Want to buy some goal jeans, but need some help!

Dreaj79 Posts: 212
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So here's the deal. I usually shop in Lane Bryant, Ashley Stewart and other plus sized stores. I started out at 5 foot 5 275 wearing a size 22-24 and now I'm 250 lbs wearing at size 18-20 comfortably. I want to buy some goal jeans in a size 18 from a non plus size chain. Where should I go? I know all jeans are not created equal. If it helps, I currently wear a size 3 in the blue right fit jeans at LB (which means I'm curvy through the hips and thighs). I have Kohls, Target, Walmart, New York & Company, Old Navy, Belks, JCPenney and Sears within try on distance, but I'm not opposed to online shopping. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, why is it that some sizes are so off? I know a girl that weighs 215 and wears a size 16. We're almost the same height and have the same basic body shape. How is she only 1-2 sizes smaller than me but 35 pounds lighter? Enlighten me please!! :noway:


  • jamie11k
    jamie11k Posts: 82
    I would wait to buy the jeans, and use them as the reward for reaching the goal- that way you don't spend your money on a pair of jeans you don't end up liking/fitting/LOVING!
  • jamie11k
    jamie11k Posts: 82
    I would wait to buy the jeans, and use them as the reward for reaching the goal- that way you don't spend your money on a pair of jeans you don't end up liking/fitting/LOVING!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    the size difference could be just how others are comfortable wearing them. some like them tight and others not so tight. I am very curvy in the hips and thighs and price is what i look for so i normally just go with a biger size at walmart and wear a belt for the waiste. After losing 30 lbs I dont need a belt and actually made a new button hole to make my jeans smaller and the thighs are pretty baggy now.

    I would wait too untill that time so you can try them on. Would hate to waste money on jeans you will never wear because of the fit
  • agrasty2002
    agrasty2002 Posts: 33 Member

    Congratulations on your weight loss thus far. I am/was a plus size girl as well. I am have found clothes at torrid. They tend to be more fashionable than lane bryant and I'm sure you'll like the styles there. They're comparable to what the thin girls wear. Problem is that no matter where you go an 18 pretty much is still considered plus size. You might be able to find some size 17 LEI jeans from Walmart or elsewhere but I believe that 18 is still plus size. I was 250 when I started my journey and I was even heavier than you were I was 284 when I had my son 2.5 years ago. I am only 5'2". And now that I am down to about 212-216 fluctuating, I am in a 14 which I can get in the jr section of most places. I bought 2 pair of goal jeans from Walmart because they had a sale on LEI jeans for $5! I couldn't beat it so I bought a 12 and a 10. :) But check out www.torrid.com for size 18 jeans if they don't have any stores near you. I got my first pair of skinny jeans from there at a size 16 and i've had to replace them with 14s from the same store. They do their shirts in sizes 1, 2, 3 etc so that is probably similar to lane bryant sizing. I love their clothes and they fit great! But now I'm almost too small for their store so I will have to look for a new spot! :) Well about the girl you know that is 35lbs lighter than you....you may have more lean mass than she does...therefore you are heavier but have the same body shape in general. She probably has more fat which makes her appear bigger at 215. I have this issue as well for example when I weighed 250, people would, maybe at most think that I was 180...but I had an analysis done and I have 138lbs of lean mass....so that's why i am always heavier than I look no matter what. At a carnival I had one of the vendors try to guess my weight and he started out at about 180 and said well you look kinda solid so I'm going to say 200! I was so happy he was soooo off by 50lbs! He didn't believe me. I had to get ont he scale and prove him wrong. So I said can i have the biggest prize...he said I can have anything I want because he is never off by more than 2lbs either way. The same happened with my little sister who is 200 but he guessed her at 150! Some people are just built like that...my family is one of them. So that may be the case with you. You have more muscle underneath and she is more fat based...making you heavier but having the same shape as her. Hope this helps.
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    I would wait to buy the jeans, and use them as the reward for reaching the goal- that way you don't spend your money on a pair of jeans you don't end up liking/fitting/LOVING!

