The Female Body Breakthrough

Anyone around doing this program. I just started with great success and find it really amazing and rewarding.

Look forward to hearing from anyone who is, I also have the New Rules for Lifting for Women, haven't had a chance to look at it yet.



  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272

    You have me intrigued!!
  • kcbythec
    kcbythec Posts: 22
    Hi there,

    This is a book that was recommended to me by my trainer at the gym. It includes a clean diet routine as well as dispelling the myth that women shouldn't lift med/heavy weights or they'll bulk up. The nutritional info is very much in line with the Clean Eating Diet allowing for 90% compliance so you can still treat, as well as some great exercises. I have lost three pounds so far and about 5 inches +, one of the measurement being my biceps, which are reduced but already getting that nice tone line on them. I got it online at Amazon and I think it was 16.99.

    The only thing about clean eating is 5-6 small meals per day with lean protein and complex carbs, I have a hard time keeping up with all the eating, but have so much more energy and great for the workouts. The only thing that I don't do is have a protein drink my workout, I have it just before as it also has carb energy which is all clean. Instead I have a salad with protein or a small sandwich with veg and protein.

    I've just ordered the books on the clean diet by Tosca which has received rave reviews, just getting the info from my trainer until books arrive.

    Oh, and the only other thing I don't do that the book recommends is intense interval cardio. Tried it but it blew through my beta blocker med so I have to do steady state cardio. But in my 5-6 workouts per week, I only have just one cardio day so it's not a big deal. Can't fight mother nature on that one.

    Hope this helps, see you around.

  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Bump. I recently picked this book up and am starting the program. Anyone else?