New(ish) mom and ready to get motivated

I'm former military so I've been very fit in the past. I gained a ton of weight during my pregnancy and after I had my son (2.5 years ago) I only lost about 10lbs of baby weight. So here I am.
I have this feeling my body and muscles remember what it is like to be fit and are secretly rooting for me. Chocolate ice cream and Doritos however, have it in for me.
I've made a commitment to myself to get healthy throughout the summer, but I would love to have some outside encouragement as well. To me encouragement means checking in, asking how it's going, and generally just being there. Don't hesitate to friend me and I'd be happy to do the same.



  • mozza77
    mozza77 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! Just logging in today after sitting on my expanding backside for a while, need to get back in to it and now i am a 100 miles from all the friends i used to train with, someone else to give me a poke would be fab! I used to be super fit, but life got in the way so someone else going through same thing would be a great motivator....feel free to add......
  • Hleaver
    Hleaver Posts: 15 Member
    Good luck just commit to your plan and stick to it. Remember to record your food and exercise everyday without fail and for me it helps to weigh myself everyday. I know that goes against conventional thinking but I find if I overeat one day it shows on the scale right away and if I do good that shows too. It is easier for me to lose 1 pound to get back on track than to wait a week and find I have to lose 4 or 5 to get back on track.
    Good luck.....Howard