
Hi everyone my names tiffany and iam new to my fitness pal, im praying this helps! Any advie is well appreciated.


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Welcome, the best advice I can give is to take it slow, realize this is a life long process, if you get off track treat every day as a new beginning and just get back on track, enjoy life and you can meet any goal you set
  • MrsBling
    MrsBling Posts: 28
    Hi tiffany i just joined yesterday i think this site will be good. Logging everything you eat and being able to see that in front of you at the end of each day helped me big time yesterday. Give it your best shot and take it one day at a time.
  • TaraArriola
    The best advise I can give you is to remember that you are not dieting. You are changing your lifestyle. Don't ever think that you can't have something. It is all about portion control and substituting when you can.

    I learned over the last two weeks that it is okay to splurdge a little bit if I get it out of my system. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE chocolate shakes from Chick-fil-a. I spent a whole week on a diet and not eating anything unhealthy and gained 2 pounds. (my body knew what I was doing). The next week, I ate healthier, had 1/2 a shake as a cheat, threw in a little exercise (ate 1/2 the exercise calories) and lost 4.4 lbs.

    Remember lifestyle not diet. Be the turtle (slow and steady wins the race).

    Good luck and welcome to MFP.
  • amscobra
    amscobra Posts: 73
    Hi there, I am new as well, and right now all the advice I got is get as much support from friends and family that you can. Don't think that you have to go through this alone. Add me a friend!