Are my settings correct?

Hi All!

I am sorry as I know I will ask something which has for sure been ased already but I am confused and unsure despite reading the help section and newbie post.

I am 1.76m tall and weigh 71.8 kg, would like to lose about 5 kg.

First question is about hwo to classify my activity level: I work from home (mainly at PC) about 6 hrs/day and the rest I am a mom of 2 kids, so am a lot on my feet with them out and about, go biking, running errands etc.

Would this be "lightly active"?

Second question is about excercise. I run 2 times/week, do 2 classes of pilates and the remaining days I do a "Shred"

Do I input all this on my profile AND on the daily log? Or only on the daily log? Should I be eating these "extra" calories or not?

Am trying to do it right and am worried somehting is wrong since the first week I lost really well and since then (10days) it has just stalled.

Thanks for any advice!



  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    My ratings are clean lean & brown starches. I took away the fried foods. All of my fried foods. I quit eating Frieda.
  • kri1977
    kri1977 Posts: 63 Member

    Thanks. I had read similar post... I have adjusted my activity to "lightly active" and kept my loss at 1lb per week which is maybe too high?

    I am still unsure what to do with the excercise goals and calories, should I be entering them in the settings or just in the excericze diary? Should I be eating these calories?

    It is my first calorie diet so just want to do it right and definitiely do not want to undereat :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Thanks. I had read similar post... I have adjusted my activity to "lightly active" and kept my loss at 1lb per week which is maybe too high?

    I am still unsure what to do with the excercise goals and calories, should I be entering them in the settings or just in the excericze diary? Should I be eating these calories?

    It is my first calorie diet so just want to do it right and definitiely do not want to undereat :)

    the exercise goal doesnt effect your calories. if you are using MFPs figures (as opposed to TDEE clculations) then you should eat back exercise calories.
  • kri1977
    kri1977 Posts: 63 Member

    Thanks. I had read similar post... I have adjusted my activity to "lightly active" and kept my loss at 1lb per week which is maybe too high?

    I am still unsure what to do with the excercise goals and calories, should I be entering them in the settings or just in the excericze diary? Should I be eating these calories?

    It is my first calorie diet so just want to do it right and definitiely do not want to undereat :)

    the exercise goal doesnt effect your calories. if you are using MFPs figures (as opposed to TDEE clculations) then you should eat back exercise calories.

    Ok thanks :)
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    There are 2 options.
    Either use MFP to set you a goal based on your general day to day activities, and then log and eat back all exercise cals, OR set your TDEE minus x% higher, based on your general day to day activities AND you classes and runs, and dont eat back your exercise cals

    I work out my TDEE on what I do daily - so getting up, driving to work, sitting down for 8 hours, driving home, sitting. Sedentary. I do that minus about 15-20% and I eat that on days I don't do much else.

    I wear a HRM for all exercise - gym, weights, classes, bike riding, and I eat back my calories from my exercise. So I eat a minimum of 1550 cals in a day, up to 2500 on heavy exercise days
  • madgenes
    madgenes Posts: 5
    I'm similar height, objectives and lifestyle as you, I started on 1200 cal for 6 weeks and then upped to 1450 and have lost nearly 7 kilos in 70 days. I only exercise 3 days a week (shred) and i don't eat my exercise calories. I stalled a couple of times but persevered and the weight is still slowly coming off. I have put on some muscle and my body looking a lot more defined so that's really important to me probably even more than losing weight per se. You are probably adding muscle and the weight will come off, just stick to it and you will see the results. It's been really worth the effort to feel good in my body again. This is my personal experience, hope it helps