people 10-20 pounds above their goal eating BMR

If you are 120-150 pounds, or have 20 pounds to lose to be at your ideal weight, did you eat your net BMR (BMR-exercise) calories and were you successful? I know this has been talked about a lot, but I am having trouble finding success stories by people with a small amount of weight to lose. My BMR is 1340, and eating anything more than that feels like it is way too much to lose weight consistently, but I will believe it if somebody tells me they did it with success!


  • UseItForFuel
    UseItForFuel Posts: 29 Member
    I eat above my BMR. Although, I also exercise a lot. Here are the numbers I have calculated for myself using the Harris-Benedict formula.

    @141 lbs, 5'7" and 21 years

    BMR- 1484

    Moderately Active
    Maintain: 2300
    Lose: 1800

    Very Active
    Maintain: 2522
    Lose: 2022

    I want to lose about 6-11 more pounds. I've lost around 10-15 lbs since January by using this method. Eating at my BMR isn't enough for me, personally. I workout 1-2 hours a day.
  • RieBerg
    RieBerg Posts: 261 Member
    How about your net? I am talking about netting at BMR. My BMR is 1340 and I am netting that amount. Do you net above that?
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I generally net (on average for the week) between 1650-1800 calories a day. My BMR is about 1440.
  • UseItForFuel
    UseItForFuel Posts: 29 Member
    By using the Harris-Benedict formula, it takes your activity level into consideration already. So I don't worry about the "netting" that happens with logging exercise on here.

    Well, I'm not good at explaining it, so I'll link to someone who actually is good at it.

    EDIT: Sorry, I feel bad that I couldn't be of help like I thought I would be. x_x To be honest, I obsess over it so much I get confused easily.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Ya I do TDEE -15% or so.
  • UseItForFuel
    UseItForFuel Posts: 29 Member
    That is what I've been aiming for, but only with 20% ish.
  • 5'11- 142 lbs.

    I eat around 1000 a day but I rarely workout. Just couple sets a day that's it. It's maintaing my weight but not losing :(
  • RieBerg
    RieBerg Posts: 261 Member
    Yeah, I obsess over it way too much also! The problem for me with the TDEE stuff is that I put sedentary because my exercise is just not consistent. I may work out 7 days one week and only 3 days the next. Thanks for the help!
  • RieBerg
    RieBerg Posts: 261 Member
    Ya I do TDEE -15% or so.

    How much on average are you losing per week doing that, and what is your activity level set up as and do you eat your exercise calories back?
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Ya I do TDEE -15% or so.

    How much on average are you losing per week doing that, and what is your activity level set up as and do you eat your exercise calories back?

    I am 10 pounds away from my goal so losing right around the proper 0.5 or so pounds a week (sometimes a bit more, sometimes a bit less). My activity level is set at moderately active (on the TDEE calculator), as I have a standing job and do 30 Day Shred. TDEE includes my exercise so I don't eat my exercise calories back. I net between 1650-1800 calories daily (on average per week)
  • RieBerg
    RieBerg Posts: 261 Member
    Okay, thanks, that helps!