Too Much Protein

Hi everyone - is it "bad" to go over your recommended protein intake (under in everything else though)?


  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hi everyone - is it "bad" to go over your recommended protein intake (under in everything else though)?

    It all depends how much exercise and what that exercise consists of really. Protein is needed to build muscle, well that's one of its jobs. So if you go to the gym and lift weights and are continually tearing muscle fibres in that training (which is what happens in weight training) you will need the protein to repair the tears otherwise you will end up injured. The same with aerobic exercise, cardio.

    However, if you are sitting on your butt all day filing your toenails I don't think going too far over your protein would be advisable.
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    As far as I know, there are no long term bad effects of too much protein intake. You will bulk up to the point of where your body has taken in the maximum it needs.
    Your body needs a certain amount of protein, and once it feels it has enough then it will excrete the rest. You will need a higher amount compared t o sedentary person, if you are active.
  • madjo
    madjo Posts: 17
    Thanks guys - started back exercising the past few days so that could explain it. I guess going over protein is surely healthier than going over sat fat or sugar?!
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    I dont think there is any benefits to going over your protein, but going over your fat or sugar will slow down your progress.
  • LycraLegs
    LycraLegs Posts: 62 Member
    I am always over on protein, and fibre, and its working for me! I feel like there are benefits when said protein comes from low fat sources, like lean red meat and even better white meats and fish.

    I aim to be in the green for Cals, Carbs and Fats, as those are energy and are directly related to the extra junk in my trunk! I do not mess around with these, but fibre and protein, I try and get as much as I can from natural sources. Im not a 'synthetic shake' or 'protein bar' type of dieter, but I have been packing in the grilled lean meats and bran flakes, which amount to more than the daily MFP guidance, but I have been at it for 100 days and have lost 40lbs so far, Im happy with my progress and I think that my current balance is working well for me personally.

    Dont be afraid to see what works for you!

    Good luck and congrats on the loss so far! :happy:
  • madjo
    madjo Posts: 17
    Lesbionairre - I'm the same as you - green for cals, carbs & fats (there is too much junk in my trunk) and all my protein is from low fat dairy and fish.

    I only go over my protein by no more than 12g so not too worried - great loss for you! Keep at the good work :-)
  • candican
    candican Posts: 96
    I don't think you can go wrong with going over on fiber. I think too much protein is only bad for certain people with certain medical conditions. I changed my settings to get at least 25g of fiber a day. MFP only calculated 15g for me and I think that is too low. I don't meet the 25g exactly every day but I get close. Usually I meet that high amount of fiber with grains, veges, and products that are stuffed with it like the Mission low carb tortillas.
  • sandi_1960
    sandi_1960 Posts: 1 Member
    ok what do you consider normal protein intake i have to have 66 to 75 grams of protein or more daily:bigsmile:
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    How much protein we need can differ from person to person. I've just started upping my protein and am aiming for the 69g the 1st test tells me I should eat. The 2nd test says I should eat 136-170g a day.
  • quentin259
    Lesbionairre - I'm the same as you - green for cals, carbs & fats (there is too much junk in my trunk) and all my protein is from low fat dairy and fish.

    I only go over my protein by no more than 12g so not too worried - great loss for you! Keep at the good work :-)
    how much have you lossed
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I actually lose weight better when I go a little over on protein and a little under on carbs. You'll just have to see how your body reacts to it. If you're not losing, make adjustments. Otherwise, don't worry about it.
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    I wasn't going to touch this topic until I noticed that people were saying that there are no risks associated with eating too much protein, and that's not true. I doubt the average person who is not on a high-protein diet would end up going far enough over their recommended intake to constitute "too much." But just be aware that it is possible and have a rough idea of about how much protein you're supposed to be consuming every day which is .36 grams for every pound of body weight unless you're a bodybuilder or an athlete where many hours of your day is spent working out. Negative effects can include stress and damage to your kidneys and weak bones because if you don't up your calcium intake along with your protein intake, calcium is leeched from your bones in order to absorb the acids that are released as you're digesting protein. Here are a few websites on the subject:

    Like I said earlier, you would probably have to be eating really high amounts of protein on a regular in order to have these negative effects, but they are possible.