*Waves* Hello there!

clb26 Posts: 8 Member
Well I just joined this site yesterday. I am a married woman, whom had our first baby seven-in-a-half months ago. I have struggled with weight issues from being "too skinny" as a young child and being "too big" as an adult. For a while in high school I was considered average, but was a shy geek. As you can imagine I didn't have many friends, and my confidence was pretty bad. Food was a comfort while I battled depression.

It wasn't until I discovered the world of college that I opened up. With people of different backgrounds there I was able to make friends. My now hubby and I met online and got engaged few months later. Unfortunately we knew nothing of healthy cooking. In fact I didn't try to be healthy until three years later when we decided to try to have our first baby. I ate so well during pregnancy but now I find myself slipping.

For me, this isn't just about losing the fifty pounds to be at a healthy weight, I also want to change my lifestyle. I want to be healthy for the future as we plan on having more children, and seeing our grandchildren. I'm hoping this site helps me. Sorry for the long read hehe.


  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Hello and Welcome to MFP.

    Congrats on having your first child. I had my first 8/28/08 (she is almost 2 :(
    I can relate to most of what you said except the skinny part, I have never been the skinny one. I to battle with depression actually I am BiPolar...um Yippee for me....NOT. I met my fiance online as well back in 2004 and we have been very happy. I dont know if I would be able to go through this journey without his support. Everyday he asks me "So you going to the gym today" (in those exact words it doesn't sound much like a ? it is more like a hint). With that being said will your hubby be joining you on your journey? He can maintain if he doesnt have to lose.

    Best of luck we are all here for you!!
  • clb26
    clb26 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the welcome sweetn3ss. My hubby is very supportive too since he knows my history. He will basically be healthy too because he eats what I cook, or will cook what I ask him too. :P We have started to take a walk with baby every night now that the weather is nice again. I'm just hoping I can do this.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Well I just joined this site yesterday. I am a married woman, whom had our first baby seven-in-a-half months ago. I have struggled with weight issues from being "too skinny" as a young child and being "too big" as an adult. For a while in high school I was considered average, but was a shy geek. As you can imagine I didn't have many friends, and my confidence was pretty bad. Food was a comfort while I battled depression.

    It wasn't until I discovered the world of college that I opened up. With people of different backgrounds there I was able to make friends. My now hubby and I met online and got engaged few months later. Unfortunately we knew nothing of healthy cooking. In fact I didn't try to be healthy until three years later when we decided to try to have our first baby. I ate so well during pregnancy but now I find myself slipping.

    For me, this isn't just about losing the fifty pounds to be at a healthy weight, I also want to change my lifestyle. I want to be healthy for the future as we plan on having more children, and seeing our grandchildren. I'm hoping this site helps me. Sorry for the long read hehe.

    Well it was a very nice read! :happy:

    Welcome to the Site, you'll make loads of friends here as everybody is on the same path, trying to eat healthy and the vast majority trying to lose their excess weight, the rest are either on maintenace and some are desperately trying to put weight on.

    I tell you what I found really interesting about your posting, the fact that whilst you were pregnant you went hell for leather to ensure you ate properly - I wonder if, subconsciously, you didn't think you were worthy enough or something to eat properly just for you, because you said after the birth you slipped back again??

    It is excellent you are now making resolutions to do your utmost for yourself now and I am sure you will succeed loads!

    All the very best in your weight loss, feel free to add me at anytime if you want. :flowerforyou:
  • clb26
    clb26 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks LotusF1ower. You could be right about me not thinking I was worthy at that point. It's amazing how your perception changes once you have a child, she's my motivation now. I'm not sure I would be on this site if I didn't have a daughter to care for. Ironically she makes it more difficult to find time to cook healthy foods.

    I hope I do succeed, and I shall add you too. :)