Calculating exercise calories

Okay guys so I am wondering what you use to calculate your exercise calories? Do you use mfp? I always use mfp but today I was really confused about something
Ok let me explain my situation.

So for starters, I was never a runner. Finally after hard work I was able to get myself running on a treadmill, (but I still can't run outside for whatever reason or I cramp)
So daily I run appx 4-5 miles at 6 mph and then I walk afterward at 3.5 mph
Before I was running 6mph I was jogging at 5 mph -5.5 mph. Here's where my confusion comes in.

Today I walked downtown to the library and wanted to know how many calories I burned so I tracked my time and the distance 1.4 miles and 15 minutes and found a calculator online to figure out how fast I went and the calculator said 5.6mph?????
I just did NOT Believe that to be true. I mean I was walking very briskly, but 5.6mph?? That'd be a jog for SURE for me. I know I calculated the time and distance correctly cause I checked over and over, and so then I used a different calculator and it said the same speed?!

I am wondering could it really be and I simply didn't realize how fast I was waking because I was outdoors and had a goal in sight? I just can't believe , I picture the Olympic power walkers in my head

So I'm wondering what you Guys count your calories on


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I use a HRM for calories. As for deciding the speed I walked, I have an app on my phone that tracks my speed and gives me an average speed. It also estimates distance, steps, and calories burned.
  • autumnpennell
    autumnpennell Posts: 196 Member
    What is the app called???
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    i use this app my fitness pal for all of it
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    I use my heart rate monitor only. I also don't include things like the walk you took (just me personally). I just use HRM for workouts I do at the gym etc.
  • mykes13
    mykes13 Posts: 15 Member
    That math is correct. How did you measure the distance? If you are using something like Googlemaps, make sure you have selected the "walking" distance, not the driving. They are usually pretty different.

    I have used the Nike+ app with the shoe insert before and it was pretty accurate. You have to calibrate it to your own stride but it worked pretty well for me.
  • JayStu
    JayStu Posts: 332 Member
    I use my HRM, it gives me my speed and distance and calories burned
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    I use a heart rate monitor for working out (Polar FT 7) and I also wear a Fitibt 24/7. I find that for me, MFP way over estimates calories burned.
  • Project_Jodie
    The most accurate way is with a HRM - get one!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    What is the app called???

    Free Pedometer

    But as I said, I only use it to judge speed.
  • d2bodily
    d2bodily Posts: 10
    I am using the body bugg. I have used it before for about 6 months then it went in my drawer, now it is back on my arm. It is amazing and reports directly to my phone what I have burned. They are a little $$ upfront. However, I love the report each day. It is great encouragment to push a little more at the end of each day, and also allows me to have a little treat on the days I burn more calories. At the same time it lets me know when I need to pull back a few hundred calories. Love the Bodybugg. I know there are several versions of it from several different companies. All and all everything I have read says it is the most accurate way to count calories.

    The downside is their meal / calorie counter. I never use the consume part of their site it is way to hard to do anything that is outside of their plans, and I refuse to buy their suppliments.