Calling all woman out there!



  • hayleymc3
    hayleymc3 Posts: 128 Member
    I've never had a huge issue with cramping, so it doesn't effect me too much. I will say that certain kinds of tea help me with stomach pain... I believe peppermint and chamomile are both good. I also drink lots of water. If I'm really craving something sweet (which, for me, is more of an every day of the month thing) I get a lowfat smoothie or make one at home. If cramping is keeping you from exercising I strongly recommend taking a nice, long walk. Walking in nature helps me center myself and find some peace... it's good alone time and will allow you to breathe for a bit.
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    Um I dont get unmotivated...i honestly dont see why it would effect you that you cant workout unless you get cramps and pain that are so excruciating that it enables you....if i can go about and run and play and focus in class and go do anything else I want...I can workout.....

    its just how i am though, workouts relieve me