Shall I keep cutting??

Hey guys,
Here is a bit of info about me first:
Hight: 174 cm
wight: 73.5 kg
BF: the estimation machine on the gym showing me 11.8% but I feel I am a bit more than that, I can see some of my stomach muscle but only if i contracted them, I can see a bit of my rips also
goal: to get red of all the fat around my west and stomach and see the damn six packs

I have been always during the past 4 years going between bulk and cut...doing bulk until I feel I gain a lot of fat and then I do cut and then i found my self getting too thin...I think I never continue to reach my goal either in cutting or bulking.

My question is, shall I keep going on cutting?
I know you guys might tell me if I am happy with the fat % then go for bulking, but I think I am not and I am afraid if I keep pursuing getting red of this fat I will become like a zombie!

Any advise from someone have been or in my same situation?


  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    I'm not sure. but what's your program like? DYEL?
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    In my opinion I would say go for the cut.

    Judging by your profile it ooks like you've already go decent size to you.

    That being said it's entirely up to you . . .

    Do you want to get bigger or do you want to get leaner?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Cutting is an unhealthy way to deal with depression. You may need to talk to a professional.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    General rule of thumb, assuming decent LBM in the first place, cut until 10% or below. It's really a personal choice however and bulking at higher, assuming still relatively lean which you are, is not a big issue.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    General rule of thumb, assuming decent LBM in the first place, cut until 10% or below. It's really a personal choice however and bulking at higher, assuming still relatively lean which you are, is not a big issue.

    Sara and SideSteel always have great input!
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Hey guys,
    Here is a bit of info about me first:
    Hight: 174 cm
    wight: 73.5 kg
    BF: the estimation machine on the gym showing me 11.8% but I feel I am a bit more than that, I can see some of my stomach muscle but only if i contracted them, I can see a bit of my rips also
    goal: to get red of all the fat around my west and stomach and see the damn six packs

    I have been always during the past 4 years going between bulk and cut...doing bulk until I feel I gain a lot of fat and then I do cut and then i found my self getting too thin...I think I never continue to reach my goal either in cutting or bulking.

    My question is, shall I keep going on cutting?
    I know you guys might tell me if I am happy with the fat % then go for bulking, but I think I am not and I am afraid if I keep pursuing getting red of this fat I will become like a zombie!

    Any advise from someone have been or in my same situation?
    If you're happy then stay at your current level for a while. Allow your hormones to "adapt". Later on decide on what you want to do.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    Sounds like you are worn out with the cycle and would like to try something new to acheive your goals that involves less zig zig. My brother had a ton of luck with Insanity and swears by it. He says it's "all you'll ever need". He achieved a tapered torso and six pack and is a lean machine in probably 6-7 months. He says he's very active at work and doesn't have to worry about calories.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    goal: to get red of all the fat around my west and stomach and see the damn six packs

    If this is your primary goal, and this is not where you are right now, then you've pretty much answered your own question
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    I would say to keep cutting. I know I was happy around 10% BF back when I was in great physical shape. 8% looked killer, but too hard to maintain over a long period for me. I am on my way back down to 10% and that is where I plan to stay ....
  • xMidox
    xMidox Posts: 42 Member
    Okay then I guess I will keep cutting nice and gentle until I reach to 8% hope I will not be too thin by that time though!
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    looking thin or not depends how much muscle there is, so you should be fine.