Hello everyone.

Hi, everyone, I really like how people encourage each other here, and how positive and loving total strangers can be to each other!! I think that is awsome!!!!
Now, having said that I really need a place to be honest, I find it very hard to loose weight!!! Very hard to eat healthy!!! AND VERY HARD TO EXERCISE!!!!!
I crave junk all the time, its great to loose weight!! But, that dosent mean I loose the ability to enjoy a cupcake or sit arround and watch tv, I like those things, and I am not the kind of person who thinks that is neceseraly wrong. So I need some kind of ? Am I the only person who feels this way?
Like today, Oh my good, I am going to think all day on a hash brown, yes really? its sad but true, I will exercise and hate every minute of it!!!!!every minute, and i WILL be frustated because it takes so long to lose even 1 pound, one........


  • bettpboopfit
    bettpboopfit Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! We're all humans.. Just remember muscle burns fat..
  • Garrettsmom
    Garrettsmom Posts: 35 Member
    You are going to have to get to a place here you care more about losing weight than eating junk food. And I don't mean that in an ugly way. I think all of us on this site came to a place in our lives when we said "okay...I have got to do something...for my health, my future."

    Sure, an occasional cupcake or some sort of "junk" food isn't going to kill your diet. For me, if I really start craving something, I usually have it, but not everyday and only a portion of what I use to have. Its all about moderation.

    As for exercise...who doesn't hate it. I hate every minute of it too. I work a full time job, come home, have a family I have to cook for, clothes to wash, kitchen to clean, etc., but I take 20 to 30 minutes a day to do some kind of aerobic activity. Gotta get the heart rate up if you want to burn the calories.

    You have to want it more than the cupcake....more than the chips....its that simple.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello, and Welcome to MFP.
    Eating healthy does NOT mean giving up all the foods you love. Just the other night i had a piece of Strawberry Cheesecake for dessert. It is all about Moderation, and getting active. In the beginning I told myself that going to Curves was "Physical Therapy". I still don't especially 'Like' exercise, but I have found that I have more energy and I crave Movement.
    Make small changes in your daily diet, and focus on just moving more. You will make progress.
  • wuwuwewe
    wuwuwewe Posts: 11
    maybe thats why its so hard for me to loose weigth , I am muscle deprived
  • Smyles2u
    Smyles2u Posts: 48 Member
    :happy: :happy: welcome wuwuwewe and good luck! :happy:
  • wuwuwewe
    wuwuwewe Posts: 11
    thank you for your advise, and I understand, the last thing I wanted to do after work is come, clean, cook, wash and be taken for granted, and then EXERCISE!!! what??? That is how I started gaining weight, when I live by myself I go down, and when I meet some one I go up, I have to learn to ajust to cooking for someone, and not feeling like I have to eat aswell, it must be more dificult with kids. how do you manage?
  • wuwuwewe
    wuwuwewe Posts: 11
    ohhh!!!! gosh you are adorable!!! thanx for the encouragement.
  • wuwuwewe
    wuwuwewe Posts: 11
    You look great!!!!
  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member
    Hey there

    I find that if you crave something and not have it, it will leave you "grazing", which will pile on the pounds because the craving is not curbed. I truly believe and it is scientifically proven that if your body is craving something, eg chocolate it is what your body needs , i.e sugar.....saying that, moderation in that craving is needed, thats where your will power comes in!! :smile:

    Good luck and happy losing

  • wuwuwewe
    wuwuwewe Posts: 11
    K, so I think I am doing this wrong , I thought I was responding individually to the kind advise that you guys have given me, its just looks like Iam crazy responding to myself, well I meant to respond to everyone and say thanx .