Starting over AGAIN!

Fhoover Posts: 62 Member
errr I could cry. I was doing so well. I had lost like 10lbs and we feeling good. Then I just got busy with school and work and gained 8 of those 10 back. It's been almost a month since I logged anything and I'm feeling really down. Just need some positive thoughts to get me focused again..


  • mdepko
    mdepko Posts: 283 Member
    Feel free to add me if you would like. You need to truly believe the following, once you do, you can make this work........"I will take complete responsibility for my health, my happiness, my success and my life, and will not blame others for my problems or predicaments." You can do this, but remember, only you are in the way of being successful. You can blame school, work, friends or family, but when you step back and take an honest look at things, it's all about you! Think about how good you felt when you lost those 10lbs, and if you would have continued how much would it have been? 15? 20? You'll never know. Everyone has the ability to succeed at this, you just have to believe in yourself, commit to the process and get er done!!!!
  • lizfreakinm
    lizfreakinm Posts: 29 Member
    I feel your pain, life just becomes overwhelming sometimes and makes it easy to gain the weight back. Use those frustrated feelings as a reminder to not fall off the waggon again. Although my ticker says I've only lost 1 lb (I just started using this) I've lost about 60 lbs total over time. I've gained 10 lbs back and haven't been too happy with myself. I know it's hard, but whenever you get cravings try to think of how good you feel when you step on that scale and lose another pound. Think about how that may not happen if you eat that big bowl of mac & cheese you've been craving (that's my personal weakness.) The weight loss journey can be rough, so if you need to support or anything then feel free to add me.
  • losin4ever
    losin4ever Posts: 19 Member
    errr I could cry. I was doing so well. I had lost like 10lbs and we feeling good. Then I just got busy with school and work and gained 8 of those 10 back. It's been almost a month since I logged anything and I'm feeling really down. Just need some positive thoughts to get me focused again..

    I've been in the same boat for years...and let me tell ya I'm 51 and NOW I can't play around....YOU can do this!!! Do you have the mfp app? If so just check in daily and even record if you had a not so good day....It helps...and becomes a habit and you make small changes and you will succeed.....Sad to say STRESS and everyday life is here and if we keep letting that be our excuse then we will never be healhty and be what we KNOW we can be.......add me as a friend if you'd like.....I've been on here for 246 days although mfp recalculated......let's do this...

  • PnnyLane
    PnnyLane Posts: 11 Member
    I understand how you feel! I lost 23 pounds last year, then got promoted to a desk-job at work. I sit most of my day now, and once I get home from work I'm so tired that I don't feel like exercising. A bunch of other things have gotten in the way too, and now I'm back up 18 pounds. I think the biggest lesson I've learned is put yourself and your health FIRST. Obviously jobs and school and whatnot are all important, but you have to make time for YOU. Schedule your workouts in advance ( I use the reminder function on my iPhone), and as someone else suggested, use the MFP app so it's always with you. I also need to get better about logging my food and exercise again! Feel free to add me as a friend and we can support and push each other!
  • coutureaffair
    it's definitely encouraging to see that others are going through the "starting...again" battle! Cheat day Saturday led to unplanned binge last night I'm back up, I'm starting fresh! We can do it! Add me if you'd like!
    Current: 123.4 lbs
    Goal: 117.0 lbs
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    We are all busy, but here we are. The thing is to make a commitment to make health and fitness a priority. Believe in yourself. You can do this.
  • AJinBirmingham
    The good news is: If you lost 10 lbs once, you can do it again. (Then you can do it again, and again . . . until you're where you want to be.

    More good news: You're still 2 lbs down from where you started. (And who knows how many pounds you might have been UP if you hadn't.)

