Not Losing - Diary Open - Do your worst



  • muddynicola
    muddynicola Posts: 41 Member
    People tend to underestimate how much they eat by 50% (yes, I can show you the trial reports), even when keeping a diary and knowing they're monitored. Either you need to go see a doctor to have your energy expenditure actually measured (since it MAY be low, even though it's a microscopic percentage of people who has that), or you'll need to be more thorough about weighing everything you eat instead of guessing at the weight, and also putting every single thing you eat down in your diary before you actually eat it. Don't wait until you get home, or out of a meeting, EVER.

    I can assure you I am not underestimating what I eat, I am very aware of the calorific content in food and I check the packages correspond with MFP. I update as I go and I weigh everything precisely and I am NOT LYING to myself
  • muddynicola
    muddynicola Posts: 41 Member
    Fair point I have upped m y sugar in the past week (saturday aside).

    I do 30 minutes a day but I don't want to do anymore because I already have good muscle tone and I want to shed mass, I can't see the point of doing another 30 minutes, having to eat more calories and building more muscle which is more weight at the end of the day.

    It's very difficult for women to build muscle. We just don't have the hormones needed to do so. Also, you can't build muscle while eating on a deficit. Strength/resistance training is going to help you keep the muscle you have while shedding the fat. Think of it this way, If you have a set of identical twins who weigh 140 lbs but one has 22% body fat and the other 32% body fat, who do you think is going to look better?

    I don't think 30 mins hard work out every single day is exactly slacking most people don't do anything let alone every day. I don't find it hard to build muscle....
  • muddynicola
    muddynicola Posts: 41 Member
    Keep it simple. Knock your meals down to basic items. Cereal, a serving of turkey, broccoli, etc. I'm a fan of Ms. Dash myself because there's nothing to count.

    I also eat the same amount of fat as you on a 2200 calorie goal.

    People on here always bang on about dietary fat not making you fat and I am always about 15 grams under my target every day.
  • katiethedetermined1
    katiethedetermined1 Posts: 68 Member
  • seegrim
    seegrim Posts: 2
    You're brave to open up your diary like that. :)

    Here's what I've learned from the physician's assistant I've been working with - eat a LOT of lean protein. I currently weigh 216, and aim for 120 grams a day. I know that sounds like a lot, but protein is very filling and helps maintain muscle mass. Best of luck!

    AND water! Make sure you're getting at LEAST 8 glasses a day!
  • muddynicola
    muddynicola Posts: 41 Member
    Before I started this diet I didn't eat any dairy - now I am eating some half fat cheese to up my protein as I am a vegetarian. My milkshakes are from almond and soya milk.

    Someone said I eat really low protein but again I am pretty much bang on my target every day which is a struggle on 1200 calories and being vegetarian and why my fat intake has increased from not dieting.

    I eat tons of vegetables so I also don't understand this criticism.
  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    Try This:
    I do it everytime to break a pleateu, called the zig zag method. Eat about an average of 1400 cals (or whatever you want) over the time period of a week, so eat a little over your goal one day, a few hundred under the next, at maintenance the next day, at your goal the next, a little under the next... etc.
    You see my point. You are doing great with what you are eating but your body may have become to used to a low calorie diet (since you say you have been doing it for several months) I enjoy eating at maintenance a few times a week because a few days a week I can stay pretty low and this has been helping a lot.

    I hope it works for you! :bigsmile:
  • jbfox123abc
    jbfox123abc Posts: 6 Member
    I'm not sure there is any answer to this quandary for I'm in it too. I'm trying the Fast 5/2 diet (its not as hard as you think) and plateaued after about 3 weeks into it. I don't have a lot of weight to lose but when you eat only 500 calories two days a week and you plateau, its pretty discouraging.

    I just bought a FitBit to track the calories I burn throughout the day and have realized I have a relatively sedentary lifestyle. I have bursts of activity - going to the gym or hiking 14 miles - but the rest of the time, I sit at my desk. My Fitbit is trying to get me to move more and I'm hoping this will help me to continue on.
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    It's broscience. Too many people like to jump on bandwagons without having any direct experience - but anyways it's all about what works for you.

    You're currently eating 55% carbs, 30% fat, 15% protein. Obviously this isn't working, so take the carbs and fats down a little and up the protein - maybe 50/25/25.

    Keeping food simple makes it really easy as I said. Condiments can sometimes add more carbs then you already have in your meal. Use what you want, but just be vigilant in your tracking.

    75 grams of protein isn't too hard to get. A bag of broccoli has 10 grams. There's many meatless options as well with soy protein.
  • jbfox123abc
    jbfox123abc Posts: 6 Member
    You know lovemitch125 you just may be on to something here. AT the gym you need to mix up your workout routine - it s called muscle confusion - so maybe we need to "confuse" our diet.
  • TheLoneMarmot
    TheLoneMarmot Posts: 43 Member
    Hello muddynicola, I analysed your diary for the month of April.

    This gave the following averages:

    Calories = 1220
    Carbs = 147g or 48% of cals
    Fat = 37g or 27% of cals
    Protein = 52g or 17%
    Sodium = 1474mg
    Sugars = 59g
    Fibre = 21g

    Perhaps somebody more competent than I can comment, but it would seem your sodium is high and your protein really very low?
  • Sunnyjb
    Sunnyjb Posts: 220
    Where are your veggies?
  • kts3639
    kts3639 Posts: 188 Member
    Like others have said, you can not "bulk up" at a caloric deficit. In order to add muscle, you need to be eating at a calorie surplus. What you are doing is just toning the muscle you have now while losing the fight/tightening the skin around the existing muscle. Also, doing Jillian Michaels isn't going to bulk you up either, so no need to worry about that. I also agree with someone else that said you need to NET whatever your base calories are. So, you said your base is 1200 calories. You need to be reaching that after exercise etc. since 1200 calories already puts you at a deficit.

