Insanity, "Always keep your core tight"?

I have started Insanity for 3 days (just finished Cardio Power and Resistance), and all I can say is that it is Insane. But, I was wondering of what Shaun T meant when he says "Keep your core tight!"?

I haven't felt any pain within the core of my body, except my back. Is this okay, or something is wrong with my form during the workout?


  • Alison_93
    Alison_93 Posts: 16
    He means chest up, shoulders back and down and abs brought in. I find it hard to keep my core tight too but I'm sure with practice it will be better :) Just about to do my day 3 workout now, I really feel it in my legs and back after yesterdays workout D:
  • angebron
    angebron Posts: 6
    He means chest up, shoulders back and down and abs brought in. I find it hard to keep my core tight too but I'm sure with practice it will be better :) Just about to do my day 3 workout now, I really feel it in my legs and back after yesterdays workout D:

    Thank you for answering my question. True, this is a pretty difficult form to maintain, but as what you said, it's all about practice. :wink: The day 3 workout is good. Same problem here, most of the pain are felt in my legs and back from the past workouts.
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    after awhile holding the core in becomes unconscious. But yea the back pain is from not holding your core tight and your back taking the full brunt of a lot of the workout. Basically flex your abs and keep them flexed. Also very good for posture.
  • Smamfa
    Smamfa Posts: 139 Member
    On Week 2 and Keep the core tight has become my mantra! I find myself saying and doing it even when Im not doing the workouts LOL

    Week 1 - my calves were really sore until Day 5 when I got up in the morning and the pain had just gone!
  • fitfoodymama
    fitfoodymama Posts: 3 Member
    I did the Insanity program a few months back to get rid of the extra baby weight, and I asked myself that every time he said it!! It took me a couple weeks to finally be able to keep my core tight, do the exercises, and breath all at the same time. I thought of it as sucking my stomach in and holding it there, but don't forget to breath. Don't worry you will get it, and at the end you will feel great for finishing it! After completing the program I had more confidence\strength to use the weight room at the gym. Ha Now I'm trying to get ripped and toned even more! Good luck!!!!! :smile:
  • angebron
    angebron Posts: 6
    after awhile holding the core in becomes unconscious. But yea the back pain is from not holding your core tight and your back taking the full brunt of a lot of the workout. Basically flex your abs and keep them flexed. Also very good for posture.

    surely, it becomes second nature keeping the posture. And the back pains were really bad. Thank you for the info sir!
    On Week 2 and Keep the core tight has become my mantra! I find myself saying and doing it even when Im not doing the workouts LOL

    Week 1 - my calves were really sore until Day 5 when I got up in the morning and the pain had just gone!

    Though i didn't have any problem with my calves, my thighs and my back was the a real pain in the neck during workouts. But its good to know that you have kept your core tight even when you're not doing the workouts.
    I did the Insanity program a few months back to get rid of the extra baby weight, and I asked myself that every time he said it!! It took me a couple weeks to finally be able to keep my core tight, do the exercises, and breath all at the same time. I thought of it as sucking my stomach in and holding it there, but don't forget to breath. Don't worry you will get it, and at the end you will feel great for finishing it! After completing the program I had more confidence\strength to use the weight room at the gym. Ha Now I'm trying to get ripped and toned even more! Good luck!!!!!

    "sucking my stomach in and holding it there" gives me a clearer view on what keeping the core means. LOL. Thank you for that. Well, good luck to you too on getting that ripped and toned body. :happy:
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Core muscles ... I.E. - your abs, keep them tight/flexed, whatever you want to call it especially with Insanity because it will protect your back.
    also with insanity make sure you are landing softly.
  • johnnygizmo
    johnnygizmo Posts: 59 Member
    I'm in week 4 and it starts to make sense as you get further in. Without knowing it, your core is getting a killer workout from Insanity. (Then add in Cardio Abs and you KNOW it). But you will start to feel your abs contracting on their own in week 3ish. Here in week 4, I've found that when he says that, I can honestly say "IT IS!" without even thinking about it.
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    when doing the exercises, i literally want to punch that show off tonya in the face.... big show off
  • enaranjo78
    enaranjo78 Posts: 2
    Hello all,
    i'm on my 2nd week of Insanity... I finished P90X and thought i'd give Insanity a try. I love it! However, I find that thursday (rest day, yoga, whatever you want to call it) it's pretty boring and i feel i don't get much from it aside from good streches, whichg i get it.. I need it. but i was wondering if i can skip thursdays and do something else in e.i. ab ripper... core syn, etc. just a thougth.

    I do find the tighting my core, while breathing and keeping up with the excercises is hard but my workout partner and I remind each other every min. This helps.
    Good luck everyone!
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    when doing the exercises, i literally want to punch that show off tonya in the face.... big show off

    Me too!! LOL, especially in cardio abs, that girl is a beast!

    Also, make sure that when he says "go into flat back" or doing a squat move that you are not leaning forward with your butt tucked in, stick it out, try to think of it as pushing it into the wall behind you. If you hunch over in those moves you will hurt your back. Chin up, shoulders back, abs contracted and knee behind the toes. Form is so important in any workout.
  • Elly115
    Elly115 Posts: 27 Member
    Wow thanks for posting this, making me more of the fact I might not be engaging my core enough. I'm in the middle of week 2 and loving all the pointers, thanks and good luck!
  • enaranjo78
    enaranjo78 Posts: 2
    Tony is my motivation... that girl is a beast... Gotta love her!
  • Hey everyone, Im 14 just started insanity this week on day 4 just finished cardio recover, ive been having problems contracting my core, I thinknits tensimg your abs,