No Pain No gain

Yesterday was my first day lifting weights, man am I sore today. Especially in my triceps but I swim every other day for about an hour and I never feel this much pain, weak maybe, but not sore. Should I be expecting this, I really didn't think I did all that much...I lifted between 5lbs-20lbs depending on the machine 3 sets of 10/15reps for roughly 30 minutes. I am really scared that if I lift more and net more and do cardio less I am going to put on weight not loose it and at 193 I dont want to get bigger. What do you think?


  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I think you ridiculously overdid it for a first try, of course you're sore. start slowly with a beginner program and 5 lb. weights, not over. That first day you just set yourself up for pain.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    No, it goes away after a few days. A lot of people think that being sore is a sign of a good workout, it's not.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Its pretty normal. The weights you did were light, your body just isnt used to doing it. They will get better, I am in my sixth week of heavy lifting and I still get mild DOMS. Embrace them though... it DOES mean you worked something that isnt used to working, which cant be a bad thing!

    ANNNND... your not going to get bigger if you are eating on a deficit while lifting weights.
  • kirstenr0719
    kirstenr0719 Posts: 8 Member
    It's not always good to be sore, but it is normal if you've never really lifted before. You will not gain any weight! At 193 you have more to lose. On lifting days, however, you NEED to eat more. It doesn't have to be much, but MAKE SURE you eat something (preferably a protein shake) within 30 min after you lift.
  • quirkyone1
    quirkyone1 Posts: 78
    I think you ridiculously overdid it for a first try, of course you're sore. start slowly with a beginner program and 5 lb. weights, not over. That first day you just set yourself up for pain.

    Please ignore this advice. Lift heavy, not 5 lbs.

    Take some rest. Eventually your body will adapt to the soreness and you'll find you are no longer as sore (if at all) after your lift. Get off the machines! Have you looked up any programs (e.g. Stronglifts, NROLFW)?

    If you are eating at a deficit you will not gain weight. If you are eating at a surplus, you will gain weight.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Im soarer today than I was yesterday, I plan to do some lifting tonight for 20 minutes and then hit the pool for 30