Not Losing :-(



  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    I might try upping my intake although i've reduced my goals and exercise rate on my goal here and my intake has only gone up by 40 calories a day.
    I'm still really stuck what to do, i might eat my bmr calories this week and see if there is any change

    Are those pictures of you? If so why are you trying to lose weight?
    I so agree, you look great!! I think you should redo you #'s according to MFP's standards and stick with that
    . if you exercise,eat more & drink all the water you can!! You can do it!!
  • claire671
    claire671 Posts: 93 Member

    I think I do tend to agree with the general consensus here. Definitely eating more will help. I do TDEE -20% and have great results, I eat 1490 calories a day and still lose at least 1lb per week.

    Definitely don't be afraid to increase your calories, your body needs the fuel to survive and function correctly or if you want to start off small and work your way up you could eat back the calories you burn walking first and then pop your daily goal up by 50/100 per week until you are at at least your BMR.

    I really wish you good luck and sorry to hear of your loss.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I might try upping my intake although i've reduced my goals and exercise rate on my goal here and my intake has only gone up by 40 calories a day.
    I'm still really stuck what to do, i might eat my bmr calories this week and see if there is any change

    Are those pictures of you? If so why are you trying to lose weight?

    Yes they are of me, I am midway into my bmi and I dont feel comfortable at the weight i am as i used to be smaller, but ballooned over the past year or two I lost my mum and my brother so i must have started to comfort eat i was 166 pounds last june now im 137 but im not happy yet

    I've seen strength training work for a lot of women on here, including my wife. It will change your body shape. You'll just need to a eat more than you think you should, and throw away your scale. You basically keep upping the weight that you lift until you get the body shape you want and then maintain using those weight levels. It works.
  • kellybutterfly
    kellybutterfly Posts: 22 Member
    I might try upping my intake although i've reduced my goals and exercise rate on my goal here and my intake has only gone up by 40 calories a day.
    I'm still really stuck what to do, i might eat my bmr calories this week and see if there is any change

    Are those pictures of you? If so why are you trying to lose weight?

    Yes they are of me, I am midway into my bmi and I dont feel comfortable at the weight i am as i used to be smaller, but ballooned over the past year or two I lost my mum and my brother so i must have started to comfort eat i was 166 pounds last june now im 137 but im not happy yet

    I've seen strength training work for a lot of women on here, including my wife. It will change your body shape. You'll just need to a eat more than you think you should, and throw away your scale. You basically keep upping the weight that you lift until you get the body shape you want and then maintain using those weight levels. It works.

    I would love to try strength training I have no idea about weights though, what kg weights should I start off with?