addiction, need help or advice please

hi everyone, im pretty new here, just a quick review of me, i go to the gym, started keeping food and exercise diary calorie counting etc, its going ok but i have one major problem COKE

i used to drink diet coke everytime i had a smoke, i still smoke but this has now gone onto to full fat coke, 1 can of diet used to last me 2-3 *kitten*, now i have 1 can of full fat for 1 *kitten* !

this may sound really stupid, but its not a joke, i literally have an addiction to coke, iv tried going back to diet at least but it now makes me feel sick, if i dont have normal coke i start having withdrawals, such as feeling weak, tired, basically rubbish.

im pretty convinced that if i got rid of coke all together id loose loadsa weight, as i barely eat much at all !!!!!!! i eat quite healthy and i exercise quite well, not super well but id say definately above average, plus im always on the go with work, kids etc.

i need a replacement, something that will taste like coke but not have all the rubbish in it, to wean myself off and away from this stuff , has anyone had this problem or know of anything that is healthier apart from the obvious, when iv tried to tell anyone about it they think its funny, or that im not being serious. but this is so serious, i wake up in the morning and have coke and a smoke, that is my breakfast !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its disgusting but i cant stop


  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    There isn't anything that is going to be like coke but isn't coke. It's unique in it's crapness. You either have to slowly drink less and less of it or switch to something different. Have a massive drink of water before you go for a *kitten* and then you won't feel like drinking a full can of fizzy.
    Sometimes I drink sparkling water and lemon juice, or herbal tea, or just blackcurrant squash.
    Try and look at it like it is...just a soft drink...whose got the upper hand, you or a can of pop?
    How long have you tried gong without? Withdrawal is temporary, give it a few days and you'll be fine.
  • cotton118
    cotton118 Posts: 13
    I used to drink 1-2 cans of coke a day (and still remain skinny; gotta miss that metabolism!). I gradually cut it down by re-introducing coffee back into my diet. I tried sparkling water too but I realized I needed the caffeine fix. I would love to cut back on caffeine altogether, but at least coffee is healthier than all the chemicals in soft drinks!
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Coke Zero
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I have an addiction to coke as well. I just fit it into my calories. It's not that difficult. Now, if you want to cut it out of your day because of high fructose corn syrup... mmmm

    I got nothing for you. I love me some HFCS.
  • billyboybalbo
    billyboybalbo Posts: 156
    just cut it down to nights out mate,few lines is no big deal
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    ....Mom? Is that you...?
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Cold turkey, doll. On both the smokes and the cokes.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Try going back to Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Zevia Cola... basically, anything without the sugar. Then try replacing the soda with sparkling water (if you need more flavor, add lemon, cucumber, orange, strawberries, etc...) until you don't need soda anymore. I crave carbonation, but not soda, so I drink a LOT of sparkling water. Or if you're hooked on the caffeine, switch to coffee or tea and slowly work on reducing your intake of that. You need to figure out if it's the fizziness, caffeine, or flavor you're hooked on and try to find an alternative to that.
  • Phoenixchichima
    this may appall you UK pals.
    ice tea. its cold, its got the caffeine so at least you dont go thru cafeine withdrawals. you can put in less sugar than what is in Coke cola.

    that said, when there is "serve yourself drinks," I get about 2-3 fingers worth of coke & drink that & then get something else no calorie (here in the south western United States, its Ice Tea cuz its been hitting 100 degrees last 2 days ) I love coke but cant afford the calories & having a small bit helps satisfy the craving w/out a full can
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    Cold turkey, doll. On both the smokes and the cokes.

  • LJGettinSexy
    LJGettinSexy Posts: 223 Member
    Sorry, I can't help you, I have the same addiction. What I do to curb my addiction is buy the 7.5 oz of Coke rather than the full can or bottle. I keep an 8pk in the fridge and only drink 1/2 the can, occasionally. What this does for me is it allows me to still get my fix in without all the calories I usually end up pouring out the other half because it goes flat., but I don't mind too much. It has really helped me with my craving while I'm trying to lose weight.
  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    I have dealt with friends with coke addictions before.... usually they go to rehab.

    But seriously you gotta find something else that you like and can replace. what does Coke have...... caffeine and sugar. try some coffee for the caffeine and maybe some delicious mango juice for the sugar part. Its important to break bad habit rituals like smoking first thing in the morning, try to do some meditation or deep breathing exercises instead. If the "*kitten*" are your reason for the coke problem (still thinking about rehab) then stop smoking ftw
  • Jagkat
    Jagkat Posts: 37 Member
    I was too once addicted.. I slowley weaned myself off. Depending on how much you drink a day, start the first week with half that, then the 2nd week half that. Then allow yourself one coke in the evening for a while then just the weekend after about 2 or more weeks of no coke you will be ok. I only drink water now. coke is like alcohol. Once you have another drink you are hooked again and have to stop again.Im talking 12 oz cans here not 2 litters..LOL You can do it!
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    Will power. That's really what it comes down to. Change the habit via sheer will power and the addiction will take care of itself. Slowly change the regimen. Try this: Pour a half a can into a cup and drink only that with your *kitten*.....then slowly switch it up with diet...and then cut them all out together. Like weight loss, it's a slow process, but you can do it!
  • LJGettinSexy
    LJGettinSexy Posts: 223 Member
    ....Mom? Is that you...?

  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    Addiction presents itself in all forms - it can be drugs, alcohol, sex, fast cars and soda. It doesn't mean it's any less serious.

    I've never drank a lot of soda (apart from sparkling water) and never full fat soda so I can't really advise properly.

    What I would suggest is cutting down slowly - like, really slowly. So instead of drinking 5 cans a day, drink 4.5 cans for 5 days/week. Then cut down to 4 cans for same time, then three, and so forth. Cut it down so gently that it is not as noticeable - don't go cold turkey because you are more likely to cave in to your addiction. I don't know if this would work, but could you dilute the coke with sparkling water? So drink "5" cans (but is actually 3 plus sparkling water).

    I'd agree with the poster that said having a big glass of water beforehand may help.

    I was addicted to alcohol (not full blown alcoholism, but very dependent on it) - I was fortunate in that illness prevented me from really drinking, therefore I stopped more or less cold turkey, but I've never taken it back up again and I feel so much better for not drinking.

    My ex had an addiction to energy drinks - he drank 3+ a day and felt horrendous drinking them, but equally as horrendous off them. It won't be easy, but it WILL be a incredibly healthy step to make. The caffeine/sugar withdrawal will be the hardest part but you can do this - just think of how much money you'll save plus the health benefits. Set yourself realistic goals. Speak to a doctor or health professional about it.

    Good luck x
  • cOOkieLpX
    cOOkieLpX Posts: 63 Member
    SodaStream!!! Less calories and less ingredients then regular cola. Plus you make it yourself and have more control of how much cola syrup you want to use.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    methedone helped me...
  • stumpycow
    stumpycow Posts: 94 Member
    My husband is addicted too! He used to drink a 12 pack a day. I forced him to go cold turkey. He had some pretty wicked headaches at first but has been doing pretty good without all that coke. I refuse to buy 12 packs but he gets himself one 20 oz a day and that's it. He drinks a lot more tea and gatorade now.
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    put down the coke, give up the smoke, and start being awesome! I was a pepsi addict, first thing in the moring. one day I just stopped cuz I wanted to get healthy.