Alcohol question

If i stay under my calorie intake of 1200 calories a day and that includes alcoholic drinks I should still lose weight yes? I've been having a really hard time with this. I go out for the weekend and each day stay under my 1200 calories still and i'm still gaining weight on my sides and midsection. WHAT IS HAPPENING!?? help!!


  • Lucy_6678
    Lucy_6678 Posts: 63 Member
    I can't wait to hear what people say. I bet they say cut out all booze period. It is easier said than done. I know I so look forward to my beer after a long day. It literally feels good & tastes good. I have been watching what I eat and try to limit myself to 1 beer a day. This weekend we are going out- I'll have more, but will try to walk more calories off Saturday and Sunday.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    To be honest it's probably because you need to eat more than 1200 calories. Plus if you think about it, alcohol dehydrates you, so when you drink 10000 gallons of water the next morning to try to get over a hangover, your body holds on to the water weight. Try upping your calories to 1500 *ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE WORKING OUT* and see if that helps you lose weight. Also stick with clear liquor and like tonic or whatever diet drink they have at the bar

    *we as people have a sick relationship with calories. So even though it may seem that upping your calories will make you gain weight, do some research just on mfp alone and you will see so many threads about people who tried this and saw great results on the scale. 1200 calories or less isn't for everyone, and it seems like it may not be for you since you aren't losing weight on it
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    If i stay under my calorie intake of 1200 calories a day and that includes alcoholic drinks I should still lose weight yes? I've been having a really hard time with this. I go out for the weekend and each day stay under my 1200 calories still and i'm still gaining weight on my sides and midsection. WHAT IS HAPPENING!?? help!!

    That'll do it. While your liver is working on the alcohol it can't work on weight. I DO drink wine, but when I cut it out for a week or two I lose all the excess on my midsection. :)
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    skip the alcohol
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    yes please.

    oh wait what was the question?
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    wow if you have a glass of wine or a beer you've almost had 10% of all the calories for your day. If you are going to stay that low I'd probably nix the booze because you need to get in the most nutrient dense foods in less calories.

    Personally I say up the calories, drink more and be merry.
  • h9dlb
    h9dlb Posts: 243 Member
    Alcohol has a triple whammy effect even if you only drink say once a week and stay within your calorie targets -

    1) It's empty calories with no nutritional value and wont fit in your macro targets
    2) It increases your appetite causing you to eat more or make unwise choices
    3) Most importantly it STOPS YOU BURNING FAT - The liver sees alcohol as a poison and prioritizes getting rid of it first and fat burning is put on hold, therefore even if you are within your kcal limits and/or exercise a lot, you won't lose weight.

    So I'm afraid alcohol is off the menu

    Good article here
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    skip the alcohol
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Makes perfect sence. Gotta lay off the booze!

    Wanted to add: I didn't have a drink for an entire week and lost 6.5 pounds.
    Alcohol has a triple whammy effect even if you only drink say once a week and stay within your calorie targets -

    1) It's empty calories with no nutritional value and wont fit in your macro targets
    2) It increases your appetite causing you to eat more or make unwise choices
    3) Most importantly it STOPS YOU BURNING FAT - The liver sees alcohol as a poison and prioritizes getting rid of it first and fat burning is put on hold, therefore even if you are within your kcal limits and/or exercise a lot, you won't lose weight.

    So I'm afraid alcohol is off the menu

    Good article here
  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member
    1200 calories is probably too little, especially if part of that is alcohol. A margarita can have around 600 calories so maybe the drinks you are having when you go out have more calories than you factor in.
    It is possilbe to lose weight and not give up alchohol, it's working for me. I switched my cocktail of choice to vodka, club soda, lemons and a little splenda and it's around 65 calories. Try it, it's good. And up your calories!!
  • LynzeeHarouff
    LynzeeHarouff Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone. I wish i didn't have to give up alcohol all together but i feel like i might have to cut it down to once or twice a month. I've been having a hard time with munchies now lol Always having problems! What are some quick workouts that can burn alot of calories so i can have several small meals a day?
  • storm15918
    storm15918 Posts: 88 Member
    Alcohol has a triple whammy effect even if you only drink say once a week and stay within your calorie targets -

