PLEASE HELP :( I need advice!

Ok so for the last 3 days i have felt REALLY bloated. Like I need to go to the toilet but can't. Except I am going to the toilet fine when I actually need to go. It feels like I have excess gas, but I don't. It's like what I used to get when I ate dairy but I don't any more!

It's so confusing.

Has anyone experienced this? Does anyone have any thoughts on what it could be? It's driving me mad!

Background: I try not to eat dairy, I'm lactose intolerant. I haven't for about...2 weeks now so far (sometimes I slip up). It says on my diary sometimes but it's only because those items are simlar calories. I replace it with nut/soya products - I've been doing this for about 2 years.

I don't have constipation or excess gas. I eat mostly vegan and vegetarian because I like it, and I do sometimes eat meat.

I don't eat lots of bread either...or pasta I'm not a massive carb junkie, more protein.


  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Sometimes taking probiotics will help if your bacterial balance is off. I dont know how well those yogurts like Activia work but I know you can buy pro and pre biotics at pharmacies. You could also have a bacterial infection and those could help. the good bacteria will eat the bad bacteria.
  • RecoveringToHealthy
    RecoveringToHealthy Posts: 51 Member
    Hve you been stressed lately? I know that when my life speeds up and when I worry or have a lot to do, it affects my stomach.

    Another thing that both me and my sister have experienced, is that when we started to exercise more we got bloated for no reason.

    Also, are you drinking enough water? :)
  • tiddlebit11
    tiddlebit11 Posts: 182
    Are you eating any particularly gas-inducing foods like beans, cabbage etc? Eating too quickly can also increase air consumption and cause bloating
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Pro robotics do nothing that's just good advertising