5 lbs in 3 days; happy, but concerned?



  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    Im just worried that when hit your goal weight and start eating again you will balloon up:cry:
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    While I agree that you should aim for the higher calorie amount - try adding nutritionally AND calorically dense foods like nuts, almond butter, avocados (i.e. good fats) - you are enough overweight that 2 months of eating at a LCD isn't actually going to kill your metabolism. Just try to stop the trend now so that your leptin levels will re-set and your metabolism will even back out. I ate at 1350-1450 for the first couple months and went with MFP recommendations so went as low as 1300 cals or so. Now that I have read more, I am aiming for 1500 cals and I usually have 1 day a week that I "cheat" (i.e. go to a restaurant, have a glass of wine, or have dessert) and eat at TDEE. Haven't noticed any plateaus that weren't basically hormonal. Good luck :)

    P.S. Weight loss is not linear and sometimes water retention or hormonal shifts mask a loss so that it seems to all come off at once
  • chineyLuv
    chineyLuv Posts: 130 Member
    The first weight to go at the beginning, is water weight. If you're drastically cutting down your calories from junk to much healthier choices, this will make a huge dent in your weight loss. I wouldnt worry about u dropping 5lbs in 3 days. It WILL slow down after a while. One thing I could suggest thought, is drink more water! It seems that you're reaching your daily sodium level, but not drinking more than 6 cups of water per day.

    Best of Luck to you!!
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    When switching from high cal foods to lower calorie - it does become a struggle to eat at goal calories. Been there when i started!

    Not always how much you eat that makes you gain but what you eat. I eat more now than I ever have in my life and I am losing. I have had to teach myself to eat every 3 hours! One step at a time..

    First thing - at the beginning try to not be afraid to eat something healthy because of calorie restriction. I was guilty of this. I would restrict all day long then have 500 calories left at the end of the night. If you need to boost your calories I have found Emerald cocoa roast almonds and protein shakes to be perfect. I have found times I was not hungry (and would gag at the thought of food) but needed to boost my cal intake. I can drink 24/7 so proteins hakes were perfect. The almonds are great because a small amount will give you the much needed nutrients and calorie boost.

    Best of luck!
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member

    To OP: a spoonful of peanut butter is always good!

    ^^^ This!!!

    that is my go-to bedtime snack!

    Not saying it is bad advice but I have such a problem with peanut butter. I have eaten a whole jar of natural peanut butter at one time. It's bad. Even when I was a lot skinner I did this.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    Thank you all so much! I usually drink 1% milk cause thats just what I like, but the store was all out of everything but fat free and whole milk, and I don't like the taste of whole milk so I settled for fat free.

    I really appreciate all the advice. (:
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    A balanced dinner should help you up your calories and get lots of the nutrients you need.
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    Don't worry about it. We take in and expel roughly 13.5 pounds of food and water in a day. There are fluctuations day to day, especially the more you weigh overall. A few days under your calories isn't going to hurt you.

    Read this for a better explanation:


    (Scroll down to the "Input/Output" section if it's TL;DR for you.)
  • crissygm
    crissygm Posts: 42 Member
    Hi there! I would be worried that your metabolism will slow down with such a low amount of calories. Adding in one more meal would probably be a good idea. Maybe make a salad, wrap, soup, or whatever you like with some protein and healthy fats and bring that to work to eat during one of your breaks. If you could find the time to make a big batch of soup, you could make a few meals out of that during the week. If you can't handle a large volume of food or don't want to cook, then maybe some peanut butter on celery, a handful of unsalted almonds/whatever nuts you like and/or some fruit/veggies that you can put into containers beforehand and bring with you.