    I wish you every success.
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    I did the same thing, I let the "holidays excuse" get me and I gained back 25 of the 30 I had lost. I'm back in now for good! Add me if you like.
    SW 282
    GW 165
    CW 267
  • stephen77009
    stephen77009 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm so happy I logged on and read your post and those that followed. I, too, have taken a "vacatoin" of sorts to the serious commitment I made to better health in 2013. The scale didn't lie to what damage this "vacation" has caused. However, we can refocus and begin anew. Thanks for posting!
  • ddtph_hayes
    ddtph_hayes Posts: 12 Member
    I havent logged in for a very long time and i've gaine a lot of weight. I'm now motivated to do this especially since I am on the road to diabetes. I want to prevent that .
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    The good news is you know what to do to knock off those pounds! :smile: Don't let a set back stop you....You can come back stronger..:wink:
  • WorkoutMusicDiva
    I TOTALLY FEEL YOUR PAIN! I'm starting a 31-day challenge to loose 20lbs in the month of May...a tall order, I know! But the best thing to do is not to look at what you did wrong in the last month, but what you could be doing right in this month, and right now. You shed those 10lbs before, you already know how to do it again.

    If you'd like, why don't you set a goal for this month and join me in my 31 day challenge (full details on my blog - and let's cheer each other on!
  • TrainEatLove
    Life happens and that's okay! I had lost 14 and put 5 of it back on, and Monday of this week started me back on track. Turns out I just needed a new workout routine and some new recipes! Don't give up :) tweak your program to make it work for you, don't work for a program :)
  • Kathryn1019
    Kathryn1019 Posts: 13 Member
    OK so you had a small set back...we all do, and anyone who says they have not is not being truthfull with themsleves...Get back on the wagon and remember that it didn't take a few weeks to get to whatever size you are and it's not going to take a few weeks to get to where you want to's a journey, don't beat yourself up for a bump in your road. Have a great day, and you can add me if you would like :)
  • ImtheOnethatsCool
    ImtheOnethatsCool Posts: 212 Member
    Forget what happened yesterday. Don't worry about tomorrow. Concentrate on today - what choices can you make TODAY that will make TODAY a good day for you and your health.

    Lather, rinse, repeat.

    Sometimes looking at the big picture is overwhelming. Concentrate on one day at a time.
  • playitagainsam
    playitagainsam Posts: 84 Member
    I'm starting over again myself....for 3rd time, I think. I've been on this roller coaster ride so many times that I'm starting to forget just how many times I have started over! I am very upset with myself to think that on Christmas Day, 2012, I was 200 lbs and just 10 lbs away from my goal. Extreme stress at work and the holidays sent me in a downward spiral and, according to the scale, I've packed on about 65 lbs since Christmas Day. I went on an eating frenzy! I've tried for about 2 weeks to get back on track, but each day, I would make it 1/2 way and then fall apart. I can't understand at times how my brain works. When I'm in it...I'm in it all the way. But when I fall out of it...I fall, crash and BURN!!! And today, I find myself weight exactly what I did at this exact time last year. DISGUSTING!

    But, it's a new month and there's still time to redeem ourselves. It's never to late to start. Today's the day for me...especially after our health insurance benefits rep visited our office today - he hasn't been in our office since probably Sept of 2012. I remember that day because he made such a big deal that day about how much weight I had lost and how different I looked. Well, today, he stopped - looked at me and said, "Oh, I see that damn weight has found you again." UGH!!! Yeah, it's found me again!

    We know what we have to's just DO IT!! :-)
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I am glad I found this thread! Starting over again! That is exactly how I feel. I was finally at my goal weight and, thaks to life changes, and now up 18 pounds. I feel weak as a kitten.

    Any advice / encouragement is welcome!
  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    You lost those pounds once, you CAN TOTALLY DO IT AGAIN! It should be even more encouraging because you already know you can do it. Don't let it get you down. You're strong and you'll kick those pounds to the curb again. You've got this.
  • AmyOwl73
    AmyOwl73 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm right there with you! I'm starting over as well, with an extra 2 pounds over last time. life has its ups and downs, and I guess that includes weight. Bleh. We can do this!
  • baristagirl7
    baristagirl7 Posts: 69 Member
    Anyone Can Add me for extra support! Thanks