Back again and looking for friends!

After a very hectic 6 months (moved house twice) and putting on another 10 llbs, I am back to lose the 10 lbs and the rest!

I'm 22, live with my boyfriend of 5 years in south east england, and work in a desk job that doesn't see me move much!

I initially want to lose 52 lbs, which will take me back to what I was before I went to University, then will aim to lose a further 20 to get to a healthy BMI!

Would be great to get some friends with similar goals, or even just anybody that can push me to do this! I've failed so many times, and with the Nurse now tellign me I am at high risk of diabetes if I get much bigger, I really need to do something about it...

Time to go!


  • makenumpretty
    hi, I have a lot to lose, not sure what weight I want to get down to but its near 80 pounds. add me if you like :)
  • krstldw
    krstldw Posts: 3 Member
    I'm back at this after not using it for several months and added 10 pounds, also! Add me!
  • tskalicky
    tskalicky Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Lucy, this is my first time using MFP and it's working, but slowly, which I guess is good. I live in Idaho and am married (27 yrs in May) and have three kids (14, 16, 21). I have about 60 pounds I want to lose and I'm hoping this time I can do it. Hang in there!!!
  • Marianne477
    You can add me.