Advice on lifting and strength training !



  • SafiyaBWG
    SafiyaBWG Posts: 119 Member
    Also, gyms are super expensive in France, at least where I live, and they're faaaaaar away from where I live, and parks in france are not equipped at all
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    While watching "bros" at the gym was definitely great entertainment, it's so nice not to have to wait for the power cage cause some dude is curling in it.

    I think at that point it is appropriate to say, "Bro, do you even lift?!"

    I'd dig having my own stuff at home, but maybe one day. I need to build my brewing shed first.

    For the op, sorry for the sidetrack, but here's a cheap idea.

    Buy a solid duffel bag, and then go to a home improvement type store and buy about 75kg in sand bags. Add and remove sand bags from the duffel bag as you do exercises, you can do a lot that way, actually.
  • curds
    curds Posts: 201 Member
    Hey OP,

    My lower half is also a power house (in comparison to the top), I don't workout in a gym because well its expensive and I'm fine with my dumbbells.

    I also lift 2 kgs and please don't tell me I should be lifting more I see results with 2 kgs and more to the point I see the results I want to see with it. I'm also a lil stronger in my one arm than my other one, but it doesn't look odd so don't worry about it looking weird. I will admit my one arm has "deeper" definition than the other, but the other one is more streamline. Just recently, I've actually begun to see some change in my triceps (yaaay).

    So basically if you get yourself some weights that's really all you need. I also have a resistance band, but I mostly use my lil ittybitty pink dumbbells :).
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I've managed to get plenty of 'definition' from just doing cardio basically - by lowering fat levels so you can see the muscle underneath.

    Even doing cardio without weights can see improvements in muscle - runners and cyclists obviously have 'body weight' to work with which helps, but can get noticeable amounts of bulk in those areas.

    For me and many on here it's not just the muscle (I'm a big-chested bloke who I think suits some muscle, never mind liking it for general 'life'), but the calorie burn associated with doing the compound moved with heavy (for the indivdual) weights.

    With my friend who I've been helping she's commented that's she's been much hungrier since starting doing this - which is a nice result as it does suggest her body's burning way more calories than the handful used in actually lifting the heavy metal up 15 times for each movement.

    I have done 'body pump' before, which is light weights used for extended periods. It doesn't really compare in terms of effort in vs results out.