fitness dvd's?

hi every-one
heres the thing. i dont make it to the gymas often as i would like. And i would like to try a fitness dvd THAT ACTUALY WORKS!!!!!!!!

if anyone has tried and been sucessful on any fitness dvd's please share your experiance with me! it would be appreciated



  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I'm going to go ahead and say that most fitness dvds "work." The ones that don't work is because people stop using them, because they get bored with them, because they want a quick fix and it's not happening fast enough, etc. If you are willing to make a commitment to a healthier lifestyle, and not just a quick fix, then anything can work for you. I have tried the 30 Day Shred and that is great for a short workout. However, I got bored of doing the same thing Now I am on to P90X. I'm only in my second week so I can't attest to how great I will look when I am done, but I'm hoping for a good outcome. (I had done it for a few weeks once before and lost 6lbs, so I know it works).
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    ChaLean Extreme. It works if you push play 5 days/week and work on the nutrition. You will need either resistance bands or a decent set of dumbbells.

    The things I love about it:

    1. Time--the daily workouts are 35-45 minutes, 5 days/week
    2. Variety--You do 6 different workouts each week (on one of the rest days you do a 'recharge' yoga type workout)
    3. More variety--you change up the strength training workouts every 30 days
    4. Challenge--it's modifiable for the beginning, and a challenge for those who are quite fit
    5. Motivation--Chalene Johnson is incredibly motivating

    Message me if you'd like to see a 'preview' of the program.

    I've also done other at-home fitness programs, including P90X, Insanity, and I'm currently doing a ChaLean Extreme/Turbo Fire hybrid...but my favorite so far has been ChaLean Extreme. I am also a huge believer that in order to get results in losing weight or reshaping your body, you HAVE to lift weights.
  • Sherry44
    Sherry44 Posts: 26 Member
    I use the Biggest Loser Cardio DVD and love it! It kicks my butt everytime! I also like how it has variety - Bob will teach you some yoga, Jillian has some fun cardio moves like Skaters, Tire Jumping, butt kicks, mountain climber, whew! I get tired just thinking about it!! And Kim is there to help you box. You can ask the DVD to show you the warm up, Kim's boxing and the cool down or whatever! You get to mix it up depending on your mood!
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    My workouts primarily consist of work out dvds. I have done the 30 day shred(I believe it helped me progress to more work outs). I have a few of the Biggest Loser DVDs. My favorite is Last Chance workout. I have a couple of Yoga dvds to help with stretching. I am also doing Leslie Sansone's Walking DVDs(although I do incorporate some higher impact moves to increase the intensity.) So far DVDs have helped me lose weight, gain endurance, and tone up.
  • Cathy_5011
    Cathy_5011 Posts: 78
    I think it is all in what you like. I found if you don’t like it you won’t do it. :laugh: I like the biggest loser DVD’s cardio and sculpt because it starts you off at an easier pace and by the 6th week kicks your butt. One DVD I do with my friend is the Julian Michaels Shred it is fun but a lot of work. The DVD I see the most people doing and have the best results is the p90x. I have not tried it yet and from what I can tell from the website it is $$.

    I just recently found a few workout DVDs on Netflix’s so if you are already a movie lover like I am you can try the DVDs on there. :smile:

    Hope this helps.
  • cullensbrunette
    Any Denise Austin dvd is great. I also workout to her show that used to come on tv. now the segments are all on You Tube. She is better than anyone else!!
  • Tami22
    Tami22 Posts: 56
    Hi there--I did the 30 day Shred and really liked it...I am the same as others on here..If I don;t like it (and I don't like exercise to begin with) I won't do it!!! But I liked the 30 day shred. I also just ordered Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones. It's a longer work out but I just plan on hitting the trouble spots I have for now along with the treadmill. I hurt my shoulder and can not handle any weights so that stuff is out for me....GOOD LUCK...Oh, my husband just started the P90X and it seems intense. Probably not something you would want to START out with....:)--

  • prettylyzard
    prettylyzard Posts: 98 Member
    I love the beachbody dvds, they have tons of different workouts and styles so you can find one to fit you. I agree with chalean extreme, but I had to stop using it cause I hurt my back at work. I love turbo jam and slim in six...I'm also very excited about getting the new turbo fire. Chalean does a great job at motivating and making it fun!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
  • Punktorian
    Punktorian Posts: 224 Member
    The beachbody stuff is really solid. Find something that will keep your interest and something that is challenging enough. The only ones that don't work are short easy ones that don't push you hard enough.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    if you want to get something quickly then the Jillian Michael's DVD is what many people on the Jenny Craig web-site are enjoying. Otherwise, any of the Beachbody DVD's like Slim In 6 are a great option. My husband is a Beachbody coach and he offers the DVD's through his site @
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    i lost 2 stone with jade goody's 1st one but think it was only on vhs. i also do minestry of sound pump it up dvds n they r gd and work up a sweat

    i think any that makes u work hard will help :)