    Edited to add: Took a look at your diary and you are netting at or below 1000 calories most days and that is entirely too low. You are not going to lose eating like that and you will stall out because your body is trying to hold on to what it can since you aren't feeding it the fuel it needs to even function. I would suggest figuring out your BMR and TDEE. Take your TDEE -20% and eat that amount for a couple of months. Using this method, you do not eat your exercise calories back since they are already factored in, unlike MFP.
  • carolyn0613
    carolyn0613 Posts: 162 Member
    Your food looks ok. i eat less heathily than that and I have been losing weight since last august. I did have a bit of a blip a couple of months ago where I stayed within 2lb for about a 6 weeks. I recalculated everything and worked out how much energy I burned each day without exercise. i entered this in MFP instead of using the calculation it gives for my height and weight. I then ate that minus 500cals, (which for me is also -20%). This was a bit more than MFP. I also eat all my exercise cals. i get these from the gym machine reading or my pedometer. If I use MFP I take a bit off, around 1/4 as this is how it works out when I use the other measurements.

    This is a good calculator
    I also like this one because you can tailor it to the actual amount of moving/exercise that you do

    I have about 15-20lb to lose
  • tjphelps73
    tjphelps73 Posts: 171 Member
    Not an expert - but I have an opinion like most.
    First your macros is not working with your enzymes. If you are going to set your calorie goal at 1200 then you need to change your macros to show carbs at 40%, Prot at 35% and Fat 25%. You then need to make sure you are netting your macros correctly during your meals. I did not review more than the last four days of your diary but I can tell you that you are feeding your fat and starving your muscles which in turn is not helping you lose weight. Once you start feeding your muscles, your fat will melt slowly. Also, you need to drink water or make sure you getting enough water from your fruits and veggies along with drinking water.

    Once you get a handle on your food plan then you can work on getting the fat off and the muscle toned. Read the opinions, review their diaries and friend some of them. Reviewing others diaries can be another tool to assist in setting up your own food plan.

    I recenly started heavy lifting and was starving...I realized my calories were too low and I was not feeding my muscles...I was slow on learning this because I was not paying attention to my meal plans so I started is a lifestyle change and life is always changing. Good Luck
  • CindyMarie_
    CindyMarie_ Posts: 122 Member
    I am not really losing any weight and before you tell me to up my calories I tried that for 5 months before starting this last month, I was on 1600 a day and did 30 minutes of exercise a day (Jillian) I did not lose any weight. I cut it to 1200 a month ago now and I have lost a few inches off my thighs at last but that's about it and I've stalled already.

    Jillian Michaels isn't really that great of a workout... Like you, I have a hard time getting the weight off. I did the 30 day shred once, didn't have any amazing results that I see a lot of people on here have. And yes, I watched my diet while I was doing it and I didn't miss a day in the workout.
    Then, I did Insanity and boy oh boy what a difference. Yes, I felt like I was dying every day, but in a good way. I lost so many inches, I lost pounds and everything. So maybe what you need is what I need...TOUGH WORKOUTS. Like tough to the point where you feel like you're going to pass out or die. :smile: Good luck!
  • SaveFileCorrupt
    SaveFileCorrupt Posts: 29 Member
    Biggest things I noticed;
    Protein way too low
    Carbs too high in proportion to activity level

    Also, you note you don't want to build muscle, yet muscle will be the limiting factor for your metabolism. If you're worried about becoming bulky, stop. It's an extremely slow process to build size with strength training, and you will be missing out on the benefits of enjoying more food, and having your body burn extra calories for you.

    Edit: If you're really set on not touching weights, you would benefit greatly from a paleo style diet that favors healthy fats and protein over carbohydrates. With less glycogen available via excess carbs, your body is more likely to be mobilizing stored fat for energy.
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    i havent looked at it all but i will say that low fat items like dressings and such when they are low fat they have more sugar. if you do lowfat get sugarfree also or just get the regular. when i was pregnant my dietician told me when it comes to lowfat dont do it its higher in sugar. sometimes its only by 1gram but ill just stick to regular

    Edited to say: Up your protein and lower you carbs
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    It's broscience. Too many people like to jump on bandwagons without having any direct experience - but anyways it's all about what works for you.

    You're currently eating 55% carbs, 30% fat, 15% protein. Obviously this isn't working, so take the carbs and fats down a little and up the protein - maybe 50/25/25.

    Keeping food simple makes it really easy as I said. Condiments can sometimes add more carbs then you already have in your meal. Use what you want, but just be vigilant in your tracking.

    75 grams of protein isn't too hard to get. A bag of broccoli has 10 grams. There's many meatless options as well with soy protein.

    Plus -- I have a muscular build, too, and I leaned out the MOST when I was doing heavy lifting and hard circuit workouts. You won't "BULK" from hard workouts, you will build lean muscle which actually burns more calories throughout your day when you're not working out.

    Don't skimp on the workouts, and get your protein/carb/fat ratio to 40%/30%/30%. You'll see a difference.

    Also, the processed food is an issue. The more I cut out that stuff, the easier it is for me to maintain / lose, even when nothing else changes.
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    I agree with others who have said increase your protein. I know you said you are vegetarian. Will you eat fish? That is a fantastic source or protein and relatively low in calories. Also, beans and nuts are a great source of protein, fiber, and good fats. Maybe introduce a whey protein shake into your diet, blended with almond milk (unsweetened) and blueberries (or any berries for that matter). Good luck and be patient as much as you can. It can be a long slow process. And truely going over 1200 calories will not hinder your progress, I learned that the hard way. :tongue: