new here

Started my journey a few months ago, but created a MFP account yesterday. I'd like to make friends...any age and any stage of their journey. I have type two diabetes and I'm currently hooked up to a 21 day heart monitor. I've lost 17 lbs so far. Im doing well..steady on to my goals. I hope to meet all of you soon.


  • bigtwagner
    bigtwagner Posts: 113
    You can certainly add me. I'm always looking for help/ to help anyone that i can. there is no such thing as too much motivation!
  • Good job! I am on here just for support (not to track food or anything). I have heart disease, and need to lose weight for my health. I added you :)
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    I have been with MFP for about 480 days now, you are welcome to add me if you think I can offer you any motivation. I am now in my maitenance phase but it is still a struggle to make sure I eat right and exercise regularly. Enjoy ur journey!
  • wnbsz10
    wnbsz10 Posts: 1
    Also started my MFP journey yesterday. Have never counted calories before, but figured it was worth a go. Been struggling with my weight more since I had my second child......& that was 4 years ago!! So really need to get motivated & battle the bulge! Hope we can be of some help to one another.
  • mrsbee48
    mrsbee48 Posts: 40 Member
    I joined MFP AGAIN on February 5th of this year. I have suffered 3 strokes 2 years ago and I have to much to live for . I can relate when we have health issues, WE are the one who have to take care of ourselves, nobody else can.
    I've lost 20 pounds so far and you seventeen so we're doing it at the same pace. Did you take your measurements? I had lost 4.3" in two months. I'll tgake them again at the end of 4.
    I find that I need exercises to lose; eating healthy doesn't cut it for me. I saw you do it too.:smile:
    It's strange but for the first time I am so committed to be in shape and healthy. I haqve never stuckto a plan this long before. I was 237 on Feb 5th! Now down to 217.
    Do you have a plan? I set 5 pounds at a time goals. It's acheivable as compaI try to do this a pound a to the whole 100 pounds I'd like to lose. I try to aceive this a pound shed a week.
    Together we can do it!