Green Tea Extract

Hello All,

Just wondering if anyone knows much about green tea extract. I'm not one for taking supplements usually but a girl at work told me it's all natural and will help boost my metabolism. Does anyone have any experience with green tea and was it positive or negative?



  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    Yep it works! I take 2 in a pill form before a work out. BOOST of energy. I also drink green tea in the afternoon.
  • nsage1
    nsage1 Posts: 8
    I coupon and got some for free so I have been taking 2 a day. it helps me with energy. I'm not sure if it helps with weight loss.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    The only thing it will do for energy is give a bit of a boost due to the caffeine which you can get from a cup or two of coffee, any teas, etc. The extract or pill or tea won't actually cause you to lose weight.
  • Trojanbabe
    Trojanbabe Posts: 17 Member
    I'd get it in the dropper's fantastic before cardio.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    It's caffeine from green tea. I use it when some numb-nut in the office drinks all the coffee and doesn't start another pot.
  • Omgsitsmanda
    Yes, it actually does help boost metabolism a little bit. (Not enough to stimulate weight loss in it's own, of course) --
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It's only the caffeine that gives you a boost. Building more muscle will boost your metabolism. If there were magic pills we'd all be taking them.
  • mikeholdsworth
    mikeholdsworth Posts: 15 Member
    There are various studies that show the effect of ECGC (active component in Green Tea) is linked to up to 17% increase in calories burned per day. Some studies suggest 300 -600mg is required of ECGC for it to be of benifit for weightloss. Having said that, be carefull as some pills will claim to be 300mg of green tea extract but they only contain 100mg of ECGC.

    I take it with some success.

    What is pretty concrete is taking green tea extract supports your immune system and can help fight against/prevent some diseases.

    Do your research and good luck.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
  • allymacary
    allymacary Posts: 54 Member
    From a weight loss stand point, I can't really say but health wise this stuff is amazing. I've been taking the pills or drinking green tea for years. I stopped taking the pills a few years back because it got way too expensive but I drink 6-8 cups of green tea a day, easily. I have not gotten sick in well over a year. It's amazing!! Even the times I've gotten sick I've bounced back pretty quickly. I know it's not just the green tea but that with a healthy diet and exercise, it has totally made a difference.
  • LindsayLou80
    LindsayLou80 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for all the replies! I know the only true way to actually lose weight is with hard work and dedication, but wanted to know if the green tea would help a bit. I appreciate all the feedback!
  • janejane414
    I'm joining the conversation.
    Me too, I would like to lose weight. I have seen much articles about green tea and its benefits, in particular to lose weight. There are negative opinions and positive opinions. The opinions are shared.
    According to you, it is a good solution? It is efficient? It is better to drink green tea or take green tea pills? Please, could you give me some advices or your opinion?

    Thanks. Jane.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I don't like green tea all that much (sometimes I do, it depends on the variety) however I find that the common-or-garden black tea has a benefit for fat loss

    1. it seems to help with appetite control, i.e. drinking it after a decent meal with the right amount of calories in makes me feel full (moreso than the meal without the tea) and prevents overeating

    2. it has caffeine in, as has been said, caffeine is a stimulant and probably boosts the metabolism a little, although in my case I probably have enough tolerance to caffeine that this doesn't work any more... without caffeine I fall asleep LOL

    3. I like it. It tastes nice, plus I'm a caffeine junkie. I even sip tea between sets when heavy lifting.
  • janejane414

    And do you believe in the benefits of the green tea pills?
  • vivianamiami
    vivianamiami Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I take green tea extract pills I bought at Walgreens. I usually take them after I have worked out & have eaten my breakfast and the only difference I feel is a couple hours later I feel a little warmer body temperature and I feel a very light sweat all over. I think they do work to help a little with weight loss because my body feels warmer, but your main focus and the ultimate key to weight loss should be a diet & exercise.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    this times eleventeen.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    And it tackles cancer too.
  • vivianamiami
    vivianamiami Posts: 35 Member

    And do you believe in the benefits of the green tea pills?

    Yes I do believe there is some benefit to the green tea extract pills.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member

    Just drink green tea and see if that helps before wasting $.