Should I be eating more?

Take a look at my diary, I know it's really unhealthy, it's by my mom's choice of dinner for tonight (and for breakfast) :mad: but other than the obvious nutritional lacking, am I really undereating? I don't feel hungry but I don't want to lose too much weight (I'm looking to just lose 5 lbs in the next month or so) HELP ME!


  • eag264
    eag264 Posts: 116
    1200 a day is just too much for me and many other's who have testified on our message boards. Don't really know what your starting weight and goal weights are and everyone's different but check out this post i took from message boards about the whole thing. Take a read and then decide for yourself. good luck!
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Its hard to give advice when you have only got one logged day, your profile also says your 14 and a sporty person. So yes i would say your not eating enough.

    Also forums etc are r18....
  • kaylindeschanel
    kaylindeschanel Posts: 105 Member
    i think your diet is fine!

    but it's best to remember that it's quality > quantity.
    make sure that you're getting your nutrients or you won't lose weight.
    even if you're eating 500 calories a day, you won't lose weight if what you're eating is horrible.

    more fruits/veggies, less prepared frozen foods/desserts!
    feel free to add me. i'll be here to support you!
    KAYRRIE Posts: 201 Member
    You're very close to eating all your calories which is actually good. Don't go over unless you workout. Let's say you burned 250 calories, you actually have to eat those back. That's what I've learned while being here. Also, I know it wasn't really your fault for dinner but those types of food will make it very difficult for you to lose the weight even if you're under your calories. As they say on MFP, more fats (as in good fats) and protein, less carbs and sugar. Hope this helps a lil. Wish you the best.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    1200 a day is just too much for me and many other's who have testified on our message boards. Don't really know what your starting weight and goal weights are and everyone's different but check out this post i took from message boards about the whole thing. Take a read and then decide for yourself. good luck!

    shes 14 years old and plays alot of sport, 1200 is not enough for anyone let alone a 14 year old girl. If 1200 is too much for you then how did you end up on this site.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    sorry i read that as 14..your actually 18
  • wafflemeister14
    wafflemeister14 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm not 14, that's just my number :) I'm 18
  • aronao
    aronao Posts: 112 Member
    First questions: how much do you weigh now, how tall are you, how much exercise do you do each week? All these will help determine how much you should be eating (healthy or otherwise).
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    I'm not 14, that's just my number :) I'm 18

    haha yeah sorry :flowerforyou: ! still though its hard to tell from one day, I would stay based on that try getting some fresh food in with your meals even if its just a carrot or something and eat back your exercise cals and you should be fine...don't ever let anyone tell you 1200 is to much either!
  • wafflemeister14
    wafflemeister14 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 5' 5" I weigh 115 lbs and I play softball 2 or 3 times a week for a couple hours each time plus tournaments every other weekend.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    This is a good place to start. 1200 is too low for many people. If you do stick with such a low goal make sure you eat back your exercise calories.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Good carbs for energy ( brown rice etc) fresh fruit and veg :) You will be fine!
  • fredhack
    fredhack Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, Have a look at this documentary. It might give you peace of mind. It is really worth watching. Look at my food diary, I eat way less than you and I am 100 + kilos