I can stay within my calorie range for 6 days . . .



  • AJinBirmingham
    Just to add -- EAT MORE PROTEIN!

    Looking at just the face value of items recorded, you're consuming tons of sugar. What happens when you eat that much sugar? You eat more! Your body is running a constant up and down cycle of sugar dose...sugar crash...sugar dose...etc. Protein will help you combat that cycle. One calorie is not equal to another - your body is desperate for nutrients. Binging is your body's red warning light - you just misinterpret that as a personal failing, when it ISN'T. It's your body pissed that its malnourished.


    Absolutely true! (I don't like protein, but I'm trying . . . )
  • akilahleemarie
    akilahleemarie Posts: 80 Member

    yes!! I used to do this all the time....my pattern was 4 days of following my plan to the t...and then on day 5..BOOM!! at the time my plan was 1 cheat day a week...so 6 days on 1 day off...cheat day and binging are two different things...on a cheat day I would plan to go maybe 500 calories over maintence calories...but instead on day 5 I would end up going 2,000+ calories OVER...so now I do two cheat days a week...I do 3 on 1 off...so that way i end up only going over 1,000 calories for the week vs. 2,000 calories due to having a binge. Just accept your behavior and learn to work with it...2 cheat days a week may seem like alot..but its better than having a crazy binge where you eat so much you can't move and feel physically and mentally awful
  • Aleysia87
    Aleysia87 Posts: 14 Member
    Absolutely true! (I don't like protein, but I'm trying . . . )

    Hm, can you elaborate? There's a lot of different types of protein out there! Do you just not like animal protein, etc.?
  • AJinBirmingham
    Absolutely true! (I don't like protein, but I'm trying . . . )

    Hm, can you elaborate? There's a lot of different types of protein out there! Do you just not like animal protein, etc.?

    I don't like a lot of meat or fish and a little bit goes a long way with me. They also seem like a waste of calories - of course they aren't, but I can't help eating a piece of tilapia and thinking, "I could have a Twizzler for the same calories." I do get some protein from dairy (love it) and nuts, which are also "expensive" calorie-wise, as well as high in fat, but I like them.