What's your drug (exercise) of choice and why?

bms34b Posts: 401 Member
Mine has been lifting weights, but today I tried jogging. I'm also interested in 30 day shred.

What is your favorite way to raise your heart rate? (that can legally be done at a gym or otherwise in public;) and why?


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Lifting 'cause gainz, curls for the gurls, glutes for the slootz, and bros 'mirin.
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    I tried jogging but I'm still to heavy and it hurts my shins. I'd rather wait so that I don't hurt myself. Instead I use my stationary bike.
  • JenniCali1000
    JenniCali1000 Posts: 646 Member
    It used to be running, but I had a couple injuries that still haven't healed yet so I'm taking a (hopefully) temporary hiatus. So I'm now totally addicted to Jillian's Shed and Shred instead!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    My elliptical machine set to the toughest resistance program. This summer, hopefully, the guy in the profile photo.
  • LSmela
    LSmela Posts: 30
    maybe one day jogging but until I am for fit walking and my stationary bike will have to do
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    i like doing deadlifts and squats, like the heavy weight
  • Distance running and spin class!
  • lynn_hickey
    lynn_hickey Posts: 80 Member
    I'm hooked on running, and even more now that the weather is finally getting nicer! That is definitely my #1 drug of choice...lol....but I also enjoy the burn of lifting, which i make sure to do as well!
  • KerryBCPA
    KerryBCPA Posts: 14 Member
    Body Pump for strength training and Body Step for cardio.. I burn so many calories and sweat like crazy doing Body Step!!
  • tanetti
    tanetti Posts: 38 Member
    Body Pump, running, spinning, Pilates, and a little swimming.
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    We have a small group training class at my gym that's all circuit training using body weight, kettle bells, dumb bells, barbells, tractor tires, weight plates, medicine balls, etc. I absolutely love it and do it 5 days a week. It's both cardio and weight training so I'm getting both in an hour. It's intervals so I don't get bored. The instructors design their own circuits so no two are alike and they scale the exercises to meet everyone's fitness levels. I'm seeing so much progress in both fitness level and changes in my body. I can feel muscles I didn't know were there before. Now I just need to work off the layer of fat covering them, lol.
  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
    Hiking/walking as I train my dogs; one search and rescue, the other cadaver. Double duty. Each requires 4 hours/week, so that really helps.
  • Viva81Diva
    Viva81Diva Posts: 148
    Anything core focused! I love working my abs. I love the burn I get and the soreness when I do get it. I may be overweight at this point, but my abs are killer underneath!! It will make me feel much more confident about my body when I can wear form fitting shirts and bikini's. It's been awhile since I have, and it is one of my main goals to get back there. When I can find exercises that make them tender, I am all for it. I have to do advanced moves sometimes because I truly do not feel like they are being worked. Like I said: it's that burn...

    EDIT: I also love the TapouT XT program. Just started, but it's fun and completely worth the money.