defintion of insanity

mikkieup Posts: 12 Member
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results -Albert Einstein

Good morning! Right now, insanity pretty much describes my weight loss journey. I buckle down, eat low cal, dont' see results, or only see small ones, pig out, bloat up, feel guilty, and start all over again!

It's time to change that! As for fitness- i feel i am very healthy and fit. I am currently training for my first 10K (terrified!!), teach phys ed, play basketball, walk, etc. I was lifting a lot but because of the nice weather I've gotten away from that a bit! With all the sports/fitness/moving I do (26,000 steps yesterday) you'd think I'd be thin....but i'm not. I'm at 163...and have a goal of getting back to where I was 2 years ago...150.

I'd love some advice/encouragement/support along the can tear me apart, pick me up, or just vent with me...but regardless, feel free to add me as a friend and stop the insanity!!!


  • AnnieWoodLong
    I am in a similar situation~ Always watching what I eat, exercising, etc. Not a lot of progress. I feel stuck!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results -Albert Einstein

    Good morning! Right now, insanity pretty much describes my weight loss journey. I buckle down, eat low cal, dont' see results, or only see small ones, pig out, bloat up, feel guilty, and start all over again!

    It's time to change that! As for fitness- i feel i am very healthy and fit. I am currently training for my first 10K (terrified!!), teach phys ed, play basketball, walk, etc. I was lifting a lot but because of the nice weather I've gotten away from that a bit! With all the sports/fitness/moving I do (26,000 steps yesterday) you'd think I'd be thin....but i'm not. I'm at 163...and have a goal of getting back to where I was 2 years ago...150.

    I'd love some advice/encouragement/support along the can tear me apart, pick me up, or just vent with me...but regardless, feel free to add me as a friend and stop the insanity!!!

    with only 13lbs to lose, you only need a small deficit, so make sure you are accurate with your food measurements and select the correct activity level and eat back exercise cals.
  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    I don't have any advice to you as to why or how. Ultimately that lies on your shoulders. But its a choice. You decide whether to sit, run, work out, etc. You decide what foods to eat. For me, its been a far successful. I can only recommend to you this: Eat healthy, log everything you are taking (including water/coffee etc) so you are accurately tracking what is going inside you. And a good balance of cardio/strength training. The weight WILL come off. It has too...your body burns fuel, and if it doesn't get enough...weight loss. Over time, its really that simple. The hard part is to NOT GET DISCOURAGED! Look at this as a marathon, not a sprint. I have had my ups and downs as have many. No one..NO ONE...loses weight easy. Its hard work. Period. Just keep at it! Feel free to add me if you would like.
    BDEGAND Posts: 53
    When I saw this thread, the first thing I thought was Insanity workouts (Beachbody) Have you tried their workouts? I couldn't lose any weight about a year ago and started their system....the weight fell off and I suddenly had the mid section I had been wanting my whole life. I did stay at a weight a long time, but my size kept going down a ton. I lost 12 inches and only 4lbs. I felt awesome and looked amazing naked.....that's our goal, right???
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    I saw this great vid on youtube. I know it advocate a vegan lifestyle, if you don't like it, you can, I still eat meat but that's beside the point, it has excellent info of why we are fat. and it talks about situation like yours that the body get stuck at a certain weight. How swapping one meal is going to make a difference.

    I'd agree with the other post, if you start to enjoy looking at yourself naked, you are kinda there already.
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    I saw this great vid on youtube. I know it advocate a vegan lifestyle, if you don't like it, you can, I still eat meat but that's beside the point, it has excellent info of why we are fat. and it talks about situation like yours that the body get stuck at a certain weight. How swapping one meal is going to make a difference.

    I'd agree with the other post, if you start to enjoy looking at yourself naked, you are kinda there already.