Never exercised in my life!



  • Tristaan
    Tristaan Posts: 126 Member
    Just get out and walk. Start slow, and set an attainable goal. Eventually you'll pass your landmarks (or mile markers, or pedometer steps) and set a new goal. You'll feel a difference in yourself, things will get easier. Your goals will get more challenging because your confidence will be building. After you're comfortable, add some weights, take a class, get a couple trainer sessions. If you're not comfortable in a gym, buy a few weights and do some basic exercises at home. Try new things. Everyone is different, don't worry about anyone else's progress, be your own toughest competitor. Listen to your body, and celebrate what it can do. You are going to do great! :)
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    How about people who are new again? Up until about a decade ago I was pretty active. I had a job that kept me on my feet and running for about 8 hours a day. After work I would usually do something too, with my daughter usually after dinner. Then suddenly I couldn't do it anymore, I was exhausted and spent a couple months sleeping up to 16 hours a day. Anyway long story short, I am just getting back to being able to walk for more than 30 minutes, but sometimes I still have to sit down before the 30 minutes is up. I am trying to get to 1 hour without having to take a break, but I am up to 1 hour with a break in there. Next it will be 90 minutes with maybe a couple of rest periods.
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Working out is like a fate worse then death.. Oh wait no its not.

    I don't want to die, I don't want a heart attack, I don't want a stroke. I want to be there for my kids.
    Nothing can be worse than that. Every time exercise gets easier I push it harder. I just push all my hate and rage and everything into it. I don't get that much time to work out, so I have to schedule it and make every moment count.

    3.5mph is fine by the way. Awesome job that you are doing it!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I'm a "new again" person :smile: . I used to be very fit when I was young, but got more sedentary a few years ago and was pretty unfit by the time I started exercising again. It was hard!

    Does it get better? Yes and no! I suppose when I'm exercising I'm trying to put in a certain amount of effort, and that doesn't change. I can no longer just march on the spot to feel that I'm "working". Now I have to do something more energetic, like dancing. So yes, the thing that you're doing gets easier, but then you have to do harder things :laugh: .

    Walking pace varies between individuals. I've always been a slow walker, even when fit. I blame short legs. So I wouldn't worry about how fast you're going, but whether it feels like you're doing something. I do have to consciously speed up and walk briskly to feel that I'm putting effort in, as I would tend to amble. But I don't worry about the mph speed.

    If I was you, I'd add in some resistance/strength training. I know people go on about it here, but I really do feel that it's beneficial, particularly for women in their 40s and up. Having strong muscles and bones is so important. And also, I'd say that's the one area where I really saw progression. It's so satisfying finding that you're noticeably stronger (able to lift a heavier weight) within days sometimes!
  • SarahDavs
    SarahDavs Posts: 161 Member
    I am pretty out of shape. I started riding my stationary bike 5 minutes at a time for a week, added 5 minutes the next week and so on. You don't want to over strain yourself, or get an injury or just plain scare yourself out of exercising from over doing it. So ease into it.
  • Annie83uk
    Annie83uk Posts: 128
    i had done some exercise before but it was still hard, once you push past the pain barrier and your body gets stronger you will be fine. i don't do just walking because i walk 15 minutes to work and back anyway, i do jillian michaels revolution, it is very hard i am starting week 7 on tuesday and dreading what i'm gonna have to do. let me tell you the feeling you get from your body getting stronger and more flexible is amazing, i could never sit up properly on my sofa now i can, i could never cross my legs now i can, even standing after sitting for a long time would hurt now i do it with ease, it is so unbelievable, 6 months ago i would never of thought i had it in me but you never know the strength you have. good luck with your weight loss we are all here to help if you need it :smile:
  • Hi I'm an exercise avoider too, have always hated it, and use any excuse not to walk my little dog! But I know this needs to change and I think using MFP will help, as you have the reward of exercising by be able to add to your cals for the day! As well as the long term rewards to your body of course.

    if any exercise newbies want to add me as a friend so we can support and encourage each other that'd be great, just send me a friend request.

    I'm 49 and planning to start walking to begin with! Who knows what it'll lead to!! :smile:
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Welcome! I'm 48 and have gone in spurts of doing exercise videos or the gym, but never consistently as a life habit. It's scary to take the plunge later in life, but so worth it for the benefits. I'm going to make it stick this time. I'm doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and will be training for 5Ks. My parnts died in thier mid 50s, and I'm not going to follow that path. Please friend me if you'd like mutual support.
  • Kevintron2
    Kevintron2 Posts: 101 Member
    I never exercised either. Now I can't image a day without it. Once I got in the groove I don't feel right until I get my exercise in for the day. I'm always planning for my workouts. For me It's freakin' addicting!!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    i am interested in hearing from people who were new to exercise. I am 46 and have never really exercised. Every bone in my body hurts so I know I need to change. I am scaring myself because I am getting so unhealthy but the exercise is hard. Does it get better. I am only doing walks and bike riding right now. They describe a 3mph wak as "walking a dog"It feels like a run to me!

