Bit of Advice (I need a push)


So in January I decided I wanted to lose 15 pounds during the winter semester of university. I really started walking and trying not to eat instant foods (can be difficult for a full time student). I don't have a scale at university, so I used a measuring tape, and I lost 5 inches around the biggest part of my belly, which I was proud of, but I wanted a little more gone for a bikini this summer. I was sort of in a plateau, so I was excited to come home and see my weight on the scale to push me that last little bit, but I was 10 pounds heavier! I know muscle is heavier, but I really wanted to be lighter, too..

I spend an hour 5/6 times a week walking/jogging through nature trails, but I can't get rid of my stomach fat. I've been doing research and I think it's my diet. I eat a lot of breads, pastas, and rice. Could it be carbohydrates that's the problem?


  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    You need to strength train as well, lifting weights, even lighter ones will help tremendously! Make sure 90% of what you eat is healthy and as processed free as you can, I know its hard but if you want to see results you have to shake things up a bit. Keep going, don't stop!
  • chrissysue
    chrissysue Posts: 85 Member
    Good morning!

    You need to mix up your workout. Your body had become used to the "same ol' thing" therefore it is not doing you much good. Yes you are getting cardio in which is great but if you don't also add in some toning/strength training you wont see much results. You don't want to use heavy weights as this will cause you to bulk up. You need light weights and more reps to tone and define.

    Also what is it that you are eating?
    How often are you eating?
    Are you eating breakfast?
    Are you tracking what you eat?
    How many calories are you consuming vs using?
    Are you keeping a journal?
    There are so many factors that take part in becoming healthy. I will do my best to help you!
  • Lunies
    Lunies Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks guys, I'll try to buy some weights and work with that.

    I'm eating mostly what university students eat, a lot of toast, eggs (breakfast is my favourite meal), sandwiches, spaghetti, bananas, oranges, nachos, stuff that's not too difficult to make. I don't keep snack food because I suck at self control. I eat three meals a day, maybe with a snack between lunch and supper. I've been tracking what I eat on and off with MyFitnessPal, usually I end up stopping for a month or two, then starting again. I maybe burn about 1/5 of what I eat? The days I don't do anything, I'm still running around the university for classes or societies. I've constantly used MFP to track my waist size, though.

    I keep a work out tumblr blog, mostly filled with little progress paragraphs, maybe I'll do more with that.
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Thanks guys, I'll try to buy some weights and work with that.

    I'm eating mostly what university students eat, a lot of toast, eggs (breakfast is my favourite meal), sandwiches, spaghetti, bananas, oranges, nachos, stuff that's not too difficult to make. I don't keep snack food because I suck at self control. I eat three meals a day, maybe with a snack between lunch and supper. I've been tracking what I eat on and off with MyFitnessPal, usually I end up stopping for a month or two, then starting again. I maybe burn about 1/5 of what I eat? The days I don't do anything, I'm still running around the university for classes or societies. I've constantly used MFP to track my waist size, though.

    I keep a work out tumblr blog, mostly filled with little progress paragraphs, maybe I'll do more with that.

    This is your problem then-you don't know how much you are taking in and how much is going out in the way of true exercise. These are both important to keep track of. We usually underestimate how much we consume.