Losing butt vs maintaining/gaining

I've noticed that a lot of women who have had a "big butt" say that cardio makes it go away. I read that squats lunges "backwards leg kick?" Help gain muscle and make it bigger. So my question is if you are doing a decent amount of cardio but still do lots of those butt exercises will it cancel itself out and not get flat? Or would you have to work on the cardio get to your goal then start the butt exersicing. I noticed that it is a topic that people debate about. :/


  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    Bump curious to know what everyone has to say.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    As constructed your question is impossible to answer. Yes, resistance training is something you can do to improve just about every part of your physique. But you left too many variables open for anyone to tell you how flat your butt will or will not get.

    *Type of strength training exercise, sets, reps and intensity of effort.
    *Type of cardio exercise performed and duration and frequency.
    *Your meal plan
    *Your genetics.

    I can't tell you what will "cancel out" what, but I can tell you that you'll have a much better chance of getting the physique you want if you start resistance training sooner rather than later. Don't continue doing all cardio while eating at a deficit and letting your muscles atrophy with the plan of attempting to rebuild the lost muscle when your reach some arbitrary goal weight.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    If you'd like to keep your butt (and most of your muscle mass, really) start strength training now. I don't think cardio, per se, makes your butt go away, but eating at a calorie deficit (deficit towards which cardio contributes), without resistance training will inevitably lead to loss of muscle mass. So your glutes will suffer, of course.
  • Christianaqtqt
    Christianaqtqt Posts: 16 Member
    It wasn't really for me I was just curious. I guess everyone is different and everyone will have different results. I was defic today I woke up super late. Honestly I slacked off for a week and haven't eaten right or worked out for a week .. So the too much cardio and cal def isn't actually into play right now. Usually I hit up to my goal of 1200 sometimes go over it and do cardio to burn it off I usually do 15 minutes on treadmill burn 90 cal and jump rope 10 minutes burn 112 cal and maybe throw in 5 min boxing and then do squats crunches lunges with 15 pound kettle bell and I do biceps with a 10 pound usually 3 sets of 25 reps. Was just alittle curious about the topic I don't want to lose my butt but also wanted to see what ppl had to say about it since its a huge topic.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Ah, it was "for a friend". I get it. :wink:
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Lift heavy weights while in a calorie deficit to maintain as much muscle as possible.

    Lift heavy weights while in a calorie surplus to build new muscle.

    Your butt is a muscle.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    It wasn't really for me I was just curious. I guess everyone is different and everyone will have different results. I was defic today I woke up super late. Honestly I slacked off for a week and haven't eaten right or worked out for a week .. So the too much cardio and cal def isn't actually into play right now. Usually I hit up to my goal of 1200 sometimes go over it and do cardio to burn it off I usually do 15 minutes on treadmill burn 90 cal and jump rope 10 minutes burn 112 cal and maybe throw in 5 min boxing and then do squats crunches lunges with 15 pound kettle bell and I do biceps with a 10 pound usually 3 sets of 25 reps. Was just alittle curious about the topic I don't want to lose my butt but also wanted to see what ppl had to say about it since its a huge topic.
    1200 calories a day creates too much of a deficit in my opinion. That WILL maximize muscle loss. 3 sets of 25 bicep curls is pretty much cardio. Focus on bigger muscles and increase your weights.
  • Christianaqtqt
    Christianaqtqt Posts: 16 Member
    Ah, it was "for a friend". I get it. :wink:

    Lol no I clearly stated that I was curious because I don't want to lose it but also more curious of what people think because of different opinions. I more want to know the opinions which is why I started off "not really for me" :p:smile:
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I lost mine when I was sick a few years ago and couldn't eat for 2 weeks. I probably lost muscle, because I was already light, but I never knew that my normally round and muscular glutes could recede so quickly.
  • Christianaqtqt
    Christianaqtqt Posts: 16 Member
    1200 calories a day creates too much of a deficit in my opinion. That WILL maximize muscle loss. 3 sets of 25 bicep curls is pretty much cardio. Focus on bigger muscles and increase your weights.

    Hmmm I thought it was too few too seeing how I read other ppl at 1900 but that's what mfp gave after putting the goal and height and weight :/ grr
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Hmmm I thought it was too few too seeing how I read other ppl at 1900 but that's what mfp gave after putting the goal and height and weight :/ grr
    I'm guessing you set it to lose 2 pounds a week? May I ask you how much you have to lose?
  • Christianaqtqt
    Christianaqtqt Posts: 16 Member
    I lost mine when I was sick a few years ago and couldn't eat for 2 weeks. I probably lost muscle, because I was already light, but I never knew that my normally round and muscular glutes could recede so quickly.

    Did you gain it back though?
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    I use the elliptical and stairmaster like a boss, and deadlifts and squats. Made my big jiggly butt turn into a big muscular butt. Maybe it's not quite as big as it was when i was a bit chubby, but i think it's pretty great :happy:
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Partly it's genetic too. Some people can be pretty overweight and still have a pancake butt. Others can be quite slim and keep those curves.
  • Christianaqtqt
    Christianaqtqt Posts: 16 Member
    About 7 pounds. I'm 125 I want to be back to 118 I really want to just tone up and lose the small gut really
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    About 7 pounds. I'm 125 I want to be back to 118 I really want to just tone up and lose the small gut really
    I would start strength training, eating about 20% less than what your TDEE is. You might lose a little bit slower that way, but you'll get to keep more muscle, and lose more fat, therefore looking smaller in the end. I recommend you read this:
  • Christianaqtqt
    Christianaqtqt Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks it makes alittle more sense
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I like the Strong Curves program by Bret Contreras (the glute guy). bretcontreras.com. I've always had round, nicely shaped Glute muscles and I want them to stay that way. I like deadlifts.
  • Christianaqtqt
    Christianaqtqt Posts: 16 Member
    I would start strength training, eating about 20% less than what your TDEE is. You might lose a little bit slower that way, but you'll get to keep more muscle, and lose more fat, therefore looking smaller in the end. I recommend you read this:

    So I calculated and it said 2100 cal. I did the 20% and it came to 1700. I wanted to know how many calories to burn and my fiancé said 500 but I usually burn 200 ish so he's saying to eat 1400 and burn 200 so is that still a cal deficit?
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I would start strength training, eating about 20% less than what your TDEE is. You might lose a little bit slower that way, but you'll get to keep more muscle, and lose more fat, therefore looking smaller in the end. I recommend you read this:

    So I calculated and it said 2100 cal. I did the 20% and it came to 1700. I wanted to know how many calories to burn and my fiancé said 500 but I usually burn 200 ish so he's saying to eat 1400 and burn 200 so is that still a cal deficit?
    No, that means 1700 is already a deficit. That's what you need to eat to lose weight. 2100 is what you need to eat to maintain weight.
    So. on days you don't exercise, eat 1700 calories.
    On days you do exercise, eat 1700 calories + exercise calories.

    Warning: since you will be upping your calories from the very low 1200 your weight loss might stall for a short period of time, or you might even gain a little bit. This is temporary, don't worry about it. Keep eating 1700 for at least a month, and see how you do.