Bored with the Elliptical

So I'm only about a month and a half in on my journey. I have a couple bad discs in my back so jogging outside is really out of the question. Tonight as i was on the elliptical I added the arm motion from jumping jacks. Do for a minute, then take a break, repeat.

I figure not only am I burning more calories, but it's got to be a good "core" exercise since you have to really work at balancing yourself while your moving. Also, the sweat just pours off you when you add this in.

Any other low impact cardio is appreciated.

Also, walking and hiking outside.


  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    elliptical backwards too- it works the complimentary muscles; follow various elliptical programs (intervals, mountain climbing); or focus on your arms- yes your legs still have to move but if you focus on pulling/pushing the arm levers then you build your arm muscles

    as far as other low impact options and bad backs- I highly recommend going to the swimming pool - not just for swimming but also water jogging/walking- aquarobics, aquagym, aqua fit, aquazumba- these classes have made a huge difference in my back pain levels and helped me build pretty good core muscles too
  • buffty
    buffty Posts: 83
    Listen to tunes and switch off.

    I mix the programmes up, sometimes fatburn,sometimes cardio. And try to beat my previous distance.

    But yeah, it's boring as hell.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    Screw the elliptical. If you have a spinal injury then avoid strength training with the barbell and dumbbells until you recover. In the meantime, do
    10 sets of 10 reps on the leg press
    10 sets of 10 reps of the leg curl

    Go home and rest.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    I love weightlifting and swimming. I also use the stair stepper alot. So much so I had to switch to something else because I was afraid my body would get too used to it.

    If I tried to do the jumping jack moves with my arms while on the ellptical, I would totally biff it.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Screw the elliptical. If you have a spinal injury then avoid strength training with the barbell and dumbbells until you recover. In the meantime, do
    10 sets of 10 reps on the leg press
    10 sets of 10 reps of the leg curl

    Go home and rest.

    would but I could- I have a spinal injury that would not allow me to do the leg press (probably not the leg curl either) in fact- up until a few months ago, more often then not my legs were numb

    though I totally agree with the idea- within the limits of your injury- strength train- as this is not only great for stoking your metabolism it will help with your mobility as the stronger your muscles are the less strain you will put on your back

    (swimming builds kick *kitten* upper body and core strength- probably great leg muscles too but I am a weak swimmer and cannot seem to coordinate my legs and my arms :laugh: )
  • mjkpe
    mjkpe Posts: 98 Member
    Exercise is boring period! I have an elliptical at home and watch TV. When I want to spice it up I turn on something like The View or CNN and start yelling at the TV. :explode:
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Exercise is boring period! I have an elliptical at home and watch TV. When I want to spice it up I turn on something like The View or CNN and start yelling at the TV. :explode:

    I watch Always Sunny, on Netflix. Thank goodness for free wifi!
  • kevinindelaware
    kevinindelaware Posts: 127 Member
    I guess it's time to get another membership at the Y and start doing laps.. I'm sure I can do legs too. My discs are just in bad shape at this point...Never fully healed from my injury, so I have to be careful on what I do. I started the 30 day crunch challenge yesterday.. Day 1.... 20 crunches
    Day 2.... 25 crunches
    Day 3.... 30 crunches
    Day 4... Rest
    Day 5... 40 crunches
    Day 6... 45 crunches
    Day 7... 50 crunches
    Day 8... Rest
    Day 9... 60 crunches
    Day 10... 65 crunches
    Day 11... 70 crunches
    Day 12... Rest
    Day 13... 80 crunches
    Day 14... 90 crunches
    Day 15... 95 crunches
    Day 16... Rest
    Day 17... 100 crunches
    Day 18... 105 crunches
    Day 19... 110 crunches
    Day 20... Rest
    Day 21... 115 crunches
    Day 22... 120 crunches
    Day 23... 125 crunches
    Day 24... Rest
    Day 25... 130 crunches
    Day 26... 135 crunches
    Day 27... 140 crunches
    Day 28... Rest
    Day 29... 145 crunches
    Day 30... 150 crunches