who's got a bmr OVER 1500 calories?



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    My BMR is about 1700. My calorie goal is 1650.

    My diary is open.

    You're eating 50cal less than it would take you to survive in a coma?


    My BMR is around 1600...my TDEE per my bodymedia fit, is averaged at 3000cal (3300-3500ish weekdays, 2200-2800ish weekends).

    I eat around 2500-2800/day.

    It's not off because the entire idea is to eat fewer calories than it takes to stay alive.

    Anyway, at least look at my diary to see how many I'm eating. Calorie goal != calorie intake.
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    I don't eat enough but feel like I have to force feed myself lol
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    BMR is 2292
    TDEE is 4345

    Though my activity level is through the roof.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    My BMR is about 1700. My calorie goal is 1650.

    My diary is open.

    You're eating 50cal less than it would take you to survive in a coma?


    My BMR is around 1600...my TDEE per my bodymedia fit, is averaged at 3000cal (3300-3500ish weekdays, 2200-2800ish weekends).

    I eat around 2500-2800/day.

    It's not off because the entire idea is to eat fewer calories than it takes to stay alive.

    Anyway, at least look at my diary to see how many I'm eating. Calorie goal != calorie intake.

    2200 =/= 1600?
  • Bonny619
    Bonny619 Posts: 311 Member
    I wish.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    My BMR is about 1700. My calorie goal is 1650.

    My diary is open.

    You're eating 50cal less than it would take you to survive in a coma?


    My BMR is around 1600...my TDEE per my bodymedia fit, is averaged at 3000cal (3300-3500ish weekdays, 2200-2800ish weekends).

    I eat around 2500-2800/day.

    It's not off because the entire idea is to eat fewer calories than it takes to stay alive.

    Anyway, at least look at my diary to see how many I'm eating. Calorie goal != calorie intake.

    2200 =/= 1600?

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    My BMR is about 1700. My calorie goal is 1650.

    My diary is open.

    You're eating 50cal less than it would take you to survive in a coma?


    My BMR is around 1600...my TDEE per my bodymedia fit, is averaged at 3000cal (3300-3500ish weekdays, 2200-2800ish weekends).

    I eat around 2500-2800/day.

    It's not off because the entire idea is to eat fewer calories than it takes to stay alive.

    Anyway, at least look at my diary to see how many I'm eating. Calorie goal != calorie intake.

    2200 =/= 1600?

    My calorie goal is 1650. I eat back exercise calories as measured by my Fitbit. I'm decently active so I rarely eat 1650 but it does happen. TDEE-20%. BMR is irrelevant once you have TDEE.
  • ArubaJane
    ArubaJane Posts: 62 Member
    Okay so it says my goal is 1300 calories. I work out daily. Yes i do use the treadmill for around 45 minutes, i also walk for 6 miles which takes 2 hours. I rotate this workout. I also do muscle fusion classes and tabata and also golf 9 holes so i am active. If you say burn 600 calories in a day and are given 1300 should you eat 1900 - 20 percent to lose weight or eat all the exercise calories back. I am new to this and still learning. Someone told me i am eating way to little to lose weight.
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    Okay so it says my goal is 1300 calories. I work out daily. Yes i do use the treadmill for around 45 minutes, i also walk for 6 miles which takes 2 hours. I rotate this workout. I also do muscle fusion classes and tabata and also golf 9 holes so i am active. If you say burn 600 calories in a day and are given 1300 should you eat 1900 - 20 percent to lose weight or eat all the exercise calories back. I am new to this and still learning. Someone told me i am eating way to little to lose weight.

    If your eating way to little then I'm def eating way to little ugh I'm trying to eat more
  • ArubaJane
    ArubaJane Posts: 62 Member
    Okay so how much should we be eating. I am not losing but i am not gaining so am i eating to much. Yes i do drink red wine and yes i do measure it. I factor it into my eating plan. So should i be eating less or more
  • VeinsAndBones
    VeinsAndBones Posts: 550 Member
    Katch-mcradle bmr for me is 1480
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    My BMR is 1644. I have my goal set to 1500 and I eat most to all of my exercise calories back each day. My TDEE-20% is 2100ish. Seems high but I typically burn 400~ calories with Insanity and sometimes I do heavy cleaning, gardening, lots of walking, etc. that I don't log so its really not that much. Just with Insanity, my net would be 1700 at the end of the day if I ate all of my TDEE calories. I don't think you have a lot to worry about.

    P.S. My fiance's TDEE-20% is like 3000 daily ... sounds crazy right? But he's super active between exercise and a physically demanding job. His BMR is around 2000. That's what you call a high BMR. lol
  • vikkiitoria
    vikkiitoria Posts: 110 Member
    Ya I'm a little confused with this too. My bmr is 1617. I thought I was supposed to be burning
    500 cal and eating 1200 cal(500 less than usual) to lose weight but that would net at around 700 calories daily...?
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    My BMR is 1400 and I eat between 1500-1800 calories a day. I have my TDEE set to sedentary because some weeks I work out a ton and others hardly at all so it is only at 1900 so I try to eat back some exercise calories on my big workout days. I have a hard time eating over 1600 calories unless I start eating junk food though.
  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    BMR is 2292
    TDEE is 4345

    Though my activity level is through the roof.

    good LORD what are you doing to get your activity level that high?
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I did the BMR calculator as if I was already at goal...148 or so. It said that being moderately active I be at 2400/day. At goal with no exercise it would be about 1750. I've been eating at or about 2000 cal/day for almost a week. I'm feeling a little bloated...but that's most likely to the food I've eaten. I'll give it another few weeks to see how my body evens out and see if it works for me. I'm thinking about food less, so that's good. I'm staying satisfied...also good. Now just hope that it works and I can get these last 15-20 lbs off for good!!!
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    People tend to greatly underestimate their energy needs - especially women - just like they underestimate caloric intake when reporting. Instead of randomly choosing some calorie goal during a diet, and changing diet and exercise habits, people should be more patient by first weighing and logging everything they eat for a month or two to see how much energy their bodies need just to maintain their weight. I see so many get their RMR tested and they are shocked to see how low it is but do not realize their chronic calorie restriction caused both RMR and TDEE to lower several 100 calories.
  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    ok, for you ladies who are unsure of your numbers!

    if you're going to use the TDEE method, you HAVE GOT to ignore the numbers mfp has given you and you WILL NOT be eating exercise calories back. what TDEE does is calculate your BMR (baseline number of calories required to live in a coma) and your average "exercise" calories from your activity level. so if you calculate your TDEE and tell it you work out 4 or 5 times a week, it includes the exercise calories already, which is why the number is higher.

    if you do the mfp route, you will be given a number based on the assumption that you do no exercise and that's why you can earn back exercise calories. the methods are totally different, neither is more wrong than the other. the TDEE method tends to be a little more accurate unless you're going to invest in being really meticulous about determining the calories you burn with exercise to know how much you can eat back.

    it's totally your choice which method to use. http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/ the fat to fit radio calculator gives a lot of good explanation about how the numbers work when you input your data, give it a try!

    one other thing to think about is that as you get smaller, your BMR (and thus, your TDEE) will also get smaller. you will need to reevaluate your goals and change your calorie intake as you lose weight, because this is likely a cause of many 'plateaus.'

    i hope this was helpful, let me know if i can clear anything else up!
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    My BMR (number if I just laid in bed) is about 1900

    My TDEE is probably over 3000 at the current moment. Probably 3100ish.