really like to join your group. I have soooo much weight to lose and I think it would be so helpful to be in a group with people who are "in the same boat".

    My question: (Don't laugh) I am pretty "duh" when it comes to computers - How do I find your group on MFP? I tried looking on the message boards for 300+ Starting Weight Support Group, but like I said, "duh" (haha)

    Hope you can help me find you guys!
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    I used to be 315lbs...so yes, losing an extreme amount of weight can be done....

    take your time, make small changes that you can live with and stick to, and never, never, never give up! not ever!