    Good for you! :) Walking is a great exercise. It's gentle, jumpstarts your immune system, and you can go at your own pace. I've picked a destination 1.5 to 2 miles from my house and walk there every day... because once I reach it, by the time I walk home I will have walked 3-4 miles. This month I am starting C25K, the 2 month program that gradually introduces you to running. But really, what you are doing now with walking and cycling is wonderful.
  • minnxie
    minnxie Posts: 2
    I was surprised at how unfit I am. I'm only 22 and to begin with i'd exercise and then think i was going to pass out or be sick to the point i felt like crying. I stopped for a while and looked into it a bit more and realised i was jumping into too much all at once. I started off doing what I could making sure to take breaks if I needed them and always drink at hand. My dad suggested I did ten minutes of something and then an hour later ten minutes again to build my body up to it. I now really enjoy the thrill of exercising and pushing myself. I do extra little things like taking the dog on really long walks or walking to somewhere i might have normally got a bus too etc. It does get easier! I now have a cross trainer i try to use 30 minutes a day
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    Exercising is a routine that you can get used to .... make it a habit and before long you'll start to feel better about the whole idea. Don't torture yourself but make an honest effort to develop a regular routine that fits your schedule. As you advance you can add or change parts of your personal activity to meet your needs/standards. The key word here is to remain active in a regular way. You'll feel better about the whole idea of exercising as you progress! Good luck to you and welcome to myfitnesspal.... I believe you will find this site very supportive.:wink::smile: :wink:
  • josarahm
    josarahm Posts: 48
    Thanks so much. I am reading everything to try to help. Going to go ride my bike!
  • josarahm
    josarahm Posts: 48
    Thanks. I am trying hard. I rode 5 miles tonight.
  • josarahm
    josarahm Posts: 48
    :drinker: I hated Exercise until I joined Curves in 2009. I found an "Exercise" that I actually ENJOYED :noway: And I looked forward to going in every day.
    If you don't like what you are doing right now, keep trying new things until you find something you LOVE!! Then it won't feel like "Work". And don't be afraid to try something that you "Think" you will Hate!! I tried Heavy Lifting and I LOVE it!! My Husband is in Shock!!

    That is a tremendous achievement so far. Thanks for the advice.
  • josarahm
    josarahm Posts: 48
    i hated it. and still do. walking is boring, running is boring but quicker. workout dvds are hard. Only thing I really like is dance central for my xbox.

    But, I like how i feel after I do any of my workouts.

    You are obviously on the right path! Tremendous weight loss.
  • josarahm
    josarahm Posts: 48
    You are so lucky to be 46 and starting this! I am 58 and wish I could get back a lost FAT decade or two. Don't give up. Exercise gets sooooo much easier. One step, one day, one pound, one inch at a time. I began at 250, couldn't walk more than 1/2 mile. Then got to 1 mile in 30 minutes. Then in 20....Now I am doing 3 miles in 45 minutes with a 'touch' of jogging....and I still weigh in pretty heavy (195). The weight is coming off sooooo slowly and I have turned into an exercise freak. and believe me, I used to hate to get off the couch to go pee! So if I can catch the exercise bug, ANYONE can! I even started swimming. I couldn't make one lap without resting a LOT after it. Today, I swam 20 laps in 38 minutes--NONSTOP.

    Take back your life! Your knees will thank you, your back will thank you and you get to ENJOY the rest of it UNFAT! Just keep moving....step by step. If the exercise program is making you so sore you want to quit, then just walk for a few weeks or months. Then add that program back in after you have gotten your body accustomed to moving. Just DON"T STOP!

    Its not actaully making me sore. Burns while I am doing it and hurts but my back and knees already feel better and I had developed a feeling of unsteadiness before from my leg muscles being so weak and that has also improved. I rode 5 miles tonight so I am improving.
  • dmgelinas
    dmgelinas Posts: 36 Member
    It DOES get easier! I promise! I never did it before either, but I now enjoy it and the way it makes me feel! It also helps that people think I look SO MUCH BETTER! And I can't even tell you how much confidence I've gained. Don't give up! It's SO worth it! Add me if you need motivation or someone to chat with, I love keeping in touch and having motivational competitions! (Anyone add me!)
    Good luck everyone!