Losing weight with atrial fibrillation

Hi, I am hoping there is someone else out there like me. I am 27 years old with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (I have "episodes" instead of having it constantly). I am on beta blockers to stop my heart rate rising too high and setting it off.

I have been advised by my GP to take exercise slowly and take gentle exercise which wont up my heart rate too dramatically, which I am finding really frustrating! (but I am taking heed of, I never want to end up in A&E again!)

Anyone else on here have the same condition (even if its AF and not episodic), and if so, what approach did you have to exercise?



  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi there,,,,I was just diagnosed with the same, two weeks ago. It is episodic. I'm older than you, but, I understand your fear,,,,it's pretty darn scary. I don't even get headaches, no hi blood pressure and no high cholesterol and then this...argh. Have you seen a cardiologist? My cardio also has me on beta blockers....but....Im still able to do my weights, swim, bike and eliptical. He has not said don't get your heart rate up. He is telling me, with beta blockers, I can't get the heart rate up, like it was prior to a-fib. The drugs won't allow the heart to get there. But, I can still work up a sweat and still lose weight. At first I was skeptical, but, I am still losing weight, on the beta blockers and still working out. Hang in there.
  • chiefstu
    chiefstu Posts: 2 Member
    Hi - you have a good question, but be careful of getting medical advice on forums. Many people do exercise with some forms of A-fib. But the underlaying causes, treatments and exercise advice can differ for each person.
    I have "exercise induced A-fib" that is treated with a very low dose beta blocker - and I do cardio almost every day, at age 57. BUT I have done cardio for 30 years, currently have normal blood labs and other heart tests have said I am fine to work out - within limits. I was told and use a heart rate monitor and work out in different target heart rate zones and don't stay long at 90% of max HR. This means I can jog 4-miles at 80% or after warm up run one mile hard at but not over max rate. Or cycle for as long as I want but I keep the hill climbs to under 90% HR. Get more education, train smart, follow medical advice and you can be as healthy as the amount of work and positive eating you choose to do. :smile:

    You should get a second opinion from a cardiologist whom knows your entire medical history and that understands the latest research on how to do safe cardio at almost any age - for YOUR overall medical situation.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    You should get a second opinion from a cardiologist whom knows your entire medical history and that understands the latest research on how to do safe cardio at almost any age - for YOUR overall medical situation.

    ^^^^ this

    most people on here probably don't know what atrial fibrillation is... I don't have a medical background, just a biology one, and it sounds to me like something you'd have to be very careful with when it comes to exercise....!! I have no clue what to advise, I think only a cardiologist would.
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    Beaner,,,,the important thing is....its not the end of the world. I look at it as being the beginning of a different way to live. I also use my HRM and follow my cardiologists' advise. Hang in there.
  • donnacps1
    donnacps1 Posts: 5 Member
    Anyone post here in 2023? Saying HI
  • Kosterc4383
    Kosterc4383 Posts: 32 Member
    What you call an old post. I got surgery to stop my heart racing. Really amazing diffrence. Way less oedema. Still 1 heartmedication to lower my blood pressure. Got in less than a month a follow up and see if I can get of that medication too. I was told until this next follow up to stay below 3x rest heartrate. 65 so 190. I don't think my lungs can do 190.... I am really panting and sweating to even get it to 125. So glad the cardiologist offered ablation and not mess with tons of medication.
  • oneway2thetop
    oneway2thetop Posts: 2 Member
    @beaner294 Electrophysiologist