Looking for some beginner tips

Hi all. I'm 27 and I'm new to myfitnesspal. My goal is 10 lbs. I've lost three thus far. My goal is less than 1200 calories per day. Since I started this program, roughly two weeks ago, my body has already gotten used to the low calorie thing. As a result I'm having a hard time meeting my full 1200 calories. I just feel too full. Today I only hit roughly 900. I know this is not healthy. I'm eating light breakfast, light lunch and a slightly heavier dinner with one snack in between lunch and dinner. Dinner is leaving me feel too full. I'm also feeling a bit short of breath which I presume is due to the low calorie intake. I'm thinking I will try to up my breakfast portion a bit larger and add another light snack between breakfast and lunch. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    Your overall caloric intake needs to be higher. You're teaching your metabolism to slow by eating so little.
  • hopkinsa11
    hopkinsa11 Posts: 21 Member
    hey hun, you need to eat denser cal. foods. peanut butter is a great way to sneak some in, as well as any kind of nut or bean. you really should up your cals. you may loose weight, but you not being healthy about it. were you have such a small goal you should loose between .5-1 lbs a week. try up'ing your cal intake to 1350 to 1400. maybe even up to 1600. your body already burns over 2000 cals just living ( depends on age, sex,wight,height). you don't want to starve ur body. also try to at least eat 1200 cal. 900 is to little. i really wouldnt go under that
  • MzNikiDaDancingQueen
    MzNikiDaDancingQueen Posts: 18 Member
    So far u r doing good wit the light breakfast n lunch. what I suggest to do is repack nuts, cheese, fruits in a tupawear so that u always a small snack between meals
    that way ur getting a well balance calorie intake
  • Thanks ladies. I like the idea of throwing in the cheese, nuts and fruits between meals. I'm trying to force myself on a big dinner because I know I need the calories but I'm just going about it wrong way I guess. Thanks again!
  • Helenotero48
    Helenotero48 Posts: 11 Member
    How can you eat so little ?My problem is I am eating too much.
  • T
  • Truly I was eating way too much before. I have a new baby and a new job so I'm staying very very busy lately. I think I was so busy that slowing down on the food amount wasn't an issue because I didn't have time to think about it. Now my body is accustomed to it I guess

    Sorry for the double post. This is my first time on here.
  • sjenkin6
    sjenkin6 Posts: 34 Member
    I usually eat my lowest cal meal for dinner and the most cals in the morning. Figure I'll need the energy throughout the day and need less at night . I'm also a beginner and am still trying to learn the ins and outs but that seems to make sense.

    And you most definitely are not eating enough.Your body is trying to preserve because its getting so little.
  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member
    My best Beginner Tip: Begin. :wink:
  • Shetchncn1
    Shetchncn1 Posts: 260 Member
    You don't have to up portions just change to calorie rich food: example dairy, nuts, etc. It can be really healthy foods - it does not have to be junk food
  • kingtermite
    kingtermite Posts: 82 Member
    Your overall caloric intake needs to be higher. You're teaching your metabolism to slow by eating so little.

    According to Jillian Michaels' book that I just read (Winning By Losing), anything below 1200 calories per day for a woman (1500 for a man) will slow your metabolism which means you body will naturally start burning less calories. You MUST have a high enough caloric intake to not stunt your metabolism.

    Breakfast should be your bigger meal. Lighter at lunch, but still big. Dinner is the meal you should lighten if you lighten one.
  • michiganderrdh
    michiganderrdh Posts: 151 Member
    I would love to see your diary to see what you are eating . I stick to 1200 on days I don't exercise (just my rest days) but otherwise 1500-1800 on days I exercise. I keep the nutrition lean and clean, primarily vegan so it really is TONS of food for the calories.
    I also try to eat smaller meals throughout the day which helps me to keep fed and my metabolism burning. Smoothie for breakfast, apple/nuts for am snack, huge green salad for lunch with soup or quinoa, carrots/hummus before workout, dinner is vegetable, starch (sweet potato, brown rice), protein (beans, tofu) and fruit. I'm 5'2" and 120lbs.
  • Hey Cassie, 1200 Calories is good to stick to until you reach your goal and I agree, try not to eat under that or you will slow your metabolism and put the weight back on (which has happened to me so many times!).

    I have lost 6 kg in 5 months and when I loose the last 4kg to maintain my new weight I plan on 1200 calorie week days (Monday-Friday) and eating about 1500 calories on weekends. At the moment I am aiming for 1200 calories everyday.

    It might sound 'regimented' but I find I am like you and 1200 calories leaves me feeling full enough, but the way I see it is the 1500 calorie weekends will allow for that cheeky glass of wine and some cheese or a meal out with friends on a Saturday night... that stuff is full of calories!

    The way to reach 1200 calories in the meantime is by including high protein, low GI snacks I was told by a local fitness instructor. Thinks like museli bars (watch the sugar in some of them) between meals, nuts are great too (they seem like they are full of calories but they are also full of good fats)... it'll be easy for you to achieve.