IronMan Triathalon: who has done it?

Who here has done and IronMan Triathlon? I am going to start with a 5K then go to 10K then go to a 1/2 Marathon then a Full Marathon, I think after I have done all of that I want to do an IronMan. I already love to swim and am working on running, I just need to start biking. I really want to do this. I don't have to finish 1st I just want to finish. Can I get some advice and training tips?


  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    bump...... anyone?
  • jennontheroad
    jennontheroad Posts: 142 Member
    haven't done one and don't want to --- but my friend has done a few full IronMan triathalon, and he was never an athlete growing up, just a nerdy Asian guy, got cancer, kicked it's *kitten*, and now is a supreme athlete! he is a true inspiration.
  • phipps3113
    phipps3113 Posts: 16
    I have done 5. Not a traditional athlete. Didn't own a bike until after my first marathon. Didn't swim at all until the bike shop who sold me the bike told me that I already had 2 of the 3 so I should go join their tri club...that was 2005. I did my 5th IM in 2010. Start with a good plan that you can manage yourself: has many free programs that you can use. Learn the proper nutrition and hydration as well. Find a group to train with and have fun!
  • kslocum17
    kslocum17 Posts: 6 Member
    I haven't done an IM, but have been doing tri's for a few years now. is THE BEST website full of info and a great community.
  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    Thanks guys. I am excited to do it after I work my way through running. phipps- like you I want to complete a marathon first and I have to buy a bike.... I already swim but to swim that distance I have to work hard. I can't wait to work on it.
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    Great goals, but going from a marathon to the Ironman distance triathlon is a big jump. Make sure you do some open water swims, sprint triathlons, olympic distance and 70.3 (half-ironman) distance triathlons as well. It might be worth looking into a trainer or training group to work with and get pointers and guidance.

    I have never done the full ironman distance yet, but I have done 3 70.3 distance. Training for a full ironman often takes about 20 hours a week and I just don't have that extra time with working full time and a family.

    Good luck and enjoy the training!
  • tlhutch11
    tlhutch11 Posts: 2 Member
    No - but contemplating the same goal. I am in the process of buying a bike. Planning to do a marathon in October. Maybe a bike ride/century in late August. And an olympic distance tri in September. If all of that goes well, maybe I can register for an IM.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    The whole marathon thing doesn't really grab me. However, a few weeks ago (ironically a week after I quit smoking) I started looking into Triathlons in my area. I am training to attempt a Sprint Distance Tri in September and hopefully work my way up from there. I got an old road bike for free and am in the process of rehabbing it so I can get on the road. In the mean time I am using the spinning bikes in the gym at my work. Go get your goal, let nothing hold you back.

    Best advice I got for training for a Tri is work on transitioning from the bike portion to the running portion. If I can do that, I can do anything!