Some needed help or advice please

Hi everyone. I'm seem to be stuck with my weight loss. If anything I seem to be slowly gaining weight back. Every week I've seem for the past three weeks I've seem to add on about .5 or less pounds and I'm not quite sure how to explain it. I eat relevantly clean with mostly fruit, I stick to whole wheats and multi grains. I stay away for all soda's, candy bars and such, and I exercise 4 days out of the week and play softball on a off gym day. I've set my calories at 2250 a day, but honestly had a hard time getting to that number? So what am I doing wrong? Do I need to be hitting that number or going over it?

I appreciate your responses.
Thank you.


  • kahyee
    kahyee Posts: 63
    Exactly how much wheat are you eating? For me I can't eat bread every day maybe twice a week b/c it makes me bloated. Also, how much fruit are you eating? If it's more than two pieces per day, that would mean a lot of sugar and again bloating. What are your exact calories on average? Do you get enough veggies and protein? Without looking at your diary, I would start to look at how my eating habits have changed from three weeks ago.
  • MariaFeuerstein
    MariaFeuerstein Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there. One practice I've put into place that is literally effortless, but has helped significantly is to avoid carbs after 3pm. So, I eat 5 times a day as follows, per my nutritionist:

    A.M. 2 carbs, 2 proteins, 1 fruit or veg
    A.M. Snack 1 carb, 1 protein, 1 fruit or veg
    noon Lunch 2 carbs, 2 proteins, 1 fruit or veg
    p.m. snack 1 protein, 1 fruit or veg
    Dinner 2 protein, 2 vegetables

    All above are lean and under 100 calories each portion for fruits and veg, under 50 cal. So, keep your calories where you want, never feel hungry, and lose the carbs after lunch. You'll drop weight like nobody's business!!!!! :)

    Good luck!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Hi there. One practice I've put into place that is literally effortless, but has helped significantly is to avoid carbs after 3pm. So, I eat 5 times a day as follows, per my nutritionist:

    A.M. 2 carbs, 2 proteins, 1 fruit or veg
    A.M. Snack 1 carb, 1 protein, 1 fruit or veg
    noon Lunch 2 carbs, 2 proteins, 1 fruit or veg
    p.m. snack 1 protein, 1 fruit or veg
    Dinner 2 protein, 2 vegetables

    All above are lean and under 100 calories each portion for fruits and veg, under 50 cal. So, keep your calories where you want, never feel hungry, and lose the carbs after lunch. You'll drop weight like nobody's business!!!!! :)

    Good luck!

    whats wrong with carbs after three pm? Do you really think you body knows the difference between a carb eaten at 12pm and 8 pm...????
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Hi there. One practice I've put into place that is literally effortless, but has helped significantly is to avoid carbs after 3pm. So, I eat 5 times a day as follows, per my nutritionist:

    A.M. 2 carbs, 2 proteins, 1 fruit or veg
    A.M. Snack 1 carb, 1 protein, 1 fruit or veg
    noon Lunch 2 carbs, 2 proteins, 1 fruit or veg
    p.m. snack 1 protein, 1 fruit or veg
    Dinner 2 protein, 2 vegetables

    All above are lean and under 100 calories each portion for fruits and veg, under 50 cal. So, keep your calories where you want, never feel hungry, and lose the carbs after lunch. You'll drop weight like nobody's business!!!!! :)

    Good luck!

    I hate to ruin your theory with nasty facts but fruit and vegetables are CARBS. So you are eating carbs in the evening.

    Seriously, I see this over and over on these forums. Is science not taught in school anymore?
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm seem to be stuck with my weight loss. If anything I seem to be slowly gaining weight back. Every week I've seem for the past three weeks I've seem to add on about .5 or less pounds and I'm not quite sure how to explain it. I eat relevantly clean with mostly fruit, I stick to whole wheats and multi grains. I stay away for all soda's, candy bars and such, and I exercise 4 days out of the week and play softball on a off gym day. I've set my calories at 2250 a day, but honestly had a hard time getting to that number? So what am I doing wrong? Do I need to be hitting that number or going over it?

    I appreciate your responses.
    Thank you.

    In answer to the original question. At the end of the day it doesn't matter how healthy your food is. If you eat more calories than you burn you'll gain weight. I'd say try upping the exercise or lowering the calories. And perhaps focus on logging really accurately to make sure you're not accidentally eating more than you think.
  • GaymonJ
    GaymonJ Posts: 5
    2 or 3 fruits a day, 2 or 3 wheat breads a day and 2 pieces of Munster Chesse at lunch. I never usually bloat at all unless I hop off clean eating and eat something greasy or overprocessed like fast food or restaurant food. My exact calories on avg range from 2000 to 2250. The only thing that has honestly changed in the past few weeks has been my involvement at the gym. Going from hardly there to trying to be there as much as I can. My eating is the same.
  • GaymonJ
    GaymonJ Posts: 5
    If it helps any I have seen a change in my physical appearance. I've noticed since going to the gym that my body fat as become less visual in areas such as my neck, face, and stomach.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Measure yourself! See if you've lost inches.

    Also, open up your diary so people could help better! And your current stats? Height, weight! And exercise you do?

    ETA: Great job seeing a difference :) Exercise does that magic!
  • I agree. I've noticed that when working out, especially with including strength training, I will put on a minimal amount of weight. And this is SO VERY disappointing after counting so many calories, turning down so many temptations throughout the day, and pushing yourself so hard at the gym. There is a bit of a science behind it- your body stores more water to help restore and to aid in energy usage. Fat is hydrophobic, meaning it will resist water. All in all, this means that your body will hang on to water easier when you have more muscle.

    HOWEVER, I see the biggest changes when I take body measurements. Once a month I've been taking measurements of basic areas that I want to see change: arms, stomach, legs. And sure enough, even though my body weight will fluctuate through the course of the month, by the time measurements come up.....I'm loosing inches. For me, that's where it counts. People can't see the number you see when you step on the scale, but they can see that you are loosing inches.

    So great work in your commitment to working out! Keep it up! Just know that body weight is not the only way to measure success. :)