I dont like fruit or vegetables HELP



  • torijd
    torijd Posts: 23
    just start eating them and cut out other junk foods. I think plain is the best for veggies - that is my palette. You need to just have them now and again and stop thinking they are gross/yuck because they really arent, its just that as children parents always assumed we were going to hate them for some silly reason! I never thought veggies were gross and never realised the social norm of children hating them simply because my parents introduced them to me as normal foods you eat with every meal - you need to start trying to take that approach :)

    so true ! thanks :)
  • torijd
    torijd Posts: 23
    If it's the texture, there are a lot of vegetables you can eat raw and they will be totally different from the texture they have when cooked.

    thankyou :)
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    when you make Bolognase sauce, you can add grated veg to it and cook it down

    I do the same with cottage pie
    or anything that uses ground meat or mince
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    So all fruit and vegetables taste exactly the same? What an interesting concept. Personally I've never thought a pineapple tastes a thing like a potato.
  • Kanohane
    Kanohane Posts: 112 Member
    Hey so I'm a teenager and have never liked the taste of fruit and vegetables! I was just wondering if anyone has any tips or ideas on how to make such foods taste better or how to make myself less fussy haha?
    try bolthouse farms juices
  • TaNaasha
    TaNaasha Posts: 1
    Have you tried juicing your fruits and veggies?
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    There are foods I always hated that I like now. I just had to try them three or four times even "knowing" I didn't like them. With veggies roasting them is a really great way to bring out the sweetness. If you don't like something raw, roast it. If roasting doesn't do it for you try steaming them. Things like carrots, broccoli, parsnips, and sweet potatoes can be steamed or baked and blended then added to pasta sauce or meatloaf and have no real difference in flavour.
  • cerenia
    cerenia Posts: 74 Member
    I'm the same - had an accident as a kid which afected my taste buds, and ever since, I can't eat fruit a veg - to the point any will often make me sick (bar potato) - over the last few years, i've built up to having a little bit of onion in food like mince, and I try and drink high value tomato soup - I am building up slowly, but if they don't make me sick (for quite a few, the scent will make me will before going near the food), they give me awful stomache ache - I LOVE butternut squash, but it makes me awfully ill, i'm generally a fussy persona anyway, and trying things without knowing is a good way about it - I won't touch scrambled eggs, but my partner scrambled eggs, and pur loads of herbs in it, and painted it on top of turkey - and I adored it! Keep trying different variations, and you'll get there!