Yet another bride..

Hello all!

I'm sure there are a lot of people in the same boat as me so I figured I would introduce myself to make some friends!

I am getting married September 28th in DC and hoping to reach my goal weight beforehand (my profile picture is my goal weight from 2010.. what a difference 3 years makes!!)

My ultimate goal is 30 lbs but I would be perfectly happy with 20. I would love to hear some workouts that people have really enjoyed. I try so hard to be a gym person but if I could burn calories doing something more fun, I am all in! Are there any work outs / videos / activities that you find enjoyable and show results?

Also for all my brides out there.. Are there any arm workouts you find effective? Gotta get those arms in shape!

Thanks so much! :)


  • lcamilli
    lcamilli Posts: 6 Member

    I am a November 30th bride - somewhat close!

    Anyways, have you tried the Bar Method? I swear by that for toning. It makes me do arms and other areas I tend to avoid when just going to the gym. It's expensive, but worth it in my mind. (I need the person there making me do it, so working out at home isn't very effective for me)

    I've also heard good things about the Tone it Up Girls beach or bikini video (I forget exactly what it is called) but they are always in the health magazines showing some of their moves for people to do on their own.
  • HeartzDezire
    HeartzDezire Posts: 8 Member
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

    IF you like to dance, any Zumba video or class is GREAT! It works all muscle areas and you don't feel like you are exercising. There is a huge park with a big hill in my area. I go there and run up and down the hill (or stairs) to get my leg muscles and cardio going.

    Hope this helps!
  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    NOT a soon-to-be bride, but Jillian Michaels Body Revolution has completely transformed my body in 3 months!!! The muscle definition in my arms and back is UNREAL! You might want to look into that and you have enough time to complete it. Also, It's only a 1/2 hour a day!

    Good luck and best wishes on your big day! :)
  • emilyruth4
    Hey all! I am a Sep. 21,2013 bride!

    My goal is about 15 more lbs (it was 25 on Feb. 1 this year) I love to run & find it is the best for maintaining weight loss and burning calories. I've recently switched from 3 meals a day to 6 smaller meals and found it much easier to hit calorie goals because it makes me feel fuller for longer in the day. I also take 2 total body conditioning classes at a local gym.

    If you're not into gyms, i suggest buying 3, 5 & 8lb weights and researching some arm workouts to tone up your upper body (upright rows, shoulder press, bicept curls) P90X is good if you can borrow it from someone or find it for cheap. You can also find some great stuff on YouTube, you just have to search around.

    Good Luck!
  • 2bwed2014
    2bwed2014 Posts: 11
    Hey there,

    I'm getting married October 2014. I LOVE Zumba. Also I have the Turbo Jam DVD's which I enjoy as well..
  • waterfaeriegirl
    October 2013 bride here. We can do this!