I want to try to get into running



  • russellbrand69
    russellbrand69 Posts: 132 Member
    I felt like this too - after hemming and hawing about it for a few months I realized I just had to start, and get over it, so I downloaded C25K.
    I was very self-concious at the start, but after about day 3 I realized no-one was looking at me, no-one cares - everyone is busy with their own lives.
    And I've spoken to runners who've been running a long time, and the ones I spoke to have nothing but admiration for anyone who tries and perseveres with it - especially if they are out of shape.
    PLUS the sooner you start, the sooner you'll get good, and the less self-concious you'll feel!
    I'm in my 30's, I hadn't run since school but I was inspired by a work colleague who is a serious runner. So I started C25K in January, and now I run 40 minutes 3 times a week, and I look forward to it! It's really great for both body and mind - so just get out there!
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262

    Oh and get the Zombies Run! app.

    Zombies, Run! Is WHERE IT'S AT. <3
  • Jennvandemark
    Jennvandemark Posts: 179 Member
    I used c25k and did my first 5k this past Sunday. I am not fast by no means but I ran at my turtle speed the whole way with out stopping. I didn't care what people thought because 6 months ago this was not even an idea to try. To tell you the truth no one is watching you just get out there and try.
  • OmegaAlpha007
    OmegaAlpha007 Posts: 70 Member
    This is what worked for me yet I don't know if you can run or how long whatever the case myself I started walking/jogging/running
    Pick a distance, set a goal, pick a distance, set a goal, pick a distance, set a goal.... this goes on forever...
    This is a rough estimate cant remember everything

    Here is me...
    1mile walking 20min sad... whatever
    1mile walking 15min...
    1mile jogging 13min got tired :/
    1mile running 10min
    etc... 1mile running 6min
    2miles jogging 17min
    2miles jogging 14min
    etcs... 2miles 11min
    days passes by I kept doing this I'm currently at 3miles @ 17:30min and 5miles at @ 35min

    That was for speed, distance just switch the two around :)
    10min - 1mile
    10min - 2 miles :D

    Small goals ;)
  • gourmetgal77
    gourmetgal77 Posts: 73 Member
    I started some running/jogging/walking last summer and am starting up again. I have read about Interval Training in a few different articles. Is there anyway to Interval Train without taking a stopwatch with you? I had thought about Interval Training by song, but not sure if that would work as well or if I am setting myself up for too long of a higher interval trying to run a whole song. Any thoughts? TIA!
    Take it slowly so you dont develop shin splints (speaking from experience) C25K is a very good system but I advice using High Intensity Interval Training.

    Run for a minute, walk for a minute and build yourself up that way.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm with the people who recommended C25K and Zombies Run.

    Both are awesome programs and I use/used them both.

    Also, try to run outside if you can... Treadmill running is fine, but boring.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    I'm 246lb and I don't give a poop if people stares at me belly and bits flapping about, at the end of the day i'm trying to do something about it......good luck

    Honestly, when I see a person with some meat on their bones out jogging, I am totally & completely impressed. It takes some serious guts to make the choice to change your life. If anyone out there has rude thoughts, let them stew in their own ignorance. I guarantee a seasoned runner would not snicker & look down.

    to the OP: There's a fine line between nerves and excitement. You can make those feelings work for you.
  • mrp56839
    mrp56839 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm pretty self conscious about my running - I've only been at it a month, so I'm fairly new to it too. Here's what I do:

    I don't make it a topic of conversation with my family. Yep, running is pretty much my dirty little secret. (my husband knows and is mildly supportive, but I can hear doubt in his voice) My mother laughed the last time I told her I wanted to run, so forget it. In July she's coming out to watch the kids - I've got my first 5K. She has no idea she'll be at a race.

    I run during my lunch hour at work. I found a 2-3 mile track about a mile away that is off the road and scenic. If I get there around 11:45, I only see a handful of people the entire time.

    I steer clear of experienced runners on the track. They're probably a great resource, but I'm there to focus on my running. I'm sure they are too.

    I use Endomondo to link my runs to my facebook page. It holds me accountable - my friends won't hesitate to comment if they see .5 miles of walking at 2mph. They also won't hesitate to comment if they see 2.5 miles of running at 5mph.

    That's what I do. Once I feel a little more confident about my abilitites, I want to join our runners group in town, but I'm still a long way away from beign able to hang with the big dogs!