Starting insanity!



  • ljmiller11
    ljmiller11 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi All.
    I want to start Insanity .... but I'm a little nervous!! Is it really hardcore?
    I love Jillian Micheal's Ripped and 30 day shred and do 30DS L3 daily and Ripped 3 days a week plus I swim 100 lengths 3 days a week plus lots of dog walks.
    Do you think I can hack it? LOL :)


    I am also a Jillian fan and have been doing 30DS, Ripped in 30 plus No More Trouble zones & Boost metabolism, burn fat since Xmas. I was finding they were becoming a little less challenging and I wasn't pushing myself as I knew what was coming up etc... so I bought Insanity. Today is Day 4 and so far, I am doing OK. I can't get through without stopping or slowing down in a few places as it is certainly a lot tougher than Jillian but it is achievale if you are willing to push yourself. I'd really recommend it and am hopeful that it'll bring results. Do it!!!

    L x
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    I started this today and wondered what people are putting it down as in their exercise diary? I can't find insanity as an option.
  • andriachelle1
    andriachelle1 Posts: 8 Member
    I started this today and wondered what people are putting it down as in their exercise diary? I can't find insanity as an option.

    There's no way I could add my calorie burn without my heart rate monitor. It's so hard to judge how many calories are burned during this workout. While I burn 250-350 calories each workout some others I know are burning 500-1100 calories. I know it depends on your height, weight, age, etc. but it's just such a big difference I only go by my HRM.

    Good Luck! I'm starting week two and am so sore but feel awesome - mentally!
  • Yesterday was my first week rest day and, boy, did I need it. I worked today on the Power one and tried to push more on the upper body stuff (the traveling push ups, the tricep dips, etc.) It doesn't seem like there is much to work the biceps in this--more shoulder and triceps and lots and lots of core and lower body. I am hoping I can get some definition in my arms and build up my strength. This is the first time I'm really trying to do legit push ups versus the modified ones that I did with Jillian in the 30 Day Shred. I have so much work to do! My calves are feeling better after a day off. We'll see how week 2 goes. I'm kinda looking forward to seeing what the ab routine offers at the end of the week.

    I log insanity as calisthenics and try to only count the non-warm up, non-stretching, non-cool down time.

    Good luck to all!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Day 5 today and my leg muscles are killing! Like hard to walk killing :( should I push through it and go for day 6 tomorrow or rest?

    I would highly suggest a foam roller. The thing is a life saver. I would push through, your legs will loosen up as you do Day 6. It will help break up the lactic acid build up.
  • kotersmom
    kotersmom Posts: 96 Member
    i;m on day 10 now how is everyone's progress going

    Starting Week 2!! I can feel my legs tightening up already! Not as sore as I was in the beginning days. Able to keep up better. Looking forward to this crazy at that sounds! LOL!
  • fitlaughl0ve
    fitlaughl0ve Posts: 21 Member
    I just started week 2 of month 2 today! it's so tough and you're definitely going to feel like you ache so much you can't possibly carry on, but I always feel better after I've warmed up and stretched out. Can't believe I'm 3/4 of the way through nearly, this is the first time I've actually stuck at something and I feel and look so much better for it :)
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Started recovery week today! Half way through so excited! Not mentally ready for next month..
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    get ready to burn a ton of fat
  • wocko6092
    wocko6092 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm not sure i am burning fat i know its early. But I'm hoping for the best
  • xprplstardust
    xprplstardust Posts: 105 Member
    I'm starting on week 3 today, feel free to add me!
  • xprplstardust
    xprplstardust Posts: 105 Member
    Has anyone started to notice any changes in their body whilst doing Insanity? xx

    ^ yes, my obliques & abs are becoming more defined & my stamina has greatly increased. Also, the cellulite I had on the back of my legs is almost non-existant now.
  • abolton5906
    abolton5906 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started Insanity this morning! I did 30 days of workouts over a 45 day time span last summer. I really liked it and it got my energy level up so I'm hoping to stick with it for the full 60 days this time. I decided to do it first thing in the morning since that's the one time of day I can control. Good luck to all of you!
  • jlanderson_12
    jlanderson_12 Posts: 40 Member
    Started my second week! I am pretty shaky after todays Cardio Power & Resistance. I am getting frusterated though. In the beginning I lost a couple of pounds. I have been very particular about what I am eating make sure I get plenty of good protein and low fat and I ended up gaining it back. I am drinking tons of water.

    I almost feel like giving up about counting calories. I am trying to lose the last 8 pounds and I am jumping from 141 to 143. How do I get past this darn plateau?!?!?!
  • wocko6092
    wocko6092 Posts: 69 Member
    Is it because your body has held back water from all your drinking and not yet let it go.
  • papa2500
    papa2500 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am on Day 15. I am so excited of the results. Lost 12 lbs
  • andriachelle1
    andriachelle1 Posts: 8 Member
    Okay, I *think* I'm struggling with my caloric intake. I've followed the formula from this... Nutrition Guide.pdf starting on page 10.

    I'm a female, 5'2, currently 134.4 and 33 years old. My goal is to lose and my final caloric intake (with moderate activity) shows 1633. Keep in mind, that's with the 500 calorie deficit intended to lose.

    My two questions are this....

    1. Why does that seem like so many calories? I adjusted my calorie intake to 1390 because I seem satisfied at the end of the day with that. I just don't want to do any harm to my body or have my body store fat because it thinks I'm in starvation mode.

    2. When using this formula, it's calculating your activity level. Do you think it's because it A - assists with the metabolic burn each day or B - it's assuming how many calories you will more thank likely burn during a workout.

    I'm asking because on MFP, I have 1390 listed as my goal. When I do exercise though, I add those calories burned. So, some days I'm under my goal of 1390 by 250 (because of exercise) and other days I'm right at my goal of 1390 because I'll eat that 250 I burned.

    I know, this is so confusing! I just want to be sure that it's okay to eat those calories back some days without ruining my goal of weight loss.

    I hope this makes sense!!
  • taytaylynn3
    taytaylynn3 Posts: 601
    I plan on starting when i get home from school on Thursday!!
    I am so excited to see what the results will look like.
    I definitely need some friends who are doing it too for support!!!
    Feel free to add.
  • wocko6092
    wocko6092 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm on day 13 tomorrow and i was wondering do i do cardio abs and pure cardio together or do i split them up through out the day. any ideas would be great or people that have already done this what did you do?
  • jlanderson_12
    jlanderson_12 Posts: 40 Member
    Half way through my second week! My goal tonight is to push even harder and not "break" so many times. I adjusted my percentages per a Beach Body coach to 50/30/20 to keep to fat burning. It is a lot of protein which helps. Still haven't seen the scale move. Well, it does up and down between two pounds. Very frusterating. I hope this helps!

    "Push Through!" :laugh: