Pear shape needs to lose fat around the knees!

I wish I was an hourglass or a heart shape. I hate my boot-ay!

It's my knees (along with thighs and bum) that I hate, because they make my trousers look awful on me.

Any exercise ideas?


  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    Going to follow along - I'm the same.
  • Chrysalisnow
    Chrysalisnow Posts: 6 Member
    I am going to follow along. I've been curious about this, too!
  • Woodsmoke
    Woodsmoke Posts: 360 Member
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    No exercise targets knee fat (or any other fat). You've got a bunch of weight to lose, it will go away eventually. Calorie deficit + time is the only answer.
  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    This is what I was thinking. You can't spot reduce fat. So just stick with a calorie deficit and get some movement in. The fat will come off of your body eventually. I have lost over 100 lbs using this site and doing different exercises. I am currently 6 months pregnant and still exercising and doing the same things I have been doing for the past (almost) 2 yrs.

    Just keep at it. It'll come off. =) Good luck!
    No exercise targets knee fat (or any other fat). You've got a bunch of weight to lose, it will go away eventually. Calorie deficit + time is the only answer.
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    Unfortunately, there is no way to lose fat in any particular spot by exercising. If that were true, people who chew gum would have skinny faces.

    Your body will burn fat in whatever way you are genetically disposed. You just have to keep the calorie deficit in place. Exercise will make you look better because fit always looks great.

    Good luck to you.
  • Elicur
    Elicur Posts: 78 Member
    IT TAKES TIME! just don't stop on your progress,
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    No exercise targets knee fat (or any other fat). You've got a bunch of weight to lose, it will go away eventually. Calorie deficit + time is the only answer.

    Agreed. Sadly, there is no way to target a specific area for weight loss. I wish! I'd lose my bum and gain my boobs. HA! But, you can do things to help tone up along the way. I've noticed a real difference in my booty and thighs from kettlebells and kickboxing. They are still thicker, but they are firm and my butt seems higher! HA. It's toned up muscle that helps. So be sure to mix your cardio/fat burning with some toning exercises. Things like lunges, squats, etc. are good for toning that area.

    Good luck! Keep up with it and you'll get there. It's a process. Be sure to take before and after measurements so you can see your progress.
  • Krinnen
    Krinnen Posts: 6
    Squats. Tighten your thighs as you come back up. You'll start feeling it almost immediately. And it will help wihth your thighs and bum. But there is no exact exercise to help the knees. My friend and I started doing 5 squats increments everytime we went to the bathroom. 5 the first time, add 5 the next, and so on. Easy way to get them in without realizing how many you've gotten to :)
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    I too am a pear shape and though I'm expecting rt now, when I did lose the weight, my "bottom half" did line up with the rest of me :)

    The excercise that worked really well for me...aerobic and walking
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    No exercise targets knee fat (or any other fat). You've got a bunch of weight to lose, it will go away eventually. Calorie deficit + time is the only answer.

    Agreed. Sadly, there is no way to target a specific area for weight loss. I wish! I'd lose my bum and gain my boobs. HA! But, you can do things to help tone up along the way. I've noticed a real difference in my booty and thighs from kettlebells and kickboxing. They are still thicker, but they are firm and my butt seems higher! HA. It's toned up muscle that helps. So be sure to mix your cardio/fat burning with some toning exercises. Things like lunges, squats, etc. are good for toning that area.

    Good luck! Keep up with it and you'll get there. It's a process. Be sure to take before and after measurements so you can see your progress.

    This. My thighs, knees and booty are still fat but look better since adding in toning exercises. I carry most of my weight in these areas but have lots about 40lbs in total so I have the sexy extra skin thing going on. *sad face*
    I've seen before and after pics of ladies who made sure to do leg toning so when the fat was eventually reduced, their legs were not saggy anymore. Ta Da!!
    I added in the squats/lunges stuff a few weeks ago.
    It's slow going ( at least for me) But I'm sticking with it because I believe it will eventaully payoff.
  • greenandcurly
    greenandcurly Posts: 5 Member
    I have always had pudgy knees, thighs, and butt. I run a lot, but the only results I get from that are a lifted butt. Three months ago, I started a boot camp class twice a week. We do tons of squats. Squats with weights, lunges, squat jumps, lunge jumps, throwing balls with squats, squats, squats, squats, lunges, squats....blah blah blah. While I'm still bottom heavy, my developed muscles seem to have smoothed out and firmed up the area. My bottom half isn't exactly model-worthy, but I'm very happy with the surprising results.
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    Unfortunately, there is no way to lose fat in any particular spot by exercising. If that were true, people who chew gum would have skinny faces.

    This is so much WIN! :bigsmile:
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    Squats. Tighten your thighs as you come back up. You'll start feeling it almost immediately. And it will help wihth your thighs and bum. But there is no exact exercise to help the knees. My friend and I started doing 5 squats increments everytime we went to the bathroom. 5 the first time, add 5 the next, and so on. Easy way to get them in without realizing how many you've gotten to :)

    I do a lot of gardening now that it is spring so that takes up a lot of my time. I thought I'd take your little tip of doing squats in the ladies room during the day ( I have a desk job). Started today doing squats and lunges. I'll be curious to see how it helps the entire leg area.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Yes, spot reduction is impossible, so focus on lowering overall body fat and increasing muscle mass.

    Definitely lift weights. Having sleek muscle definition on your thighs or upper body will detract attention from the knees. If your body fat gets low enough, it will eventually start coming off of those problem areas.
  • in_this_generation
    in_this_generation Posts: 75 Member
    Funny how I never thought someone would think they have fat around the knees. I'm an apple though, so I suppose the thickness of my knees is secondary to my belly and arms. I've noticed my knees seem to be getting bonier from my weight loss, and I think that lunges help big time. I agree with the other commenters, you cannot spot reduce, but building muscle will make it seem like you've lost weight faster in your trouble regions. Lunges and squats all the way!