Starting over AGAIN!



  • deenaabbott1
    At least you are still down 2 pounds!!!! You have to look at it on the positive side so you don't drive your self crazy!! The weight thing can do that!! So one step at a time! One inch at a time! One pound at a time!!!! One minute at a time!!!! Do something to help your self even if it is just one more little thing a day!!! Before you know it you will have lost one pound for good!!! Even if you lose 10 and gain back 8 at least you are still down the 2 pounds. Now work towards losing one more pound!!! Rock on !! This is what i do and it does work. Sometimes it works better than other times but it does work in the end!!! Sincerely Deena
  • NicoleDoumbe
    You did it before, you can do it again.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    We've all been there and it does suck.

    I wish I had gained only 8 lbs back....I gained 85 lbs back. :(
  • earvizu92
    earvizu92 Posts: 320 Member
    Feel free to add me!! Dont give up!! :smile:
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    1. Remove from your mind "Starting Over AGAIN" - You never committed before. You never defined your WANT to truly WANT it.

    I live life by this Creed: Realize.Visualize.Choose.Act.SUCCEED.
    If you are unhealthy, it is because YOU CHOSE and ACTED to be unhealthy. Choices are abundant in every moment of life. THe impacts of your actions, both consciously and sub-consciously, are what define your present being. You CREATE the present. Accept that the reason you are who you are is by your choices and actions, REALIZE. See where you want to Improve, VISUALIZE. Make the CHOICE to Change. Take ACTION upon the choices that lead you to SUCCESS.
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    It doeesnt matter how many times we start over....just that we do.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I have consistantly done this... I figured out that I was destroying my hard work nearly every weekend, and I'd let stresses, life stuff be an excuse, something would happen and I'd "treat" myself to a cheat day, and those cheat days were happening more and more frequently and now having been obsessing and trying to lose weight for 3 years with only results going up on the scale, here I am finally realizing that I have to be more accountable. What happened is in the past and now I'm moving forward with more gusto and self determination than ever before. Don't worry about what happened, it's behind you... just look forward. Add me as a friend if you wish, I hope you reach your goals!!
  • gparks
    gparks Posts: 56 Member
    I have been there and done that, but you have to keep going. MFP is a family that supports one another and together we will win this battle. You lost weight before and will lose it again. Feel free to add me.
  • WithWhatsLeft
    WithWhatsLeft Posts: 196 Member
    Everyone is free to add me, as well. I've been slack the last couple months with work, travel, and just being lazy! I haven't gained any weight, but I sure haven't gained any muscle!

    Don't let it get you down. Sometimes it just happens.
  • channy70
    channy70 Posts: 178 Member
    Forget what happened yesterday. Don't worry about tomorrow. Concentrate on today - what choices can you make TODAY that will make TODAY a good day for you and your health.

    Lather, rinse, repeat.

    Sometimes looking at the big picture is overwhelming. Concentrate on one day at a time.
    well put!
  • mistij68
    mistij68 Posts: 84 Member
    Don't get discouraged, because it happens to all of us at some point. Life gets hectic. I'm married and have four children, I don't work now, but that would probably put me over the edge right now!:ohwell: But last year I had started a weight loss challenge and had gotten down to a 130lbs. I was so excited. But during the summer with the kids at home and then the holidays ... by the time January came back around again I was 158lbs.:mad: So now I'm on the 9 week challenge here at mfp and I'm down to 148lbs. So don't give up. It's never to late to start over again. You will do fine! :smile:
  • mlbqueen
    mlbqueen Posts: 12
    I see so many kind words. It helps to hear others stories. I really need a partner to help me keep on track. I seem to get discouraged
    easily. Anyone who feels they could help me in this journey and would like a partner in eating right and staying on track with exercise is more than welcome to add me!
    I was down to 135 lbs and that was great then things happened and I gained it all back. I am now at 152 lbs. and very discouraged. I keep re-starting and then my family wants to eat fried food, sugary things, and massive carbs... I had made a life changing commitment but I don't seem to have the get up and go that I used to have.
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    Great comments on this thread!

    Two thoughts to add:

    1. We will not be defined by what happened yesterday. We will be defined by what happens tomorrow. So make tomorrow a great day - under your calorie goal, great workout, productive day at work, good times with family and friends, etc.

    2. No problem in life (work, school, relationships, etc) will be made better over the long-term by you skipping a workout and eating a lot of food. Period. So don't do it.
  • sllida
    sllida Posts: 115 Member
    feel free to add me always looking for new people and could really use the motivation on here
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I'm there with you!

    I was about half way to my goal and let the "holidays" happen. Never again. This time, I'm counting regardless if I hit my "goal" weight or not.

    I think alot of people hit their goal and then consider themselves "done". That opens their mind to let all kinds of crazy things happen. From now on, for me at least, when I hit my "goal", I'm setting the counter to maintain and still living life as if I'm trying to lose, only using the new "maintain" numbers.

    That's my plan anyway....hope I have the willpower to stay with it!
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    You can do this! Brush yourself off and have at it! :smile:
  • Dragoness1980
    Dragoness1980 Posts: 21 Member
    I think we've all been there. Sometimes life just gets away from you. You will need to refocus on what's important and go from there. But this can take time as well. You'll know when your ready you've just hit a bump in the road. These feelings don't last forever and soon you can pick yourself up & try again. Feel free to add me.
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    Don't get discouraged. It sounds like a lot of people are going through the same thing. I just got back on MFP yesterday and determined to get this weight off once and for all. I lost 30 pounds this year and then went on a cruise in December and another one in March. I went back to my old eating habits and now have gained 21 of the 30 pounds! Frustrated, but I know what to do to get it off again. I have a closet full of skinny jeans and cute clothes that I want to get back into. The nice thing about MFP is that people do reach out to you when you have been gone for a while and it helps you to come back. It's a new month and we need to motivate each other to get Slim for Summer and for life! Feel free to add me. Best of luck everyone!
  • saratague
    saratague Posts: 49 Member
    I COMPLETELY understand - I was going great too...Down almost 50 pounds. Then Christmas and a move across the country happened, then we were getting settled in, and I'm just starting to get back with it.

    I gained back about 30 pounds but I've lost 9 again. You can do it!!!
  • amazonmama69
    I just started reworking my eating habits and foods that I eat in February.

    The one thing that has saved me from sliding down that dietary slippery slope is to have good food components on hand in the refrigerator at all times. I always keep cooked rice, chopped fresh veggies, salad mixes etc. ready so I can grab a couple of containers, mix up a plate and eat. This helps with portion control as well as easy access to good foods.

    I also read a post recently that suggested packing up your own versions of 100 calorie snacks in ziploc bags so you don't have the temptation of "revisiting" the snack bag. I take these to work with me.

    Good luck!