    1) It's empty calories with no nutritional value and wont fit in your macro targets
    2) It increases your appetite causing you to eat more or make unwise choices
    3) Most importantly it STOPS YOU BURNING FAT - The liver sees alcohol as a poison and prioritizes getting rid of it first and fat burning is put on hold, therefore even if you are within your kcal limits and/or exercise a lot, you won't lose weight.

    So I'm afraid alcohol is off the menu

    Good article here

    Empty calories makes sense. Increased appetite I could see too. But I'm not so sure I believe number 3. I don't know if the statement about the liver is true, but even if it is, once the alcohol has been processed, wouldn't your body go back to burning fat? How does having a drink cancel out any deficit you may have? Are you trying to tell me that even if I have a 500 calorie deficit, I won't lose any fat because I had one drink? That does't really make sense. Alcohol isn't some magical anti-fat burning substance. If you are at a deficit, you will lose weight, even if you drink alcohol. I would know since I've lost fat in both my legs and stomach while eating at a deficit and drinking heavily at least once a week.
  • wanthealthylife
    wanthealthylife Posts: 9 Member
    I hate that my first post on MFP is a bummer, but here it is. I have for the last 6 years drank 2 glasses (large) of Wine a night. Three weeks ago I went to Dr. for a regular check up. CBC came back with high (slightly elevated) liver enzymes, high cholestoral and my hypo-thyroid was triple the normal range. The Doctor then sent me for an ultra sound of my right quadrant. I have been diagnosed with a FATTY LIVER from ALCOHOL.

    I am 5' and 125 lbs. In order to get healthy again and reverse the damage I inflicted upon myself due to alcohol consumption, I have to eat a healthy, low fat, low carb diet with plenty of fresh food - not processed. Thank GOD what I have is reversable if I make those changes. If I do not I am slowly killing my liver / body.

    Needless to say I have chosen the healthy life and completely given up alcohol. I was so amazed when I read about Fatty Liver Disease that Obesity, Insulin Resistance, Alcohol and Cholesterol all play a major part in it. Even social drinkers can get FLD.

    Sorry to be a downer - but drop the alcohol and enjoy losing weight the healthy way. FLD is usually a silent disease until it progresses in the more dangerous zones.
  • I'm on my 2nd week now and I have been having four shots of vodka and diet coke Friday and Saturday night, I am losing ok at the moment. I include the alcohol in my daily limits though.
  • lmyers132625
    lmyers132625 Posts: 31 Member
    Way to go on cutting out the alcohol. I am myself have recently come to realize that I need to do the same. It won't be easy, but it is for the best!
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    Alcohol has a triple whammy effect even if you only drink say once a week and stay within your calorie targets -

    1) It's empty calories with no nutritional value and wont fit in your macro targets
    2) It increases your appetite causing you to eat more or make unwise choices
    3) Most importantly it STOPS YOU BURNING FAT - The liver sees alcohol as a poison and prioritizes getting rid of it first and fat burning is put on hold, therefore even if you are within your kcal limits and/or exercise a lot, you won't lose weight.

    So I'm afraid alcohol is off the menu

    Good article here

    This. I know it probably isn't the answer you want to hear, but i'm afraid it's true.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Eat more food, with an eye on a healthy balance of macros. Your body is holding onto what fat it has primarily because your calorie intake is so low, not necessarily because you happen to choose alcohol as part of your caloric intake.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Alcohol hinders fat loss but it doesn't STOP fat loss. Your metabolism doesn't have on/off switches, it has dimmer switches,. Alcohol is a major dimmer though. My personal concern with alcohol is its effect on sleep and hormonal changes. Moderation is key.