Water retention?

Hey guys,

I was wondering what you guys know about water retention. I'am worried that I might be holding on to a lot of fluids for no good reason. But I got to admit I dont know much about it, my partner just said he tought I had it.

I dont drink as much water as I should and I am trying hard to increase my daily water intake, for the rest I dont eat much sodium, or atleast I dont add it to anything myself, and I stay away from junk foods all together 99% of the time. I do excersice about 20 minutes a day which makes me sweat ofcourse and lose fluids again....

So yeah before I get more confusing, let me hear your thoughts guys! How can someone know if they hold fluids in their body, and how can someone reverse it?


  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    Hey guys,

    I was wondering what you guys know about water retention. I'am worried that I might be holding on to a lot of fluids for no good reason. But I got to admit I dont know much about it, my partner just said he tought I had it.

    I dont drink as much water as I should and I am trying hard to increase my daily water intake, for the rest I dont eat much sodium, or atleast I dont add it to anything myself, and I stay away from junk foods all together 99% of the time. I do excersice about 20 minutes a day which makes me sweat ofcourse and lose fluids again....

    So yeah before I get more confusing, let me hear your thoughts guys! How can someone know if they hold fluids in their body, and how can someone reverse it?

    I personally find I know I am retaining when I'm on my periods, put on a lot of 'weight' overnight or feel dehydrated. You have to drink more water - especially if exercising. I get close to 3L a day these days and find it helps a lot :)
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    Hey guys,

    I was wondering what you guys know about water retention. I'am worried that I might be holding on to a lot of fluids for no good reason. But I got to admit I dont know much about it, my partner just said he tought I had it.

    I dont drink as much water as I should and I am trying hard to increase my daily water intake, for the rest I dont eat much sodium, or atleast I dont add it to anything myself, and I stay away from junk foods all together 99% of the time. I do excersice about 20 minutes a day which makes me sweat ofcourse and lose fluids again....

    So yeah before I get more confusing, let me hear your thoughts guys! How can someone know if they hold fluids in their body, and how can someone reverse it?

    I personally find I know I am retaining when I'm on my periods, put on a lot of 'weight' overnight or feel dehydrated. You have to drink more water - especially if exercising. I get close to 3L a day these days and find it helps a lot :)

    Yeah I got similar 'symptoms'
    Did you lose weight when you started drinking more water?
  • sarahmonsta
    sarahmonsta Posts: 185 Member
    I hold on to water like crazy!! For me I know because my face becomes fatter, I feel heavy, my hands and feet become puffy, hot and hurt, also my boobs grow, and then the scale goes up haha. I have to watch my sodium because I will gain like 7lbs over night at times. Drinking lots of water helps, exercise, and even things like taking a bath with Epsom salts helps for me as well, I will say though occasionally I do have to take a water pill for it but I personally hate having to do that. Hopefully this was some help to you!
  • beccaR1960
    beccaR1960 Posts: 6 Member
    Drinking too little water will make your body hang onto what you do have... DRINK UP! I know it takes time to get that new habit going, but make it a priority and you just might be surprised at how you quit retaining AND helps with weight (fat) loss too!

    Here is an interesting article you might want to check out :)


    Also, for me, when I am retaining water, if I press on my ankle and there is a kind of whitish dent (for lack of a better way to explain) that stays for a moment after I move my finger... and my feet and ankles just feel kinda puffy.

    DRINK DRINK DRINK and it will help!

  • Abi_bug04
    Abi_bug04 Posts: 220
    In my case, I retain a lot of water (up to 3-5 lbs) a day after eating a lot of sodium.
    I also can bloat and retain water during my periods (again a fluctuation of upto 5 lbs).
    As well as after starting new exercise, or going at higher intensity- because muscles hold onto water too.

    I find that drinking lots of water helps (though it may sound counter-intuitive...but it does help you flush all the excess sodium out!), and generally any extra water that you are holding onto will disappear in a few days.
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    Thanks very much guys, I really appreciate all your feedback!
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    Drinking too little water will make your body hang onto what you do have... DRINK UP! I know it takes time to get that new habit going, but make it a priority and you just might be surprised at how you quit retaining AND helps with weight (fat) loss too!

    Here is an interesting article you might want to check out :)


    Also, for me, when I am retaining water, if I press on my ankle and there is a kind of whitish dent (for lack of a better way to explain) that stays for a moment after I move my finger... and my feet and ankles just feel kinda puffy.

    DRINK DRINK DRINK and it will help!


    Very interesting article! I ejoyed reading it :)
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    Hey guys,

    I was wondering what you guys know about water retention. I'am worried that I might be holding on to a lot of fluids for no good reason. But I got to admit I dont know much about it, my partner just said he tought I had it.

    I dont drink as much water as I should and I am trying hard to increase my daily water intake, for the rest I dont eat much sodium, or atleast I dont add it to anything myself, and I stay away from junk foods all together 99% of the time. I do excersice about 20 minutes a day which makes me sweat ofcourse and lose fluids again....

    So yeah before I get more confusing, let me hear your thoughts guys! How can someone know if they hold fluids in their body, and how can someone reverse it?

    I personally find I know I am retaining when I'm on my periods, put on a lot of 'weight' overnight or feel dehydrated. You have to drink more water - especially if exercising. I get close to 3L a day these days and find it helps a lot :)

    Yeah I got similar 'symptoms'
    Did you lose weight when you started drinking more water?

    everything is better. Weight isn't the be-all and end-all. There is a thing called being healthy ;) we all want to be healthy. Water is a part of that! Want better skin? Drink more water. Want better sleep? Drink more water. Want more energy at the gym? Drink more water. Want to stop headaches? Drink more water.

    JUST DO IT!!!!!

    edit: as Jillian Michaels said, your pee should look like lemonade. No apple juice! Mine is like lemonade these days :) woooo!
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    I have tried to increase my water intake a lot the past few days. I havent noticed any majoy differences yet but I'm not expecting to notice anything until I keep this up on a regular basis. Thanks for all your input guys!