For myself and My Kids

Hi everybody. I decided two days ago it was time for a life style change. I want to get healthy and I want to be able to enjoy playing with my children ages 1 1/2 and 3 1/2. I would love to get some "friends" on here so I can have the support I need. I would also love to give that same support. Please send friend request!!!


  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    Hi, Amber. I'm sure you will find a whole lot of support here.

    I've tried several times to lose weight, but it wasn't until I really became honest with myself and really use this site the way it's supposed to be used that I saw results.

    I also have children, three of them ages 10, 5, and 2. We have all benefited from the change as now we look for active things to do on the weekend such as hiking, going to the beach, flying kites, and lazer tagging!

    Good luck and have a great journey! There will be bumps in the road, but any trip worth taking is full of little detours.
  • AmberC2010
    Thanks for the support! I've tried dieting before and I was doing good until I got pregnant with my youngest child. Now I've gained 30lbs since she was born. I've got to do something I want to be here for them and be able to do things with them without giving out.
  • SharriRae
    SharriRae Posts: 3
    Amber -
    You need to put yourself first. As a mother, I know how hard this can be. You have to reclaim you. Celebrate you. You can't fully be a mom when you aren't fully yourself. If you don't give yourself your can't give your kids your all either.

    Good luck on this journey. Always here if you need support!
  • AmberC2010
    You are exactly right. I know I need to but it is very hard. Thanks for the support and understanding!