    I agree with this post. If you happen to find a pair of jeans that you really love the style of and they are on clearance then buy them, otherwise just wait. Certainly don't spend much money on a pair of jeans that may not fit the way you want them. Even if you buy an expensive pair of jeans in a size 18, and they fit perfectly, they probably won't fit for long since you are in the process of losing weight. I am a sucker for clearance though. I recently bought 2 pairs of size 8 jeans because I loved the style and they were only $8 each. I hope to be able to fit in those jeans within a month, but that might be wishful thinking.
  • MammaEllis
    MammaEllis Posts: 59
    Hi there! I have also spent many years stuck at shopping at LB. Yuck. Im a little torn with my advice to you...

    First Id like to share with you that Old Navy is now carrying a few different cuts of jeans and they are each meant for a different body shape (kind of like the Blue, Red and Yellow at LB) so that way you could pick the one that best suits your shape now since chances are your shape will remain mostly the same as you go down, just smaller. They carry up to a size 20 in the stores so picking up an 18 wouldnt be a problem.

    Here is where Im torn... As a shopper who has been stuck buying from LB... I started out my journey at a size 28 (tight 28!) and basically even when I was trying on clothes at LB, it wasnt about how it fit, how cute it was or how my butt looked... it was about "if I can get it on over my *kitten* and zipped up, Im taking it home". Now as Ive been getting smaller Ive had to learn that its not about a certain size or from a certain store... its about how it looks on MY body. Just because I can get a pair of jeans on and zipped doesnt mean I love how they look.

    My point is... buy a pair of jeans in an 18 and make it your goal to fit in to them. When they do fit, dont cry over donating them to someone if they dont make your butt look AWESOME. Just head out and try on several 18s in your new smaller body until you find a pair that you LOVE! Life is too short to not feel like a million bucks in your new body and new jeans ;)

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  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Like you said, sizes range dramatically depending on the store. I wear anywhere from a 10 - 14. For me personally, Old Navy's jeans have never fit me the right way regardless of the size/style I tried on.

    I don't know if this is an option you've considered or are comfortable with, but I buy a lot of my jeans from consignment/second hand stores. I am most commonly in a 12 right now, but hope to make it down to an 8 when I reach my goal. I don't want to spend a ton of money on jeans that I (hopefully) will only have to wear for a little while.

    So that would be my suggestion. Get a pair of jeans from a second hand store that you can use as a goal pair, without making a huge dent in your budget.

    Good luck on your journey :flowerforyou:
  • BrattyLori
    BrattyLori Posts: 101 Member
    The size and weight thing can be very weird- 2 girls, same height, same jeans size, different weights.

    Why? Lots of possible reasons!

    1. 1 girl has more muscle thus weighs more
    2. 1 girl has more visceral fat deep inside her body (around organs and inside the abdominal cavity) thus weighs more
    3. The lighter girl is flabbier
    4. The lighter girl is softer and less taught from childbirth thus wears a bigger size around her baby apartment
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    I agree with the others who say wait to buy the jeans. I have seen the fit of jeans run the gamut, even though the "size" is the same. An Ann Taylor 4 is someone else's 6. I put on a pair of shorts today that are a size 2. I am 138 pounds - how am I a size 2????

    Rather than buy the jeans, get a bunch of singles. Put a dollar in a jar every time you make a hard healthy choice when you'd rather make the easy, bad one. Soon, you'll be able to go out and buy more than just jeans :)

    Good Luck!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Cheap way to get your goal jeans. I've been going to consignment stores and thrift stores and found some very nice clothes. They usually have a ton of jeans. I've even been able to find petites. I try them on and buy them like one size smaller. And you only have to spend a few bucks so not much loss if they don't fit like you think they will when you reach that size. It takes a little more time searching through all the stuff but you get to try on lots of stuff that way.
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