Help!!!! I am having a real struggle!

Hi Everyone! I need some help. I am really struggling to eat well these days. It isn't due to a lack of clean, fresh food in the fridge. I am just really pushing back against it. I injured my back last week so I haven't been able to workout the way I would like. I am trying to heal things properly. As soon as I am injured I just want to eat everything terrible. Kind of like...oh well I can't exercise so eat whatever I want....which is the OPPOSITE than what I should be,

I know what I should be doing but I'm resisting. Any words of advice?
Also if you are looking for new MFP friends, feel free to add me.



  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    How much do you want to change? Ask yourself that and if the answer is you do then get rid of all crappy foods in the house and I mean ALL of them write a menu plan for the next week and a list and shop for only the things on the list. If all you have in is healthy foods then thats all you can eat.
  • sheyennelilly
    sheyennelilly Posts: 122 Member
    You need to find some healthy snacks and meals that you REALLY like so they seem like a bit of a treat to you, even while eating healthy. You don't always have to eat just a plain apple or orange, or salads. Experiment with seasonings.
    Some of my favs are chicken breasts cooked on a skillet with olive oil spray and this asian seasoning I got from Costco (no cals in the spray or seasoning, and I load the seasoning on), cucumber slices dipped in a mix of my favorite salsa mixed with greek yogurt, and fun fruits (to me) like strawberries and watermelon. You can freeze watermelon and make watermelon slushies- things like that.
    Get on Pinterest or a recipe website and just search and experiment until you find some good things that you really look forward to eating. And think outside the box a little! One of my favorite breakfasts now that I eat almost every day is scrambled egg whites mixed with cottage cheese (and some sort of veggie like grape tomatoes or broccolli or zucchini if I have it on hand).
  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    don't give in to your cravings, I know it is a good excuse but is it worth it? then you'll have to work harder to lose the pounds you gain by eating while not working out. Which is the leser evil? the answer seems to be obvious. Try to be disciplined for a few days and see how it goes. It will be easier with each day, you already know it, anyway. Stay strong and positive, busy yourself with something else, not food.
  • JRSchumaker
    JRSchumaker Posts: 93 Member
    Absolutely! When you love what you're eating, you don't want all the crappy food. And yes, get it OUT of your house.
  • marvelmo
    marvelmo Posts: 119 Member
    Journaling feelings when you get the urge to eat will help. We keep thinking weight loss is about food. It's more than that! We turn to food when we perceive life spinning out of control. The book Women God and food addresses the issue of using food to solve non-food problems. Other great reads are the power of now and the untethered soul. Now would be a great time to work on inside while your body is healing. Lately I've been reading MFP blogs the reflective bloggers which help me keep my focus on what' s really important.Wishing you speedy recovery! Hang in there our group will guide you through the storm.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I am really struggling too. Sending friend request.

    Anyone else struggling please feel free to add me too. I really need the support from fellow strugglers right now. Sometimes it is really hard to see all the success when I'm doing so poorly.
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    Food and exercise (and sex) all create endorphins in the body. You may be experiencing an endorphin craving and not an actual hunger craving.

    Possibly look into what you could do that won't put a load on your back. Recumbent stationary bike comes to mind. Light barbell exercises, like curls etc could help. Grip exercisers.

    I've also found that for myself I have great willpower, but piss poor impulse control. It's real easy to not stop at Wendy's for a Frosty, but if a Frosty was in the fridge, it wouldn't make it to lunch. For me the solution was to not buy the junk in the first place. It was the only way, really.
  • Tme2change
    Tme2change Posts: 185 Member
    we can do this!!!